Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Overcoming The Video Gaming Syndrome (VGS)

One of things I like to do is go to FreeCell when I open my computer for the day. It relaxes me. It is fun to play. It does not cost me anything since it comes free with Windows 98. However, it is a time grabber. I spend about 20 minutes each morning trying to get all the cards out of the deck. 68 percent of the time I win. 32 percent of the time I either bomb out or else I see where I have to give up the game.

I make it my rule to play only one game. If I win, that is great. If I lose, I do not come back at least until the next day. Does this make me a habitual video gaming addict? I think not, since I am in control over how much I play and under what terms I wish to play the game.

When I see the workload I have in front of me, I now have revised my computer routine. I do not play FreeCell any longer. If I am on the computer each day, that means I spend two hours each week trying to figure out how to master the cards in front of me. This means my writing must suffer. My marketing also must give up some precious time. So, the little time I spend playing FreeCell on my computer has gone to zero.

I would not have given this a second thought if it were not for two isolated events. One event just happened along by accident. The other event sprang from my recollection of my prior projects. I blundered quite by accident into a FreeCell website while searching for another topic. I found out FreeCell could be played all over the Web. I also discovered that some of the FreeCell player scores reached into astronomical levels. If I had a win percentage like some of the players I saw on one or more of the FreeCell websites, I would have been given a ticker tape parade on Main Street. If I had opted to play FreeCell as frequently as some of the players there, I would have found myself doing nothing else in my whole life except playing FreeCell. I would not have any more time to eat. I could not devote a minute's worth of time to write or to take care of my frail and ailing wife.

Not only did I see an impressive volume of games played. The high scores achieved were equally impressive. Because FreeCell has now become interactive over the Web, I would be in competition with these other players. If there were any wagering or prizes associated with winning, I would be stripped clean of money. I would not be playing FreeCell any more for the fun of it. I would be in deadly competition with people I did not know except by names such as CardWiz, Zingo, BingBang, The Vamp, and others with similar "handles".

VGS starts early. It appears never to leave. On the contrary, it only gets worse. Here is a posted article from a parent that is distraught over what has been happening to her son.

"My son is a sophomore at Albany High, and he appears to be addicted to video games. I think his ideal life would be sitting in front of a computer monitor with an IV in his arm to deliver enough nutrients and caffeine that he wouldn't have to eat or sleep. He also has started to lie to his mother and me -- and to his teachers -- about his schoolwork to maximize his access to the video games, particularly those on the web. He has some friends, but they tend to be limited to other "gamers."

"Does anyone have any advice and/or good resources for dealing with this problem? In one sense, I'm glad he isn't out on the streets getting into drugs or other forms of trouble. But I fear his life has become so one-dimensional that he will be damaged as a result of this obsession."


Many parents have found similar problems with their children and video game addictions. They don't know what to do. Many people only relate addiction to drugs or alcohol or smoking but addictions can come in many forms.

So what is an addiction?

Addition is a state of being where the person needs more and more of a substance or behavior to keep him going.

If the person does not get more of the substance or behavior, he becomes irritable and miserable.
Addictions can vary in intensity. One can really like playing video games and will miss it if he or she does not play one or two days. This person will be unlikely to go into withdrawal. On the other hand, there are others who cannot live without playing at least several hours a day. Addiction to this extent is not in epidemic proportions, but small addictions are seen everyday in different people's lives.

Video games have been known to cause people to have violent behavior because of the guns and other weapons involved in video games. Video gamers are usually pre-teens from ages 10-13 but there can be other age groups that are addicted.

Here are some of the symptoms and observations about VGS in the pre-teen and teen groups:
1. Does your child or adolescent play almost every day?
2. Does he or she often play for long periods of time, often 3 to 4 hours or longer?
3. Does he or she play for excitement?
4. Is there an outbreak of hostility if he or she can't play?

If the answer is yes to any of these or other questions, you have a problem. Moreover, you have a responsibility to your child or adolescent to nip this problem in the bud before it gets worse.

VGS can be uncontrollably addictive as adolescents become adults. If you as parents do not step in and take control at this early stage in life, the lives of your kids can be permanently ruined. Parents need to be aware of this and protect their children from getting to the VGS stage.

You must also be prepared to teach your child the worthlessness and pitfalls of VGS. Approach it from a perspective of how much time gets wasted, or what got accomplished. Did your son win a letter for quarterbacking the high school football team? Did your son win a 70 rating for War On Worlds (WOW). A football letter will always remain, but an electronic screen entry can always get erased.

Here are some other solutions you as parents can employ:

Give children educational rather than violent games.

Encourage video game playing in groups rather than as a solitary activity.

Set time limits on children's playing time. Tell them they can play for a couple of hours after they have done their homework - not before.

Ensure children follow the video game manufacturer's recommendations. For example, they should sit at least two feet from the screen, play in a well-lit room, never have the screen at maximum brightness, and never play when feeling tired.

Finally, if all else fails, take away the game's console and give it back on a part-time basis when appropriate.

The ultimate solution is for you to maintain control of the high speed internet connection in your home and never allow this to pass into the hands of your children. You must be prepared for some strenuous backlash to this or else a lot of whining about why you or your spouse do not trust the kids.

My answer to this one "Would you trust a fox to watch the hen house?" We all know this much: a house without a high speed internet connection is completely disabled from VGS. The speeds are much too slow. The game action will crawl. The chat lines moan and groan. With several good ideas how to manage your computers and your telephone connections, you have put VGS out of business and are well on your way to taking back your lives.

As long as the family unit stays together, there is hope in combating VGS. The hope here is that both parents follow these simple rules almost religiously.

Rule Number 1: As soon as you or your spouse suspect VGS, get help! As easy as you might think you can eradicate the problem, think again. VGS is like a snake with multiple heads.

Rule Number Two: Stay together. Your offspring will look for every which way to get you and your spouse to take sides against each other. Once they have succeeded in getting you into opposing camps, they will mop up at your expense.

Rule Number Three: Apply tough love. While you must stay on top of what your offspring may be doing, do not assume the role of being a dictator. Your greatest chances for success will be in how effectively you can disarm the evil Captain Zappo from being their new hero. We wish you luck!

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

How To Encourage Self Confidence In Girls

Start with limiting your young girl’s television watching. Of course, this is easier said than done. Studies show television programs and advertising can have a negative effect on viewers. Television shows targeted toward children are mixed with many advertising messages. Some of these messages are very subtle, while other messages are quite clear.

Of course we cannot blame the media for everything. We can, however, realize that too much television may negatively affect our children’s self esteem and confidence. For example, children who learn at a young age that food equals happiness, may have problems with body image later in life. Television advertising and programs present ongoing messages to young children that “things” are the solutions to problems and the route to happiness. These messages only exaggerate feelings of low self worth if a child does not possess all these “things,” or the “right things.”

As children age, the "things" can change into a perfect body. Not have the right things can translate into body image problems and other self-destructive behaviors.

Another method of encourage self confidence in young girls is providing positive role models. As girls become more aware of how women around them act and respond to various situations it becomes more important for those women to present positive impressions. If the women in a young girl’s immediate environment hide their anger or express their anger inappropriately the young girl may think it is not okay to be angry, open and honest about angry feelings. The young girl may feel as though she cannot stand up for herself as this is just not an appropriate expression of feeling angry about something. Internal anger can express itself in feelings of low self-esteem and low confidence. Depression may become a problem as the result of repressed anger. Unexpressed anger can surface in very self-destructive ways which may include eating disorders and substance abuse. It is unfortunate that so many women never learn how to express their feelings in an appropriate manner. They did not have positive role models. This cycle needs to be broken if you are going to encourage self confidence in the young girls of your immediate environment. For major issues consider seeking professional help for yourself and for the sake of the young girls in your immediate environment.

It is important to encourage learning and education. There are studies that show girls with a strong educational background are less likely to run into trouble as teenagers. The more your young girls know, the better able they are to make decisions. Encourage learning in math and science. These seem to be two areas where “girls” have been pushed aside in the past. Girls are just as capable in math and science as is boys. This attitude is improving; however, girls are still viewed as less likely to succeed in these areas. Encouragement in math and science can promote increased self confidence and prepare girls for the changing work environment that relies more and more on technology. This is not to say other areas of learning are less important. Encouragement in these areas can help provide balance to an education that is still not quite equal between girls and boys.

Encourage young girls to try new things and discover their talents. Learning what we are good at, and being encouraged to follow these directions, can greatly improve self-esteem and self confidence. When talents or dreams are dismissed, this can easily be perceived as a personal rejection. When girls are encouraged to pursue their interests and develop their talents, they hear the message that they are important. Girls who feel valued by their parents and other important figures in their life are less likely to seek validation from other sources, many of which are not the positive influences desired.

Helping young girls develop a healthy self-esteem and self confidence is an ongoing process. As you work on solutions together, you can help young girls develop independence and the self confidence they need to transition into adulthood.

Monday, January 21, 2008

Natural Pain Relief Safety and Benefits

Pain can be experienced as a result of old age, physical illness, extensive exercise, overwork, heavy lifting, strained muscles or broken bones. Pain triggers a region of the brain known as the lateral occipital complex, reducing a person's ability to concentrate and accurately recognize images, i.e. our ability to think and perceive properly. Pain also interferes with our ability to cope with life emotionally, e.g. sadness, irritation and perhaps depression and hopelessness. Supermarkets and pharmacies have aisles and aisles of pills, powders and bandages to help with pain relief. Some common pain relief medication can cause mild side effects like drowsiness or nausea. Other pain relief medications are prescribed and can have even more serious side effects. Drugs like vicodin and percocet are prescription, heavy duty narcotic pain relief pills that are addictive and dangerous if not taken carefully. New studies suggest those drugs that block pain could also be stimulating receptors that cause pain as well.

A safer option for society's pain relief is the variety of all natural products. These all natural products aid in pain relief for muscle and joint pain, as well as relax the body for a general improvement of the body and soul. Some examples of natural pain relief products are vitamins, supplements, herbs, ointments, creams and even bath formulas to reduce inflammation

Both glucosamine and chondroiton are a nutritional approach to maintaining the fluids needed to lubricate joints and cartilage. . Glucosamine is an amino found in the body that stimulates growth of new cartilage and can also help to reduce joint pain. People using glucosamine experienced as much pain relief as those taking over-the-counter medications. Antioxidants such as glutathione can help tissue recover from inflammation. The antioxidant acetyl-cystine, a precursor to glutathione, can reduce pain from nerve damage. There are widely known natural and herbal remedies for pain relief. These include varying amounts and combinations of "Devil's Claw", Willow Bark, Boswellia, Camomile, Bromelain, Oil of Oregano, Cayenne Pepper, Nettle leaf, St. John's Wort, arnica gel, celadrin, hyaluronic acid, collagen, msm and natural pain relief formulas to reduce neuropathic pain.

Bromelain is particularly useful for reducing muscle and tissue inflammation and as a digestive aid. Supplements are made from enzymes found in the pineapple stem. Bromelain is believed to be an effective blood thinner and anti-inflammatory that works by breaking down fibrin, a blood-clotting protein that can interfere with good circulation and stop tissues from releasing used material and toxins properly. Bromelain also blocks the production of compounds that can cause swelling and pain. When inflammation is reduced, blood can move more easily to a traumatized area, Bomelain can help reduce muscle and joint pain, reduce swelling, bruising, redness and drain excess fluid from the injured area.

Sleep disturbance is one of the most common experiences for people with chronic pain. It may not always be that the pain itself prevents a good night's sleep. Some studies suggest that poor sleep makes the pain worse. In fact, one study in healthy men found they grew more sensitive to painful stimuli when deprived of sleep. There are many natural sleep aids available to facilitate a good night's sleep that do not carry the risk of morning after drowsiness, dependence, or impaired thinking or physical ability.

As mentioned earlier, pain can also interfere with one's ability to cope emotionally, concentrate, and perceive properly. Pain may arouse fear, sadness, irritation, moderate depression and decrease one's ability to give and hold attention. There are a wide variety of natural supplements and formulas to help increase oxygen and serotonin to our brain to help us remain calm and alert. These natural supplements include may also be pain relieving as well as mood enhancing at the same time e.g. St. John's Wort, acytl-cystine, and other antioxidants and amino acids that improve general circulation and promote healing as well as enhancing brain function.

Hydrotherapy, i.e. the use of water for relieving stress, tension, and muscle aches, is an ancient and widely used form of natural pain relief. There are natural elements that can be added to our warm, soaking baths to increase water's natural ability to relieve pain. There are also many aromatherapy bath products, e.g. sea salts, minerals, and oils, that not only help with pain relief but also provide therapeutic aromas that help soothe our emotional well being and emotional ability to cope with pain.

There are many topical and ingestion natural supplements and formulas available to help us relieve and cope with pain. These natural substances do not present a risk of harmful or unwanted side effects e.g. dependence, drowsiness, pain increase, etc., as do some prescription synthetic drugs. Natural pain relief supplements can actually help eliminate the source and cause of pain, i.e. aid healing, as well as reducing the feeling and experience of pain. Often natural pain relief supplements provide additional benefits, beyond pain relief, for improving our overall health in general.

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Evangelist N CEO, Green N Brown, leading and fastest growing online store for eco-friendly products. Devoted to help people make greener choices in their everyday lives. Committed to 'Greening the Planet' and driving the Green Revolution 'bottoms up'.