Thursday, May 31, 2007

Original British Weight Loss Cure Revealed

Kevin Trudeau's The Weight Loss Cure They Don't Want You to Know About You About starts with a bold promise that may or may not be true...

"You are about to discover an absolutel cure for the unnatural condition called obesity. Not a diet, but an actual cure. A real weight loss cure has been discovered, verified, and proven beyond a shadow of a doubt....

"... Hundreds of thousands of people from around the globe have been cured of being over weight by sticking with this natural weight loss cure protocol."

Discovered by a British doctor over 30 years ago, the original weight loss cure protocol has been used to treat hundreds of the rich and famous.

But does this miracle weight loss cure really work? And if so, why don't more people know about it? Is it really true that this cure has been kept secret?

Listen. Most diets do not work because they do not address the actual cause of obesity. It's like treating the symptoms of a cold versus addressing the virus. So the weight you lose on a normal diet is not the weight you really want to lose.

Think about it. Most diets and exercise programs are designed to limit calorie consumption or help you burn more calories than you consume. Consquently you tend to lose water, structural fat and muscle instead of the problem area secure fat deposits.

People with excessive weight issues tend to share three similarities:

* A low, slow burning metabolism. This means your physical body simply does not burn calories as quickly and as efficiently as as normal, non-obese person. Individuals suffering with obesity simply have a lower metabolism. To cure obesity, this under-active metabolism needs to be remedied and the weight loss cure does that.

* You are often hungry. A heavy person is physically more hungry than a naturally thin person. This is a real physiological response to the body requiring more fuel because of the increased size of their bodies. This is not a mental or psychological issue. It is a real physical issue that is addressed by the weight loss cure.

* Compulsive eating. Emotional eating, bing eating and unnatural food cravings are all habits shared by those suffering from obesity. The british weight loss cure protocol addresses this core issue as well.

When you use the weight loss cure protocol, all of these common traits are handled easily. You can expect to lose sixteen ounces (or one pound) per day without feeling hungry. Problem areas will disappear before your eyes without the need to sweat it out or torture yourself at the gym.

Your body will be reshaped as if you had liposuction.

You will have more energy and overall vitality. You will lose 2-5 pounds the first day, and continue to lose a pound or more per day. Your waist will shrink, your hips will shrink and you'll lose inches from all the problem areas that have been plaguing you for years.

The Weight Loss Cure Protocol will reset your metabolism to that of a normal skinny person. This means, when you have finished the protocol, your body will burn food for fuel more efficiently and you will not feel abnormally hungry. You will not have to deal with willpower or deprivation ever again.

But wait! Can this really be true? Not according to many people - doctors and professionals included. In fact, there is a LOT of controvercy surrounding this so-called weight loss cure. So, perhaps, the best advice is get more information about this weight loss cure before committing yourself to it.

Acne Can Impact A Lot More Than Your Skin

All in all, acne is perhaps one of the most cruel conditions of the skin. It tends to strike young people during their most psychologically vulnerable years and it does so in a way that's so very visible. Inasmuch, this condition can not only leave behind permanent scars on a person's face, but also on his or her psyche.

The sad fact of the matter is that acne can cause severe embarrassment, emotional detachment, feelings of insecurity and more. It might seem silly to allow the condition to do this to oneself, but it can and does happen. Since it strikes young people most frequently during an age when they're most insecure to begin with, acne can actually be pretty debilitating.

The psychological effects of acne have been described by some as monumental. Even though just about everyone in the world gets acne at some point in life or another, this fact seems to be of little comfort for the teen who just took an entire day of ribbing at the hands of those who are not so enlightened.
The psychological impacts of acne can include:

* Social withdrawal. Not wanting friends or family to see the person "in their condition."
* A loss of self-esteem. Looks have a lot to do with how people feel. If a teen, especially, feels less than attractive due to acne, it can really be a big hit on the self-esteem level.
* Lowered self-confidence. When self-esteem plummets, this does too, and along with it comes a lessened body image.
* Feelings of depression. While it might not be clinical depression, symptoms that fall into this arena bear watching. Severe depression is characterized as that which lasts more than a few weeks. Acne in and of itself may or may not cause this, but when coupled with other factors, attention to the problem may be warranted.
* Anger, frustration. It's hard to be pleased with the things around you when you're not happy with yourself. This can present with feelings of severe anger and frustration with just about everything.

When acne is bad enough to create negative psychological effects, it's most likely beyond time to treat the condition. Even if the person in question only has what most would characterize as "mild" breakouts, avoiding the impacts of the psychological symptoms often will benefit from treating the physical. Although there's no single "cure" for acne, there are ways to lessen its presence. Seeking medical attention for the symptoms - both psychological and physical - is a good route to choose.

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Types Of Arthritis And Treatments

Arthritis is one of the most common diseases that occur globally. The term arthritis is a general term that is used for almost a group of 100 diseases. These diseases bear some similar characteristics like inflammation and pain in joints. Arthritis word is a Greek word that literally means inflammation in joints. Though some people suffering from arthritis might not complain inflammation in the joint but the common complain is discomfort in joint.

Out of these 100, major three occurring arthritic conditions are

(a) Osteoarthritis – it is a condition in which the cartilaginous tissue that is present in the joint gets converted to bony structures. Due to this body tissue formation the movement of the joints gets restricted and there is severe pain in the joint on movement. In ayurvedic terminology it is known as sandhi gata vata and is caused due to vata vitiation in the body.

(b) Gout – gout is a disease that is commonly seen in rich people due to their luxurious life style. This disease occurs due to life style disorders and commonly seen in people who lacks physical activities in their life style. In these diseases the serum uric acid gets increased and due to this its crystal formation occurs that ultimately settles in the joints. As the joint space gets occupied with these crystals of uric acid. On movement, these crystals hinder the free movement of the joint. In ayurveda this situation is called as vata Rakta.

(c) Rheumatoid arthritis – it is a condition in which our immune system attacks our own body. It is an autoimmune disease that can lead to the joint inflammation. Some times the surrounding tissues also get inflamed. In ayurveda it is known as aamvata. It happens due to vata vitiation in the body. It causes severe pain in joints and very often swelling is present.


· Pain in joints
· Inflammation
· Restricted movements
· Arthritis initiates in small joints first
· Joint is warm
· Generally red color is seen on the affected joint

Home remedies for arthritis

Below are some of the home remedies that are very effective in treating arthritis.

· Rub the castor oil on the affected joint to get instant relief from pain. Castor is known as errand in ayurveda. It is helpful in suppressing pain as castor is vata suppressant.

· Ashwagandha is an herb that is very effective in suppressing pain and reducing inflammation in the joint.

· Garlic is also very effective in suppressing pain and reduces the inflammation of the joint.

· Shallaki an ayurvedic herb also is one of the best pain reliever in the arthritic condition. It is also helpful in reducing the swellings on the joint.

· 2 table spoon of lemon mixed with the honey and is then taken with a cup of warm water gives immense relief in arthritic pain.

· Mix a spoon of cod liver oil in a glass full of freshly derived orange juice is also an effective remedy for treating joint pains and arthritis

· Half tea spoon of turmeric powder is taken in warm milk is very effective remedy in treating arthritis

· You can immerse the joint in the hot water and can move the joint in it.

· Hot vinegar can be applied on the affected joint to get the instant relief.

· The joint can be rubbed with a mixture of two parts of olive oil and kerosene oil. It is an effective treatment for getting instant relief from arthritis.

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Swara Yoga For Health, Wealth And Happiness

Swara Yoga is an ancient science of nasal breathing that correlates the breath with sun, moon and five elements. The practice of Shiva Swarodaya allows us to synchronize our breath with the universal rhythm. This alignment removes undue efforts, stress and strain from our daily activities. Swara Yoga practice helps us to change unwanted physical, mental or emotional states at will, create favourable conditions for one’s life by changing the internal environment thus improving one’s attitude towards life through increased awareness.

Before we get focused on Health, Wealth & Happiness, let us have some basic understanding of three Swaras or Nadies through Swara Yoga.

If you observe your breath, you will notice that at a given time, any one nostril is more dominant and the other one relatively congested. This keeps changing every one to two hours and during the transition period, both nostrils may be equally dominant for few seconds.

The right nostril dominance is associated with pingala nadi or surya nadi. The pingala, which is the masculine or solar principle, is associated with the left hemisphere of the brain that controls the right side of the body. The left nostril dominance is associated with the Ida nadi or chandra nadi, the feminine or lunar principle, associated with the right hemisphere of the brain and controlling the left side of the body. Just by observing the direct effect of solar and lunar currents of breath on human behavior, swara yogis were able to ascertain the activities best suited during the left nostril dominance and activities best suited during the right nostril dominance.

The nose can be seen as the main switch of cerebral hemispheres. It can stimulate electromagnetic activity on one side of the body and it can switch the hemispheric activity on and off at will. The third nadi is “shushumna”, where the left and the right are perfectly balanced. It represents “Shiva” (pure consciousness) in the state of “so-hum”. Whenever the nostrils switch, both are open for seven to eight breaths. That is the time when the shushumna breath flows. No worldly activities are recommended in Shiva swara. One must meditate. Intuitive knowledge is received best during this state.

In the original manuscript of Shiva Swarodaya there are 395 sutras, many of them deal with Health, Wealth & Happiness.

Health: One can easily maintain good health with the knowledge of Swara Yoga. Here are few tips to help you.

If you want to alter an unwanted physical, emotional or mental state, just breathe through the more congested nostril. This prevents worsening of the symptoms and promotes rapid recovery. Swara yoga advises changing of the active nostril at the first sign of any physical, emotional or mental disturbance.
To cure the common cold, breathe through the right nostril 21 times by blocking the left nostril. Also sleeping on the left side gives considerable relief; as it activates the right nostril.
In case of acidity and fever, activating the left nostril helps. You can block the right nostril and breathe through the left nostril 21 times. Also sleeping on the right side helps to reduce fever.
Swara medicines can be prepared with the knowledge of swara yoga. Swara medicines work at the vibrational level and can help the patients without any side effects.

Sutra no. 391 of Shiva Swarodaya says about the health and medicines that, he who has first hand knowledge and awareness of three nadies and five elements, to him even the million times more powerful rasayana itself would not be able to equate.

Wealth: Normally it is understood that one can earn good amount of wealth based on one’s Knowledge, Skills, Attitudes and Strategy. But Swara knowledge goes much deeper than these normal understanding. According to Swara Yoga, to assure success in world, one must enter the cosmic rhythm and stay tuned to it… and you get success with effortless ease!

But how does one align with the cosmic rhythm? Here is the simple way to do it.

Get up each day at least half an hour before the sunrise. Find out the dominating nostril. Kiss the corresponding hand. With the same hand, touch or rub face, neck, chest, thighs and feet. Then while stepping out of the bed, the foot that corresponds to the operating nostril should be placed onto the ground first. Then one can proceed for the morning activities. This simple practice helps you align the subtle flow of energy that ensures success in everything that happens for that day.

Swara yoga also helps to influence people…

Whenever it is desirable to influence the other person, if one’s right nostril is operating, the person to be influenced should be positioned onto the right, below or behind. In case of left operating nostril, onto left, above or in the front.

Sutra no. 214 of Shiva Swarodaya says that the knowledge of swara is a secret wealth. There is no other wealth higher than that as because of the knowledge of swara, one can approach anything and indeed could get the fruit, without an effort!

Sutra no. 53 of Shiva Swarodaya is about giving Dana (Charity). It says, if a wise man performs an act of charity at the time of inhalation through left nostril, it bestows upon him a crore ( ten millions) fold auspicious fruits in this very lifetime!

Sutra no. 389 of Shiva Swarodaya is about health & wealth. It says that the person who is well versed with the knowledge and awareness of Swara Yoga, the Goddess Lakshami is at his feet and to him there would be happiness all over the body!

Happiness: Normally it is understood that happiness is a state of mind… but Swara Yoga delves much deeper. It says… happiness is the natural by product of the enlightened consciousness! In fact, ultimately the very aim of Swara Yoga is to get enlightened.

Sutra no. 27 of Shiva Swarodaya says that the knowledge of Swarodaya is the best among all the things, the best science and is like the flame of lamp, and is ultimately for the enlightenment of the receptacle in the form of the body. The phrase used is Atma-ghata-prakasarthe… indicating self-illumination, self-realization or the knowledge of the self in Indian sense.

Swara yoga is a practical science that can help us to get attuned to cosmic rhythms to get Health, Wealth & Happiness. Make the best use of it!

Nutritional Supplements, Vitamins And You

We all know that a diet of foods rich in vitamins, minerals and other nutrients is necessary to our health and well being. If you eat a healthy diet or supplement your diet with nutritional supplements such as vitamins and minerals, you might not be getting the nutrients you think you are getting. You probably hear lots of info about the need to get sufficient amounts of vitamins in your daily diet, and to take a vitamin supplement if you aren’t getting those necessary vitamins.

I gather that some of us might be in good enough health not to need additional vitamins, minerals, and other dietary supplements, but you might want to think about adding at least a daily vitamin supplement to your diet. Most of us are prepared to concede the necessity of having a good balance of vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients in our daily diet for good health, but many of us wonder if it is necessary to use vitamin pills and other dietary supplements to do this. Although the need for vitamins and minerals is widely recognized, most people don't bother to take supplements that would ensure adequate vitamin intake.

Many minerals and vitamins can manipulate the activity levels of another vitamin and minerals. There are a lot of farmers starting to produce organic food in recent years but it will still take a generation to be able to get any minerals and vitamins back into the soil. Of course it is a good idea to take a vitamin and mineral supplement, but as it always was, it is still recommended that you get more of your vitamins and minerals from whole food sources.

In a study conducted in 2002, it was found that many Americans take vitamins and minerals supplements because they believe that it is good for their basic health and a large majority take it as a dietary supplement. You must only take vitamins to help supplement a well balanced diet and do not go overboard, so take vitamin supplements in moderation. On the whole, if you have a normal well balanced diet this should provide your body with the vitamins it needs, but if your diet is not fully balanced then you may need to supplement the vitamins you receive in your diet.

Absorption is not designed for the break down of vitamins and minerals but simply a method the body uses to transform nutrients into usable substances. This is one of the many important vitamins for infants, and for example, babies with a B12 deficiency may simply fail to develop normally. Most of the vitamins humans need is synthesized by plants, so you get plenty when you eat a variety of fruit, vegetables, whole grains, beans and other seeds.

One of the biggest reasons that you need to take the best multi vitamins on a daily basis is because of the reduction of nutrients in the soil used to grow our food. Before you grab up the latest, cutest, most expensive or cheapest vitamins you can find, take a minute to assess what it is that you expect to accomplish. But what if you comprehend that you really aren’t getting the vitamins you need?

Monday, May 28, 2007

Boost Health With A Daily Multiple Vitamin

Although there are many vitamin and mineral supplements to choose from, finding the right multivitamin can take a little bit of time and effort. To find the right one for you, you need to ask questions, read label, compare products, and choose wisely. A good multivitamin should complement good nutrition, not replace it. After finding the right formula for your gender and age, you will have a strong nutritional foundation. Even a diet that is healthy diet can be improved by taking a multivitamin. Research shows that individuals who are eating a very healthy diet can improve their nutritional status through the use of a multivitamin.

Vitamins are organic substances or chemicals that are found and food and essential for life. Even though vitamins have their own specific jobs, they work together as a team. Deficiency in one vitamin can lead to sickness. All vitamins are either fat or water-soluble. For example, vitamins A, D, E, and K are fat-soluble and can be stored for a good amount of time in our fat and in the liver. Water soluble vitamins, such as vitamins C and B, cannot be stored and must be taken more than once a day for optimum nutrition.

The Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) is defined as the average daily dietary intake level that is sufficient to meet the nutrient requirement of nearly all healthy individuals in a group. This means that RDA amounts of vitamins and minerals are the standard amounts that healthy people need to consume each day in order to avoid deficiency. The RDA does not take into account teenagers, people over the age of 45, and those who are taking oral contraceptives, pregnant, nursing, dieting, engaging in extreme physical activity, drinking alcohol, taking prescription medications, eating processed food, eating prepared food, stressed at work or at home, smoking, or exposed to second hand smoke or air pollution.

Because men and women have different nutritional needs, they need different multivitamin formulas. Age can also be a determining factor in the amount and type of vitamins you need to take. When it comes to multivitamins, one most definitely does not have the same benefits to all people. However, there are a few vitamins then men and women of all ages require. Vitamin A is a very necessary vitamin for everyone. It helps prevent certain types of cancer, helps reduce harmful cholesterol levels and the risk of heart attacks, prevents night blindness, and helps improve our vision. Similarly, it also aids our immune system, helps keep our skin, teeth, bone, hair, and gums healthy and strong, and helps to reduce age spots. Vitamin C, which is also a necessary vitamin for all people, strengthens the immune system, helps prevent chronic illness and cataracts, assists in lowering cholesterol, and helps make collagen. It also repairs damaged cells, bones, and teeth, as well as helps heal wounds, burns, and bleeding gums. Vitamin C can help healing after surgery, prevent colds and the flu, protect us against cancer, and help our bodies to absorb iron. Vitamin D works with vitamins C and A to help prevent colds. It also helps the body absorb calcium and vitamin A and helps to build strong bones with the help of phosphorus and calcium. Vitamin E helps to keep our skin looking young, helps oxygen get around in our bodies, prevents and helps dissolve blood clots, and helps burns heal faster. It also helps lower blood pressure, helps nerves convey messages faster, stops leg cramps, and helps boost our energy levels. Vitamin K is essential to the activation of osteocalcin, which is a protein that helps prevent bone loss. It also allows our body to produce prothrombin, a blood-clotting chemical that is essential so that our blood can clot. The B vitamins are an extremely important group of vitamins that work best when they are available in the body. Thiamin, which is also known as vitamin B1, helps keep our nerves and muscles working well. It can also prevent seasickness and tooth pain after dental work, as well as helps to treat shingles and helps with the digestion of carbohydrates. Thiamin also prevents beriberi. Riboflavin, known as vitamin B2 or vitamin G, is easily harmed by light and is the most common vitamin deficiency among Americans. It helps our vision, supports reproduction, helps eliminate sore mouths, lips, and tongues, and helps metabolize fats, proteins, and carbohydrates. Niacin not only lowers total cholesterol, but it also raises HDL (good) cholesterol. It also improves circulation, helps to eliminate bad breath, helps to reduce migraine headaches and dizziness, and reduces our cravings for sweets. Vitamin B6 can only work in our bodies for eight hours. Therefore, deficiencies in this vitamin are noted in many diseases. It helps us to make antibodies, stop nausea, reduce morning sickness, relieve mouth dryness, help reduce leg cramps and numbness in hands, help us use protein and fats, and helps make more niacin. With the help of folic acid, B6 can reduce harmful levels of homocysteine, which is an amino acid linked to heart disease and Alzheimer’s disease. Vitamin B12 makes DNA with the help of folic acid. It also helps our nerve cells communicate, helps burn fat, and keeps us energized. Deficiencies of B12 can cause serious types of anemia and even nerve cell damage. Folic acid has a powerful ability to prevent spinal bifida, as well as help milk production in nursing mothers, reduce pain, make our skin look healthier, kill germs that cause food poisoning, help cells grow and divide, and help make DNA. Biotin is a natural beauty product that helps delay gray hair and baldness and also helps heal eczema and inflammation of the skin. It can also help aching muscles. Pantothenic acid helps us make antibodies to fight infection. It also converts sugar and fat into energy, therefore reducing fatigue.

Because our body needs minerals to provide rigidity and strength to our teeth and bones, help with nerve and muscle function, help with the clotting of blood, and for everyday tissue repair and growth, there are many minerals we need each day to keep us healthy. Be sure that the multivitamin supplement you buy contains calcium, iodine, magnesium, zinc, selenium, copper, manganese, chromium, molybdenum, sodium, potassium, boron, and vanadium. Iron should be present in a formula for women who are still menstruating, as other adults can meet their needs for iron through food. Women need more silica to keep their bones healthy, as well as boron and calcium.

Vitamins can be easily wiped out by light, air, heat, and water. Therefore, cooking many foods can actually destroy their vitamins. Fortunately, taking a good quality multivitamin will provide you with dietary insurance against all of the issues faced when attempting to get vitamins through food. Studies have shown that the longer you use supplemental multivitamins, the greater your health benefits. Because it is not possible for you to get all the vitamins, minerals, and herbs needed in one pill taken once daily, most formulas are designed to be taken three times a day to provide you with superior benefits.

Along with the above ingredients, both women and men can benefit from a multivitamin including lutein, zeaxanthin, grape seed, bilberry, black tea, and cherry fruit. Additionally, men can receive greater benefits from a multivitamin including lycopene, as it reduces incidence of prostate cancer, heart disease, and age-related macular degeneration. Similarly, women can benefit from a multivitamin including cranberry, with its antioxidant capabilities, as well as phosphorus to support bone health. Those women who are still menstruating can benefit from chaste tree berry extract as it reduces premenstrual syndrome symptoms, while those women who are going through menopause can benefit from soy extract which protects women against heart attacks and keeps bones from becoming brittle and breaking. When buying a multivitamin make sure the manufacturer is reputable and read the labels of any supplement you are considering buying. The vitamins should be protected from light by being packaged in a non-transparent package, and the tablets should be coated with light resistant shield. Make sure your multivitamin does not contain sugar, artificial coloring, or artificial flavoring. Look to your internet health food store for quality name brand multivitamins because not all multiple vitamins are made the same.

Sunday, May 27, 2007

What's The Best Wrinkle Cream?

Before I discuss the best wrinkle cream I would like to point out that the most effective anti wrinkle treatment is a healthy lifestyle. In fact, few know that if you live an unhealthy lifestyle, it is likely that any anti wrinkle cream you use will have no effect. Your poor lifestyle will render useless whatever effects the wrinkle cream is capable of. If you are going to spend money on the best wrinkle cream, make sure your living healthily so you can enjoy the creams effects. Healthy living includes not smoking, drinking lots of water, getting plenty of sleep, eating right and regular exercise. Having said all that, let’s take a look at what the best wrinkle creams are.

Determining the best wrinkle cream is not an easy task. First of all, only scientific research can conclusively determine if a wrinkle cream is having any effect on the skin of the user. This research is hard to carry out because there are too many other variables that could contaminate the study. For example, if one of the research subjects is a smoker then the wrinkle is not likely to be as effective as it will be on the skin of someone who doesn't smoke. Likewise, maybe one of the research subjects is taking part in behavior that is good for the skin, making the cream seem more effective than it otherwise is. So, only the user can tell which is the best wrinkle cream for her.

Having said that, I think looking at the hottest selling products is a good way to find out what the best wrinkle cream is. After all, if a product is selling well, then it would indicate that its users are having some success with it.

The best wrinkle cream on the market recently is "Hope in a Jar". There's good reason for this. Several users claim that it leaves their skin radiant and tight. It also has SPF to protect your skin from the sun's rays.

Another best wrinkle cream is "MD Formulations Vit-A-Plus Night Recovery." This product sells very well. It claims to be able to decrease fine lines and wrinkles and tighten the skin. The fact that it sells so well may indicate that buyers are satisfied with the results.

Finally, the third best wrinkle cream on the market during this writing is “Cellex-C Eye Contour Cream Plus.” This product has Lycopene, which is an anti-oxidant. Anti-oxidants are thought to slow the aging process by slowing down the decay of cells. Anyone concerned about their skin should also eat more foods high in anti-oxidants as this is thought to slow the aging of cells through out the body.

Now, a little caveat about looking for the best wrinkle cream is that it is extremely expensive. This is another good reason to make sure that you are living a healthy lifestyle. If you are going to spend a large amount of money for the best wrinkle cream, then be sure that you are behaving in a way that is going to allow it to work its best.

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Help I Am Allergic To The sulfite

If you have a Sulfite Allergy then you suffer from Allergies Type 1, also called Contact Allergies. Sulfites have been used for centuries as a preservative for drinks, foods and medication. They preserve the color and flavor and increase the shelf life by inhibiting bacterial growth. About 1 percent of the populations are allergic to sulfites. Sulfite allergy reactions tend to manifest in respiratory symptoms.

Prior to seeing any allergy specialist for testing you will need to stop taking any anti-allergy medication or over the counter antihistamines 2 to 3 days before the test are to be performed. Talk to the allergy specialist if you are unsure about any medications that need to be stopped and for how long.

Patients allergic to sulfite rarely show a positive allergic response to skin testing. The most reliable way to test for this allergy is commonly called The Food Challenge. You are told to avoid all sulfite-containing foods for several weeks.

Avoidance can be very difficult because sulfite is often hidden in other foods. Read the labels of every food that you bring into your home. Because the manufacturing processes change continuously re-read the labels each time you purchase a product. On January 1, 2006 a new law was passed stating that all labels should be designed in such a way that a 7-year-old child could read and understand the ingredients.

The doctor will then have you take pills containing sulfite under close supervision. If symptoms appear after ingesting the sulfites then you are allergic to sulfites and will need to avoid anything that has it on the label.

The USFDA requires the labeling of foods containing 10 ppm or more of sulfites and in 1986 the FDA banned the use of sulfites on fruits and vegetables that are eaten raw.

A growing awareness about food allergies is becoming well known in the United States. Food manufactures and restaurants are becoming more understanding and willing to accommodate people living with food allergies.

Living with any food allergy is no longer a major undertaking; it is now just a minor adjustment to your life-style. You will need to avoid baked goods, Soups, jams, canned vegetables, pickles, potato chips, dried fruit, trail mix, most condiments, shrimp, guacamole and anything that has sulfite, sodium bisulfite, sodium metabisulfite, potassium bisulfite and potassium metabisulfite on the label.

Some of the common vitamins used to treat sulfite allergy symptoms are Vitamins C, Quercetin, and Bromelain.

Vitamin C is nature's protective nutrient, essential for defending the body against pollution and infection and enhances the bodies immune system. Take 1,000 to 5,000 mg daily.

Quercitin is a well known flavonoid. Flavonoids are powerful antioxidants and can reduce inflammation boost the immune system and strengthen blood vessels and improve circulation. Quercitin is also known for its ability to block the release of histamines, thus reducing or preventing allergy symptoms. Take 500 mg twice daily.

Bromellain will enhance the absorption of Quercetin. Take 100 mg twice daily.

Always consult your doctor before using this information.

When Exercise Can Lead To Better Mental Health

Exercise does wonders for the mental and emotional, as well as the physical. The way cardio and aerobic sets can sculpt the muscles into optimal condition, so goes the effect on the brain and nervous system. Endorphins, euphoria inducing natural chemicals, as well as other exercise-produced chemicals have positive effects on the aging brain in the areas of improved memory and staving off dementia. Other advantages of exercise are as follows:

A person suffering from some sort of mental ailment like anxiety or depression would have the option of taking in fewer medications. Evidence shows that some antidepressants increase the same chemicals in the brain that exercise does. If exercise has been proven to be same in effects as antidepressants, then medication side effects can become a thing of the past, if not at least subside somewhat. Side effects of medication can sometimes feel like they are causing more harm than good. The fatigue, fluctuating weight, energy loss etc. experienced from side effects can be remedied with regular exercise.

Furthermore, the medications used to treat depression and other mental illnesses tend to have an adverse affect on a person's weight, which can then attribute to a worsening of the mental illness in the first place. And to combat extreme weight gain or loss due to medication is tremendously hard to do because the medication would be fighting the efforts. Exercise in conjunction with medication could be a challenge worth doing, teaching a person determination and resolve thus aiding in the healing of their mental illness along with therapy.

Because depression can affect the whole body, mental and physical; appetite, concentration, and exercise can work against these ill effects by acting as a stress reliever and appetite increaser. But also, pain like back aches can be a part of depression, as well as a part of aging. Natural relievers can be released during exercise that can ease specifically back pain.

Also, because drug abuse and overeating are one and the same in that they can change the mental state for the worse, exercise can work against the need to do either. Because it improves overall health, a person could actually become less inclined to do something that goes against the positive effects of exercise- or at least put up a stronger effort not to do so than they might have before. Self esteem, or lack thereof, is sometimes central to why someone uses drugs and/or overeats, but exercise can be a great enhancer of self-confidence.

Additionally, a lack of concentration to goals or everyday tasks that can lead to drug abuse and overeating can be corrected with exercise. Some people abuse Ritalin or crystal methamphetamine just to get through the activity of work, school, etc. Exercise is more mental than it is physical in that it can teach discipline and routine. In accomplishing a set of exercises a person is telling themselves consciously or subconsciously that another goal, no matter what it is, can be attained.

Finally, the ways in which exercise would enhance a person's romantic life is almost self-evident. A better, more appealing physique, more energy, better muscle tone- all of it would be conducive to a higher quality romantic life. Aerobic and cardio exercises would provide for higher energy and endurance levels for tasks as diverse as work and sport hobbies. Exercise can be beneficial in so many areas of a person's life that there are hardly any reasons that anyone could have not to begin an exercise regimen today.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Skin Rash

You know when you have a rash. Its an outbreak of red bumps on the skin. The most common types of rash are as follows. Scaly patches of skin not caused by infection. Scaly patches of skin caused by a fungus or bacterial infection. Red itchy bumps scattered randomly on the skin.

Rashes are seldom dangerous self diagnosis is not a good idea. The proper evaluation of a rash should be done by a doctor. A doctor can determine what type of rash you have and prescribe proper treatment. Scaly patches of skin that are not caused by an infection are usually referred to as eczema. Atopic dermatitis is the most common type of eczema. This type is hereditary and often appears in childhood as chapped cheeks and scaly patches on the hands, legs torso and arms. This type of eczema appears on adults on the hands, genitals, eyelids and can appear almost anywhere on the body.

This type of eczema is inherited from your parents. Atopic dermatitis can apear and disappear for no apparant reason but things like the weather can have an effect on it.
The word "dermatitis" means inflammation of the skin, "atopic means hereditary. Hereditary means that it runs in your family.

Diseases that are hereditary often occur together, that is they can tend to make their appearance simultaneously. In atopic dermatitis the skin can become inflamed and itchy with swelling and cracking and can include weeping, crusting and scaling. People afflicted with this type of rash may also have allergies but most cases of this type of rash are not the result of an allergic reaction. This type of rash is not contagious even though spread patterns may make it apear as though it is.

Another type of rash is "contact dermatitis". This type of rash is brought on by contact with a substance that is irritating to the skin. This can be any one of a number of things including allergic reactions to substances or contact with chemical irritants.

This type of rash can be causes by poison ivy or poison oak as well as prolonged contact with something like gasoline or strong cleaning products. Frequently it is caused by exposure to nickel in costume jewelry. Almost everyone has experienced this type of rash at some point in their life.

Topical treatments such as ointments along with avoidance of what caused the rash in the first place are the usual prescription for this type of rash.

Another type of rash is red or scaly patches of skin caused by fungus or bacterial infection. Fungus infections are the most common. They have nothing to do with hygiene clean people get them as well as those who might not be so clean. In contrary to the myth they are not highly contagious.

They are not easily transmitted in gym shower or locker rooms or on toilet seats. Antifungal creams are the usual course of treatment. Many of these types of creams can be purchased over the counter at your local drug store.

Another type of rash is a bacterial infection. This type of rash is caused by a bacteria rather than a fungus. Again hygene plays little or no part in this infection. Treatment for this type of rash might include oral antibiotics and a perscription strength topical ointment. The over the counter treatment that are effective on fubgus caused rashes are just not very effective on bacterial rashes.

Viral rashes are caused by a viral infection. They can come as a symptom to a disease like chicken pocks or herpes or a number of other diseases. But this is not always the case the viral infection can also be just the rash itself. Many diseases do have a rash as one of their symptoms though

Allergic drug rashes are caused by an allergic reaction to a drug. Many people are allergic to a specific drug and a rash can apear days or weeks after taking the drug they are allergic to. A common drug that people are allergic to is penicillin.

Treatment for this type of rash is to discontinue the use of the drug and wait for it to go away. Topical treatments to sooth the itching are available over the counter. In extreme cases you may require a perscription strength topical treatment.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

The Three Best Techniques For Teeth Whitening

Today patients have never had more options for whitening their teeth, including over the counter preparations like Crest Whitestrips, in-office light assisted tooth whitening(in an hour or two) or using trays made by the dentist to be used at home to gradually lighten and whiten teeth(one to three weeks). It wasn't always this easy!

In the 1980's in -office light assisted bleaching was an option, but it was more time consuming, took many more sessions and was a much more expensive than it is today. Accordingly, dentists looked for a better, more affordable way and tray bleaching was developed using vinyl mouthguards designed for preventing tooth grinding and inserting a 10% carbamide peroxide solution in the tray and having the patient wear it over night for 3-6 weeks until the desired shade change had occurred.

Now, we have improved techniques and either in-office chair side tooth whitening or custom tray bleaching are relatively affordable and popular options. In our office we utilize the Zoom whitening system for in office tooth bleaching procedures in an hour or two. We also like using a 16% carbamide solution placed in trays and worn at night to gradually lighten the teeth at night. Both techniques have pros and cons, but both work well!

The pros for Zoom are fast results, and the procedure is done for you, with out any work on your part. The cons are that there is no easy way to touch-up the result and there is some fading in the first two weeks. Also there is no way of knowing exactly how white your teeth will get after and hour or two of bleaching under the Zoom lamp.

The pros for custom tray bleaching are that the end point is flexible (you have some control of how white to make your teeth) and you can touch up the result by wearing the trays for another night or two after 6 months. The cons are that some people don't want to be bothered wearing trays at night and 3 weeks can seem like a long time to some patients!

Which ever way you choose, all three techniques work and will help you achieve a brighter smile. Cost issues aside, a favorite technique starts with the zoom in office teeth whitening and is followed up with tray bleaching to finish off the whitening process and allow for easy touch-ups.

Cosmetic Dentistry - A Perfect Smile

Teeth are an important aspect of your personality. They play a major role in speech, digestion and enjoying food. It is essential to care for your teeth. Modern dentistry with high-class equipment has made a visit to the dentist a less daunting and painless experience. Plain dentistry has evolved into a new role - cosmetic dentistry. The teeth can be so re-modeled and repaired that they bring happiness into the lives of people who were discontented with their looks. One need not lose self-esteem and self-confidence due to unattractive teeth. Cosmetic dentistry corrects the defects, gives you a dental facelift and augurs well for your confidence. It can change your appearance, making you feel better, look better and happier.

Advances in Cosmetic Dentistry
Cosmetic dentistry has made rapid advances in dental procedures. High-speed drills, anesthesia, sedation and comfortable surroundings relax the patients. The trauma of pain and anxiety associated with dental visit is greatly reduced. Natural colored filling material is available for front teeth, while back teeth can be plastic coated or filled with sealants to prevent tooth decay. Badly damaged teeth can be capped or crowned. Plastic braces have replaced the ugly metal braces. The invisible mouthpiece corrects the teeth without effecting your smile and confidence.

Porcelain laminate veneers are specially made porcelain wafers. They are the same shade as your original teeth and can be placed over the chipped or disfigured teeth to make them look new. A gum-lift procedure can rid or lift the gum so that your teeth appear longer and whiter for an attractive smile.

Brilliant and dazzling white teeth are any persons dream. They can be achieved by tooth whitening method. Use of high intensity light along with 35% hydrogen peroxide can whiten the teeth within an hour or two by an experienced orthodontist. At- home whitening is another self-help method. In this method special trays made to size are fitted in patients mouth, filled with 20% carbamine peroxide gel. They can be worn during sleep for a week to show whitening results.

The potential for modern dentistry is unlimited. A good, experienced doctor can give you the smile that you have always desired.

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Understanding The Need For Naturat Treatment Of High Blood Pressure

High Blood Pressure (Hypertension) it has been argued by at least one Medical Practitioner is a disease caused by and large by the simple demands of modern living. OK I'll go along with that but maybe this is just slightly too simplistic a definition. OK so we all feel our blood pressure rise and when we run for a bus or a train or when our favourite football team win (or worse lose) but what are the contributory factors that make up this natural phenomenon.

What are these factors? What is it about our modern day lives and the pressures and stresses caused that have resulted in this condition?

Well things are never that simple but when you stop to think about how our lives are made up, what we do, we actually try and force more into our everyday lives than is actually necessary. Such is life.

That having been said, what exactly are these factors that have such an effect on our every day lives and our health?

They include some of the following:

* The way we cope with the stress of modern day living. How do you react when you have waited for five minutes in the Supermarket checkout queue only to be told it is closing!

* Our social and emotional life. Is life just one constant round of running after one event after another whether this is chasing the family from one event or another or just racing around from one school or college to another?

* Our home and family life. Is it happy or stressed? Do you or your partner get on? Linked of course to this is one of the less talked about but funnily enough one of the more keenly queried side effects of high blood pressure and that is impotence. Joking apart has your life style and your high blood pressure affected your sex life. As the eagles famously sang in their hit "life in the fast lane" - "she was too tired to fake it, he was too tired to make in the fast lane"

* Our Personality type. Back to the old "do you threaten to rip the heads of parking wardens when you get a ticket?"

* Our exercise habits. How much of a couch potato are you? Is your only exercise in life either walking from the car to the front door or reaching for the TV remote?

* Our weight. Do you have the ability to say no when offered that fourth portion of food?

* The ability to relax. Can you relax? Are you the type that can only relax after the fourth whisky or Gin?

* Our sleep patterns. Again can you? Lack of sleep is one of the major causes of disharmony in life today and most of us operate the sort of sleep deficit that would give most of us well.......heart failure.

* Vitamin and Mineral intake. Is your only mineral intake a Coke mid morning or last thing at night? Have you ever considered what might actually make up the food we eat?

* The tendency for use and misuse of additive substances such as Alcohol and Tobacco, Caffeine, and Drugs. Yes non of us do drugs anymore, we are all clean.......woops....there goes the neighbourhood under the weight of the bottles and packets as the Community Refuse truck drives down the road!

When you actually consider only a fraction of the above is it any wonder why not only is their a large proportion of us who suffer from High Blood Pressure (he says downing another coffee) but there is an even larger number of folks out there who suffer from High Blood Pressure and don't even know it yet!

Make a few changes to your lifestyle habits above and you will see slowly but surely changes to your health and welfare. Not overnight and maybe not enough to remove the need for some form of medication or drug therapy but enough that may give your Health Practitioner or Doctor the hope that you may be on the way to beating this condition or at least managing it responsibly.

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Don't Take Bipolar Depression Lightly

While the manic phase of Bipolar Disorder is perhaps the most disturbing to those around the sufferer, it is actually the depressive phase of this disorder that is most dangerous to sufferers. During these phases, bleak emotions can even cause some people to become suicidal.

In order to help someone suffering from a depressive episode, it is important to recognize the signs that some suffering a phase of depression may be considering suicide. Along with knowing the signs of suicidal behavior, you should also know who to contact to help this person.

As stated earlier, it is important to recognize the signs that someone may be contemplating suicide. Signs of a depressive episode include an enduring sad or empty mood, fatigue, changes in appetite and sleep, and a lack of motivation as well as feelings of guilt, anger and anxiety.

While these symptoms are uncomfortable for the sufferer, they are not necessarily dangerous. It is when these dark feelings brought on by Bipolar Depression give birth to thoughts of suicide they become dangerous.

Signs that someone is suffering or may be contemplating suicide include obvious signals such as the person talking about suicide or wanting to die.

Other signs perhaps known only to the person suffering from the depression include feeling as if they are a burden to family or friends, feeling as if their circumstances will never change or improve, or feeling that nothing they do is of any importance or makes a difference. The person contemplating suicide may turn to alcohol or drugs to help numb their emotional distress.

Another sign the person may be thinking about killing themselves include purposefully putting themselves in situations where they might be killed. Finally, the person may also put their affairs in order, as if they were preparing to die, or write suicide notes about their intentions and their feelings of emptiness.

If you suspect someone you know is considering suicide as the result of a bout of Bipolar Depression, there are some steps you can take to help stop the attempt. If you need immediate help, call the police, 911, or take the person to the nearest emergency room.

Be prepared to tell these people exactly what the problem is, what disorder the person suffers from and what, if any, medications they may be taking. You should also make sure the suicidal person is not left alone. Perhaps most important, be sure the person does not have access to any weapons or large amounts of medications.

Some people take the time to plan their suicide attempt carefully while some may think up their attempt on the spur of the moment. Either way, no suicide attempt should be taken lightly. With proper treatment and medication, the feelings of worthlessness and emptiness that come along can be relieved.

If you are on a doctor prescribed treatment regimen, stay on it. If not, your doctor and therapist can get you started on a plan that will help your life look more promising.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Breast Cancer - How Stress & Inescapable Shock Causes Cancer

Cancer is only a physical symptom of underlying emotional stress on the body and the body's cells. But how does emotional stress cause cancer in the body? And why does emotional stress only cause cancer in some people, while not in others?

For the majority of people, coping with stress and highly stressful or traumatic events or conflicts is dealt with, with relative ease. Although those in this larger group feel the devastating effects of stress, stressful events, trauma, and conflicts, including grief and loss – stressful events are seen as part of life's challenges, life's ups and downs, and they are for they most part anticipated and not completely unexpected. These people are able to move on with their lives quickly afterwards.

Those susceptible to cancer, are highly vulnerable to life's stresses and trauma, and feel unable to cope when life throws a curve-ball their way. These people are perfectionists and live in fear of conflict, stress, trauma and loss and are deeply frightened of negative events "happening" to them. And when faced with a highly stressful or traumatic event they have not anticipated, which inevitably happens during their life, react adversely and are unable to cope.

They experience Inescapable Shock and remain deeply affected by the experience. They have difficulty in expressing their inner grief, their inner pain, their inner anger or resentment, and genuinely feel there is no way out of the pain they are feeling inside. And because their mind cannot fathom what has happened, and remains in a state of disbelief or denial, these inner painful feelings are continually perpetuated, shooting up stress hormone levels, lowering melatonin and adrenaline levels, causing a slow breakdown of the emotional reflex centre in the brain, and creating the beginning of cancer progression in the body.

When faced with a major trauma, the cancer personality feels trapped and unable to escape from the memory of the traumatic experience and the painful feelings of the experience. Stress hormone cortisol levels skyrocket and remain at high levels, directly suppressing the immune system, whose job it is to destroy cancer cells that exist in every human being. High stress levels generally means a person cannot sleep well, and cannot produce enough Melatonin during deep sleep. Melatonin is responsible for inhibiting cancer cell growth. This means cancer cells are now free to multiply. Adrenaline levels also skyrocket initially, but are then drained and depleted over time. This is especially bad news for the cancer personality.

Adrenaline is responsible for transporting sugar away from cells. And when there is too much sugar in cells of the body, the body becomes acidic. This means normal body cells cannot breathe properly because of low oxygen. Cancer cells thrive in a low oxygen state, as demonstrated by Nobel Prize winner Otto Warburg. Cancer cells also thrive on sugar to keep them alive. Put simply, too much internal stress causes a depletion of adrenalin, leads to too much sugar in the body, resulting in the perfect environment for cancer cells to thrive in the body.

For the cancer personality, the news of being diagnosed with cancer and the fear and uncertainty of death represents another Inescapable Shock, creating another spike in stress hormone cortisol levels, and a further drop in melatonin and adrenalin levels. There is also a further breakdown of the emotional reflex centre in the brain that causes cells in the corresponding organ to slowly breakdown and become cancerous.

Learned helplessness is a key aspect of the cancer personality when facing a perceived inescapable shock, and is a strong developmental factor of cancer. Researcher Madelon Visintainer took three groups of rats, one receiving mild escapable shock, another group receiving mild in-escapable shock, and the third no shock at all. She then implanted each rat with cancer cells that would normally result in 50% of the rats developing a tumour. Her results were astonishing.

Within a month, 50% of the rats not shocked at all had rejected the tumour; this was the normal ratio. As for the rats that mastered shock by pressing a bar to turn it off, 70% had rejected the tumour. But only 27% of the helpless rats, the rats that had experienced in-escapable shock, rejected the tumour. This study demonstrates those who feel there is no way out of their shock / loss are less likely to be able to reject tumours forming within their body, due to high levels of stress weakening the immune system. [Seligman, 1998, p.170]

Cancer occurs at the cellular level. And there are a number of factors that create stress on the body's cells, causing them to become (1) depleted of adrenaline, (2) high in sugar and (3) low in oxygen, where they are more prone to mutate and become cancerous. The higher the sugar content of the cell caused by a depletion of adrenaline, and the lower the oxygen content, the greater the likelihood of normal cells mutating and becoming cancerous.

There are a number of factors that contribute to a normal cell becoming depleted of adrenaline, high in sugar and low in oxygen. Physiological stresses include (and are not limited to): Poor nutrition, Chemicals, Toxins, EMF Radiation, Parasites, Liver / Colon / Kidney disease, Lack of Exercise, etc. Psychological stresses include (and are not limited to): Inescapable Shock, Repressed Feelings, Depression, Isolation, Poor Sleep, Emotional Trauma, External Conflict, etc.

In the vast majority of those with cancer, there exists both a combination of psychological as well as physiological stresses that have contributed to the body's cells becoming depleted of adrenaline, high in sugar and low in oxygen, causing them to mutate and become cancerous.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Positive Gains With Hypnosis

Over recent years, hypnosis has gained acceptance as a credible method of treatment within the traditional medical community. It is now recognized as credible by both the Mayo Clinic and the National Institutes of Health, as seen by the information provided on their websites.

Hypnosis has been proven to be effective in treating many physical, emotional, and mental concerns. These include pain control, weight loss, phobias, quitting smoking, sleeplessness, and many others. Historically, the alternative medicine community has accepted hypnosis as a valuable option in treating distress.

Hypnosis is a process in which an individual goes into a trance, or a state of deep inner focus. The person stays in control and aware of their surroundings while in the trance, although their focus is channeled inward. A trance can be facilitated by another person, a taped recording, or by the person her or himself (self hypnosis). A common myth is that a susceptible person can be hypnotized without their consent, and this is just not true.

Techniques to induce hypnosis often begin with a process to relax the body. The subject is guided in a systematic way to tense the various muscles in their body and then to let go of the tension. Ultimately, the body reaches a very relaxed state. Counting backwards slowly, interspersed with affirmations of deepening relaxation, then serves to deepen the trance state. A guided image of walking down a stairway or descending in an elevator while counting slowly backwards can also serve to deepen the trance.

The purpose of inducing a trance is to bring the person to a very calm relaxed place, where the conscious mind has let go of control and the subconscious mind is more directly available. It is widely held that the subconscious mind is more receptive to suggestions than the conscious mind is, which allows changes to occur more rapidly.

Suggestions and affirmations are used when the person is in the deep trance to allow the new behavior or condition to take hold. These suggestions are most effective if they are stated in positive terms and in present tense. If the hypnosis is being used to support the psychotherapy process this is the stage in which the therapist may ask the person questions to draw out answers that the conscious mind wants to block.

Self-hypnosis is similar to meditation, with the self-directed inner focus, however the purpose is different. With meditation the desire is often to quiet the mind, while with hypnosis the aim is to create a positive behavioral or mental change in the hypnotized person.

The person who chooses to practice self-hypnosis can learn to talk him or herself into the trance state and then integrate suggestions that the desired change occurs. It is best if the person has prepared and rehearsed making the suggestions before going into the trance, so the process is smooth and the conscious mind does not become involved in thinking of what to say.

Hypnosis is clearly becoming a popular technique to enhance many areas of our lives, from pain control, to stress management, to athletic performance. So, although much about hypnosis remains a mystery, it has become a very credible and gentle option for creating positive change.

Monday, May 14, 2007

Facial Skin Vare Products And New Technologies

If we take a look at online drugstores and the products they offer. You can find brand name products at lower prices. Even free shipping, one just needs to find the gold mine who has more products so the online drugstore can give you better discounts.

If looking for skin care products, anti aging products, and your other online drugstore products... You can find some great deals online. Most online drugstores offer secure ordering online. The qurestions what type of products do you want. What we found is the bigger the store the better the price.

So you need a wide selection of anti aging creams and wholesale skin care products. Do not go to your local drugstore, visit online and price them out. Professional Natural Skin Care products are all over the internet. As well as mens beauty products. We know most men do not want to be seen buying beauty products, this unique need of buying mens all natural skin care products allows online drugstores to be in business.
Chemical based anti aging products can moderate to the enormous amount of side effects. This can cause the burdensome troubles especially those man and woman who have the pretended allergic problems.

For these the trend has been set up to get back to the natural supplements, the top skin care products. All the All Natural Skin Care Products contains botanical oil, herbal extracts and essential oils that human body absorb easily and there is no ingredients of chemical things like preservatives, mineral oils and fragrance etc. to be cause of sufferings of the users.

These can be benfecial to reducing the aging process.
Everyone is well conversant with the fact that the skin is the only advertorial of the life style. Fortunately, scientists have developed an imaging system that analyses skin and predicts how it will age. It's an Analysis that not only can it predict how our skin will age, but also the rate at which it will. It provides a snapshot of what damage has already occurred, and can thus provide a realistic assessment of our skin.

With new skin care facial poducts available many opportunities arise.
What are the bases of anti aging and skin care products to sever the human purpose? The answer is very simple. Anti- aging skin products prevent general ageing of the skin by providing reinforced protection against daily aggression. Anti Aging Natural Supplements keep on fighting with the visible and invisible signs of aging. So arrests of those abhorred wrinkle with these ant-aging products before they start showing up for the society.

The natural ingredients in the product create them to be the best. Since no chemicals are being placed on the skin you can feel safe. More discoveries are being made for skin care facial products. Since natural ingredients are safe to use they are being dripped all over the faces of americans. Although natural product ingredients are not as long lasting they do a significant job in the anti aging process.
Maintaining close ties with family and friends could help a lot to combat aging. Don't ever give a second thought about an everyday smile; a smile greatly enhances positive vibrations. Thus, keeping wrinkles away from your face without any waste of a single cent.

Aging is something that happens and do not be afraid of crows feet smiles and happiness have huge results in helping aging.

Breast Cancer Signs and Signals

Breast cancer has a nasty habit of remaining hidden. We do not get much of an alarm bell or a warning flag in advance of it emerging.

Early breast cancer does not reveal outward symptoms of its presence. No warnings and likely no pain. The only method for detecting breast cancer in its early stage is to find a lump or other abnormality. Most of the time this comes about from a breast self-examination, or from a regular mammogram test.

Most lumps in breasts are not cancerous. But if you do find one, it is very important to have your doctor examine it as soon as possible.

Some women find that breast cancer is indicated by a bump above the collarbone or under the arm. This bump might be persistent, and then other symptoms may appear. These can include changes to the skin and surface of the breast, as well as nipple inversion or discharge.

Discharge from the breast is quite common and is rarely a symptom of cancer. However, if there is blood in the discharge, or if it happens in only one breast, then a physician would be more concerned. Nipple inversion is also very common, but if it occurs suddenly, it should also be brought to the attention of your doctor.

If you notice swelling or redness of the breast, this might indicate an infection of the tissue. Quick treatment is advised for any type of infection. Similarly, if you find strong pain, redness, or swelling in your shoulder, armpit, or breast, seek the advice of your health care provider. Breast cancer is most easily treated when it is detected early.

Sometime a change in skin, such as textural changes or puckering, can appear alongside breast cancer. Of course, many other diseases can also cause these effects, so it is valuable to eliminate the possibility of breast cancer by having an exam by a doctor.

Breast cancer can slowly develop over months or years. However, once it is clearly diagnosed, it is crucial to start treatment as soon as practicable. Breast cancer can metastasize and thus spread throughout the body, and the goal is to begin treatment before this has a chance to happen.

Mammogram tests can often detect the earliest signs of breast cancer. Once per year women over 40 should have this test done, which involves an electronic scan of the breast tissue. If anything abnormal is found, don't panic; rather, set up an appointment immediately with your doctor to do further evaluation, and perhaps to set your mind at ease.

In addition to a mammogram, manual examination and ultrasolography may also be used to detect abnormalities. A complete physical examination of the breast includes a visual inspection and palpitation, including the armpits and areas around the collarbone. Your healthcare provider may palpate for a lump or feel for a thickening in the skin. A biopsy, where a piece of the lump or tissue is removed, is the only definite method to test the cells and provide a positive diagnosis.

All women must be made aware of the most common breast cancer symptoms:

* A lump under the arm, above the collarbone, or in the breast that remains for more than a week

* Nipple discharge

* Changes to the nipples, such as inversion

* Skin surface changes on the breast

If you notice any of these symptoms yourself, don't take a chance with your health. See your doctor right away to evaluate the possibility of breast cancer.

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Natural And Herbal Home Remedies For Haircare

Hair is formed in minute pockets in the skin known as follicles. Hair is made up of keratin, which is a protein type. They tend to be the body’s barometer that indicates good and the poor health. There are three types of hair that grow on the human scalp and they are:

Dry hair

Dry hair looks dull and is often difficult to control even after shampooing. They have dry and split ends. When the oil glands become inactive they make the hair very dry. Dry hair need lot of care and nourishment. They tend to be thin, rough and brittle.

Home Remedies For Dry hair

* To a cup of coconut milk add the two tablespoons of flour of gram. Apply on the scalp and then massage it gently.Now Rinse the hair after five minutes. Use this method once in a week.
* Make a conditioner by mixing one tablespoonfull of castor oil, one tablespoon of glycerin, a teaspoon of cider vinegar and a teaspoon of protein to a tablespoon of mild herbal shampoo. Apply it on the scalp and leave it on for 20-30 minutes and rinse the hair.
* Massage the scalp with the warm olive oill.
* Add a teaspoon of lavender oil to the coconut oil and heat it for some seconds. Massage the scalp at night and shampoo the hair on next morning. Follow this procedure twice in a week for soft and shiny hair.
* A diet rich in zinc should be taken, as the main cause of dry hair is the deficiency of zinc which is a type of mineral.

Oily Hair

The excess secretion of oil by the oil glands of the scalp makes the hair very oily. They look good after shampooing but after 1-2 days they become very sticky. They are more susceptible to dirt and dust. They needs washing after every 2-3 days.

Home Remedies

* One of the best way to deal with oily hair is frequent washing with the mild shampoo.
* Mix one teaspoon of Aloe Vera gel and one tablespoon of lemon juice with one-fourth of shampoo and use this mixture to rinse the hair.
* Boil two tablespoons of mint in one and a half glass of water for 25-30 minutes. Strain this mixture and then mix it with the regular used shampoo. By Using this mixture on alternative days will absorb the excess oil from the scalp.
* Apply a puree of carrots for 20-25 minutes and then rinse the hair.

* Normal hair

They can be managed easily and don’t need much care like dry hair and oily hair. A well-balanced and healthy diet is enough for normal hair.

Home Remedies

* Application of cucumber puree for 20-25 minutes before washing will provide shine and heaviness to the hair.
* Soak one teaspoon of fenugreek seeds overnight, next morning grind the seeds and apply on the hair, rinse the hair with water after one hour and shampoo them next day. It will make the hair glow and shine.
* Periodically washing the hair with white vinegar gives a healthy look to the hair.
* Drinking one cup of lettuce and spinach juice in combination is very beneficial.

Home-made Hair Solutions:

* Rum Shampoo :- Mix two egg-yolks with two dessertspoonfuls of odourless linseed oil and two dessertspoonfuls of rum. Soak the hair and scalp. Keep on for one hour and rinse off with warm water.
* Egg Shampoo :- Beat two egg yolks in a glass of hot water. Strain, soak hair and scalp. Keep on for one hour. Rinse off with warm water.
* Hair Tonic :- Put 130 gms, each dried reetha, shikaki and amla into one litre of water. Keep it for few hours and then boil them. After cooling strain and use as a shampoo.
* Hair Conditioner :- Mix together 1 egg, 2 tablespoons castor oil, 1 teaspoon vinegar and 1 teaspoon of glycerine. Beat constantly and massage on scalp. Wash your hair after 20 minutes.

Anxiety Treatments - Are They All The Same?

It is a sad truth that many people these days suffer from anxiety. It's not really certain why people are suffering from this condition but they are and you may be one of them. Often people who suffer from this do not look for anxiety treatments straight away to help them because they do not know that this is their problem. Often they can go through this for a long period and then they go to the doctors and find out they are actually having anxiety attacks.

Once they have been diagnosed with this the doctor will look for anxiety treatments that will suit them personally. Sadly this is most likely in the form of anti depressants. For many people this is a perfect solution. But for many others it is not the best solution. For one thing these anti depressants are drugs and not all people like to and can cope with this form of help.

If your doctor is good at his or her job he or she will look deeply into your life and try to help you work out what may be triggering these onsets. They then should consult with you with what may help you cope appropriately. If drugs will not suit you for whatever reason then look for other alternatives. Some of these may include meditation to help you relax when you feel an attack coming on. This is a very natural relaxing way of keeping yourself calm and controlling your breathing.

Obviously you may not always be in a position to go and meditate whenever you feel the need to but learning this art will help you in the long run to keep a healthy body and mind. It's worth a try. Many people also choose to use alternative medicines instead of the usual prescribed drugs. Learning the signs of when an attack is coming on is also very helpful as you then can put some of these things into practice before it gets out of hand.

The old breathe into a paper bag trick can of course still be useful when you are finding you cannot breathe. Anything that works at the time is always helpful. But really you need to find out why this is happening and try to relieve some of the stresses in your life. This may lower the need for ongoing medication.

Remember that there are many anxiety treatments available out there and you need to find the best one to suit you. But also remember as I said before maybe your symptoms can be lowered if not cured if you change your lifestyle by living in a less stressful environment and learning relaxation techniques that can be used in your daily routine.

Friday, May 11, 2007

How Yoga Can Help You?

Yoga has many benefits for its users. Physically there are several disorders that can benefit from the cleansing practices of yoga. However, yoga is also aimed as uniting the mind, body and the spirit which helps to provide many other therapeutic benefits of yoga. Consider just a few areas where yoga has proven to be extremely helpful. The various positions used in yoga call upon various joints to be used that have hardly been exercised or even noticed. Working these joints during yoga exercise can help increase an individuals flexibility.
While working the joints, yoga positions are very good exercise for the tendons and ligaments. Even parts of the body you aren’t actively working on will benefit from the flexible yoga positions. Through yoga exercise you can help increase the lubrication of your joints, ligaments and tendons. During an individuals lifetime there are several organs of the body that don’t get external stimulation. Yoga is possibly the only form of exercise that helps massage all the internal glands and organs of the body through the various positions. The various body parts receive some form of wholesome exercise from yoga which helps keep away diseases and help individuals to tell when their body is likely to be experiencing the onset of a disease or disorder.
Stretching during yoga exercise allows the muscles, joints and various organs of the body to be massaged which helps all part of the body receive their optimum blood supply. This increased supply of blood will help take the toxins out of a persons body and bring nourishment to all parts of the body. Benefits of this blood flow can include a slowed aging process, increased energy and a healthier mental outlook on life. Although yoga is not a strenuous exercise it offers an excellent way to tone the muscles. Any flaccid or weak muscles can be toned easily with yoga which can help to shed excess pounds and tighten the appearance of the skin which leads to a more youthful appearance. This proves that yoga has benefits both on the outside as well as the inside.

When you compare the benefits between yoga and regular exercise you can easily see how yoga is the better option when it comes to choosing a way to maintain a healthy body and mind. Yoga focuses on the parasympathetic nervous system while other forms of exercise typically focus on the sympathetic nervous system. This difference allows yoga to focus on the sub-cortical regions of the brain while other forms focus only on the cortical regions of the brain. Yoga focuses on using slow dynamic and static movements to gain benefits while most other forms of exercise call for rapid and forceful movements which can lead to health issues if done improperly. Yoga leads to a normalization of muscle tone while exercise increases the muscle tension.
The positions of yoga provide a way of exercise that has a low risk of injuring your muscles and ligaments while on the other hand many other forms of exercise can have a higher risk of injury especially if they are done improperly. With yoga you focus on a low caloric consumption, but with other forms of exercise you need a moderate to high caloric consumption to keep up your energy for your workout. The process of yoga requires minimal effort and allows a relaxed method of exercising your body. Many other forms of exercise require a maximum of effort with a high-strung feeling. Through the natural and controlled breathing of yoga you finish the routine feeling energized while the taxed breathing of other forms of exercise will often leave you feeling fatigued.
Yoga is a noncompetitive, process-oriented method of exercising your body. It focuses on a balanced activity of opposing muscle groups and focuses on internal awareness through breathing. The growth for your self-awareness is limitless with yoga. Rather other forms of exercise are usually competitive and goal-oriented while having an imbalanced activity focused on opposing muscle groups. The external awareness is the focus of these forms of exercise as a result of the goal-oriented approach and there is the factor that you will soon become bored with the methods used in these types of exercise.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Coping with depression during menopause

If there were one disease caused by biological factors that is very hard to deal with, it would be depression. Depression or the condition of feeling sad or despondent—characterized by an inability to concentrate, insomnia, and feelings of extreme sadness, dejection, melancholy, and hopelessness—is one of the visible symptoms of menopause especially for women.

Caused by the dropping of serotonin—a hormone in the brain that regulates a person’s mood—levels, depression has been linked to menopause because it has been observed that women who are on the verge of this phase experience intense mood fluctuations and severe episodes of sadness and confusion.

Experts say that depression is normal for menopausal women but it should be addressed properly so it wouldn’t lead to more serious health, emotional, and behavioral problems.


Studies show that 8 to 15 percent of menopausal women experience depression. Experts say that the end of menstruation or menopause triggers episodes of depression and sadness in most women because of drastic hormonal changes that are left unsettled or not addressed.

Various researches prove that women who have a history of mood disorders, those who have been depressed before—especially during 20s, those who have underwent surgical or operational procedures, those who are smoking, dealing with so many children, or those who have work that causes a lot of stress are more likely to develop depression during menopause.

Symptoms of depression during menopause include sleeping disorders, hot flushes, loss of energy or fatigue, irritability, anxiety, excessive feeling of guilt or worthlessness, difficulty in concentrating or confusion, decreased interest or pleasure in activities, drastic change in appetite, and two or more weeks of depressed mood that may lead to extreme restlessness and suicidal tendencies.


Although depression is a natural occurrence during menopausal years, experts say that this should not be neglected because it can lead to more episodes of fluctuating moods and physical implications.

Although it is hard to deal with because it involves emotional and hormonal factors, medical authorities agree that depression is treatable when addressed properly. Here are some suggestions and treatment options that can help you cope up with depression during menopause:

1. Consider depression treatments and medications. Seeking help if you are suffering from depression during menopausal years is the first step in curing the “disease.” Today, there are actually many effective and well-tolerated medications available depending on your need. Being an essential part of treating depression, antidepressant medications such as Selected Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs) help to increase the amount of serotonin in the brain.

Aside from antidepressants, therapies such as Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) and Estrogen Therapy can help in especially in early menopausal stages. Before taking in any of these, make sure that you have consulted your physician first so you can discuss the risks and benefits of such treatments and medications. Psychotherapy is also one effective way to combat menopausal depression.

With the help of trained social workers, psychologists, and psychiatrists, you can learn how to cope up with the negative feelings over menopausal years. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy or CBT that teaches better ways of thinking and behaving and Interpersonal Therapy or IPT that helps the person communicate more effectively are available for you.

2. Schedule for a physical examination. As women grown older, physical changes emerge that lead to physical health problems. Getting a thorough physical examination is one way to know if you are about to experience any physical ailments caused by depressive symptoms.

3. Try out alternative medicines, herbal therapies or remedies, and dietary supplements. Organic and herbal medications have grown popular the years for its healing properties. Today, the most popular herb used to cure depression is St John’s Wort because it can help reduce effects of estrogen fluctuations.

Although many people attest to its effects, there have been no scientific studies that support the effectivity and safety of this alternative medicine. Before trying any of these herbal or organic products, make sure you inform your physician so further damage can be avoided especially if you are under any monitored medication.

4. Engage in physical activities or regular exercise. Experts agree that exercise helps treat depression by releasing your body’s mood-elevating hormones that leads to a feeling of accomplishment and enhanced self-esteem.

5. Start changing your diet. Dietary changes like eating a well balanced diet and regularly scheduled meals are known to help a lot in managing depression.

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Joint Pain Relief

Sports-related activities, as well as falls and other trauma, can injure the cartilage within a joint and, if it is not provided sufficient time to heal, chronic pain and persistent disability can follow. These activities and incidents may increase the risk of osteoarthritis, especially if there's impact involved or there's the risk of injury to ligaments. Additionally, damage to the bone surface can start a biological process that results in joint degeneration. This, in turn, often leads to rheumatoid arthritis or osteoarthritis.

Arthritis is often a chronic disease meaning it can affect the person afflicted over a long period of time. It cannot be cured, but it can be treated through a variety of methods and products. Learning how to manage your joint pain over the long term is an important factor in controlling the disease and maintaining a good quality of life. This is a brief overview of some of the methods that arthritis sufferers can use to alleviate many of the symptoms associated with arthritis, especially joint pain. Products, both prescription and over-the-counter, for of relieving arthritic joint pain are described in Joint Pain Products.

Heat and cold

Heat and/or cold therapy is not recommended to alleviate symptoms associated with all types of arthritis and as such, the decision whether to use it or not should be discussed with your doctor or physical therapist. If your care provider determines that the use of heat and/or cold is appropriate for use on your arthritis pain, it must be determined which kind of temperature treatment should be used. Moist heat, such as a warm bath or shower, or dry heat, such as a heating pad, placed on affected joint for about 15 minutes may relieve the pain. An ice pack or bag of frozen vegetables wrapped in a towel and placed on the sore area for about 15 minutes may help to reduce swelling and stop the pain. If you have poor circulation, do not use cold packs.

Joint protection

In order to relieve the stress of everyday activity on an afflicted joint, which can exacerbate the condition and may lead to additional injury, a splint or brace can be used to allow joints to rest and keep them from being used. As with many other treatments, a medical care provider such as a physician or physical therapist can make recommendations and possibly provide you with the brace.


Massage is associated with temporarily relieving joint pain, one of the major symptoms associated with arthritis, rather than treating the underlying cause of a loss of cartilage. A massage therapist will typically lightly stroke and/or knead the muscles around the joint, which increases blood flow to the stressed area. It is important to realize that arthritic joints are very sensitive, so the massage therapist must be familiar with the disease and problems associated with the affected joints.


Low-impact exercises such as stretching exercises, swimming, walking, low-impact aerobics, and range-of-motion exercises may reduce joint pain and stiffness while increasing joint mobility. A physical therapist or gym trainer can help plan an exercise program that will give you the most benefit with the least stress on the arthritis-stressed joints.

Weight Reduction

In addition to alleviating some symptoms, the weight loss associated with an exercise program is beneficial in relieving the extra stress that extra pounds put on weight-bearing joints such as the hips and knees. Studies have shown that overweight women who lost approximately 10 pounds substantially reduced the development of osteoarthritis in their knees. In addition, these studies suggested that if osteoarthritis has already affected one joint such as the knee or hip, weight reduction would reduce the chance of it occurring in the other knee or hip. A physical therapist or gym trainer can help plan an exercise program that will give you the most benefit with the least stress on the arthritis-stressed joints.

Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS)

Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation uses a small device that is placed near the joint afflicted with arthritis and directs mild electric pulses to nerve endings in and around the arthritic joint. It is theorized that TENS blocks the pain messages sent to the brain from the nerves and modifies the body's perception of pain. Although TENS relieves some joint pain associated with arthritis, it doesn't offset the joint inflammation that is associated with arthritis.


In some extreme cases of persons with arthritis, surgery may be necessary. The surgeon may perform an operation to remove the synovium, realign the joint, or in extreme cases, replace the damaged joint with an artificial one. Total joint replacement provides not only dramatic pain relief but also significant improvement in joint motion and mobility for many people with arthritis.

Reliable Information Answers Men's Sexual Health Questions

As adolescents, boys get their information about sexuality and men's sexual health from their peers. As teens, locker room talk may titillate, but it provides little in the way of accurate information about men's health issues. Unfortunately, while adult women are likely to seek out information from professionals, men are more reticent to discuss questions about men's sexual health and men's health news in general with their doctors or other professionals. When compared to women, they're also less likely to discuss their concerns with other men. As a result, men are often left to wonder about issues that are common to many men, particularly questions about men's sexual health.

Luckily, with the explosion of the Internet, a wealth of information has become available that answers men's questions - anonymously. While there are certainly many bogus sites with misinformation, discerning men are able to find reputable websites that discuss men's issues or that include a men's health forum.

Men's sexual health questions cover a wide range of topics. For example, condoms are widely (and correctly) seen as both a contraceptive and a way of protecting against sexually transmitted diseases. Nonetheless, many men opt not to use condoms. In a men's health forum, men can get the facts and news about condoms, while also discussing risks, tips, and personal experiences.

Another men's sexual health topic often covered by a men's health forum is erectile dysfunction. Despite pharmaceutical advances over the past decade, many men find it embarrassing to discuss this topic with friends or even their physicians. By visiting a reputable online information source, men can find answers to the questions and alleviate their concerns, as well as discovering options for correcting the problem.

Other men's questions revolve around more general issues, such as how to improve the libido. A forum can address both underlying medical causes, as well as identify lifestyle issues that could impact desire, such as fitness, dieting, and weight management.

Some men's sexual health questions are very specific. For example, men's health issues might include abnormal urethra development, the inability to retract the foreskin, Peyronie's disease, venous leakage, and so forth. Obtaining reliable information online will often encourage men to take the next step and seek care from their medical professionals. Being able to identify and intelligently discuss a problem increases men's comfort levels in discussing men's health issues with doctors.

Needless to say, sexually transmitted diseases should be a centerpiece of all discussions about men's sexual health. There is so much misinformation and sheer ignorance about STDs that men must be able to anonymously access accurate information about HIV/AIDS, gonorrhea, herpes, and syphilis.

A cornerstone of men's sexual health - and the ability to fully enjoy a sexual relationship - is accurate information. An online men's health forum is an excellent way to answer men's questions and concerns, and when necessary, urge them to seek medical attention.

Monday, May 7, 2007

Laser Eye Surgery Risks Are Quite Low

There are reports emanating from consumer experts that suggest that patients who undergo laser eye surgery are not being informed about the risks that accompany such treatment methods. In spite of this, laser surgery continues to rise in popularity and an associated risk with laser surgery is that the doctor performing the surgery may begin operating after just a few days of training and does not require any specialized courses or degrees.

Since the laser eye surgery procedure is perceived by patients as being simple and quick and has also received many celebrity endorsements it is quite popular in spite of the accompanying eye surgery risks that may not fully be taken into account when making a decision on the type of treatment required.

Low to Negligible Risks

There are different perceptions about laser surgery risks and these vacillate between non-existent to relatively low risk. There are however, in some rare cases, the risks of complications arising which may lead to corneal ectasia in which fluid pressure mounts in the eye and patients may require a corneal transplant to rectify the situation. A serious laser eye surgery risk, indeed!

Minor laser surgery risks include dry eyes or problems related to night vision that may result in not being able to drive or work in the evening or even in low lighted conditions. A major cause for concern in laser eye surgery risks is that the use of such surgeries have not been known for very long and so there are not adequate studies that can help define what the attendant laser surgery risks really may be. As with any surgical procedure, patients should be told that there is bound to be some amount of risk associated with laser eye surgery as well.

Laser eye surgery very often may cause the patient to feel a certain amount of discomfort and also have blurry vision for the first couple of days following surgery. However, these eye surgery risks are generally not serious problems. Common laser surgery risks include lasik and damage to the corneal flap, PRK and infection, under-correction, problems with night vision, no improvement in condition after the surgery as well as long term complications.

In the case of lasik, the laser surgery risk is very slight and is as low as one in five hundred who might need to have their corneal flap to be cut off or it may become damaged as a result of the surgery. In approximately six percent of patients the surgery may result in under-corrected vision and the operation may need to be performed again. It has also been noted that as few as four to as high as 30 percent of patients may still have problems with night vision.

Sunday, May 6, 2007

How To Stop Thinning Hair

Over the last twenty years dermatologists have observed a gradual increase in the number of men and women experiencing problems relating to hair loss. In trying to stop thinning hair it is important to understand the underlying reasons why thinning hair occurs and what external factors may be causing it. While hereditary factors play the greatest part in deciding if a person is going experience thinning hair there are also many other factors that can play a part.

Thinning Hair in Men

The problem of thinning hair is most common in men, with over 40% of men under the age of 35 experiencing some hair thinning. Men who suffer from hair loss typically start with a receding hairline and thinning at the crown. The hair loss gradually progresses to a bald spot at the crown and eventually complete baldness on the top of the scalp. It is now universally accepted that the most common cause of thinning hair in men is attributed to a chemical derived from testosterone called dyhydrotestosterone (DHT).

Thinning Hair in Women

While usually thought of as a male problem, thinning hair now affects over 40% of women over the age of 40. The causes of thinning hair in women are different and more complicated to those that affect men. While male hair loss displays a definite pattern, women’s hair loss tends to occur as an overall thinning this is often called "diffuse thinning”. There are many causes for thinning hair in woman and it is important to get a GPs diagnosis before trying to treat the condition. Certain conditions such as pregnancy, childbirth, overactive thyroid and menopause can affect the hormone balance and these can all contribute to thinning hair. Other factors that can cause thinning hair in women are brought about by the use of extreme hair treatments such as colorants, perms and hot oil treatments. These can inflame the scalp causing damage to the hair follicles.

Available Treatments

There are a now a large number of hair loss prevention and re-growth treatments available for both men and women. One of the main treatments that can stop thinning hair and stimulate growth is a topical solution containing an ingredient called minoxidil. There are also several shampoos for thinning hair that work by removing the damaging DHT chemical from the scalp. In addition to the topical treatments there are many dietary supplements containing vitamin B6, biotin, magnesium, saw palmetto and folic acid that help with thinning hair. There is also a treatment called Finasteride that is clinically proven to stop thinning hair but only works for men. Depending on the exact type of hair loss some of these treatments may have to be used continuously to prevent hair loss reoccurring.

Disguising Thinning Hair

While there are many effective treatments available to stop thinning hair it can take many months before results are noticed. During this period there are many products and techniques that may be used to make the existing hair look thicker and healthier. Hair loss conditioners can thicken the hair shafts by as much as 300% and blow drying hair can also be used to make thinning hair look substantially thicker. Certain hair styles are also better suited to thinning hair, in general shorter hair is better, growing hair longer to cover up thinning hair is not recommended.


The reasons why thinning hair occurs can be varied and complicated but it is important to know what the underlying problems are before proceeding with the correct course of treatment. Hair loss treatments are now much more effective than they were even ten years ago and it is now possible to stop thinning hair in the majority of cases.

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Evangelist N CEO, Green N Brown, leading and fastest growing online store for eco-friendly products. Devoted to help people make greener choices in their everyday lives. Committed to 'Greening the Planet' and driving the Green Revolution 'bottoms up'.