Thursday, December 11, 2008

Benefits of Meditation

"Select a clean spot, neither too high nor too low, and seat your- self firmly on a cloth, a deerskin, or kusha grass. Then, once seated, strive to still your thoughts. Make your mind one-pointed in meditation and your heart will be purified................................"

These words originate from the Bhagavad Gita, one of the best known and most influential of the Hindu scriptures. This book provides an entire section on the practice of meditation which is central to the Hindu way of life. It is also an important part of other eastern religions, Buddhism and Zen but it also has its place in Christianity and Judaism. However meditation does not require adherence to any of the faiths and religions that advocate it.

The benefits to be gained from meditation are many. Those people who meditate regularly believe that it leads to a significant lowering of tension and negative emotions. At the same time meditation can increase efficiency at work and deepen the sense of inner calm.

This feeling of well-being will bring a number of physical benefits. Regular meditation will eliminate or reduce stress, ease migration and tension headaches, reduce blood pressure, benefit the the heart and reduce the pain of menstrual cramps.

What we seek to achieve through meditation is a state of passive alertness that transcends the day to day level of thought and distraction. This 'higher level' of consciousness can be achieved by every person and does not require a knowledge of religious or spiritual teaching. Meditation is a straightforward way of freeing the mind, forgetting about everyday stresses and focusing upon mental relaxation.

In its simplest form meditation is nothing more than allowing the mind to concentrate upon a simple repetitive sensation such as the running of a fountain or repeating a word over and over again. Any of these and more can be used as something onto which the mind concentrates so strongly that problems and anxieties disappear. When described in its more refined and mystical guise, it is a means to a state of self fulfilment, being completely at one with the universe.

Meditation is not a time consuming process nor is it a form of self-hypnosis. If done correctly it is a life saving experience during which any preconceived opinions and ideas fade, the intellect and senses are refined and the ability to concentrate is improved.

Meditation has existed for several thousands of years but it was only in the 1960's that it became popular in western culture and today many thousands of people benefit greatly from its effects. Meditation slows down the heart rate and reduces oxygen and carbon dioxide production. It also raises levels of skin resistance to pain or to an electrical current, which tends to be lower when we are stressed and anxious. This indicates an increase of muscle relaxation and can be explained for phenomena such as lying on a bed of nails or walking through fire.

During meditation there is also a reduction of activity in the nervous system and an increase in blood circulation. This slows down the metabolism resulting in the body achieving a hypometabolic state. This is a different state than what the body experiences during sleep or while under hypnosis and is best described as deep and prolonged relaxation.

Meditation has also be shown to have a major effect on the way that the brain works. During meditation the brain produces a balanced pattern of both alpha and theta brave wave rhythms. This may indicate that while in a state of deep relaxation the brain is better able to find a balance between its logical and rational and creative and imaginative sides. This results in more healthier, productive and fulfilled individuals. If it is practised regularly meditation will help to fight depression, reduce hypertension, and relieve anxiety, migraine and psychosomatic illness. Concentration, memory and creativity are also improved through regular practice of meditation.

Regular practice of meditation is also of benefit to people who have difficulty in sleeping and suffer from low energy levels. The quality of sleep will improve when meditation is practised regularly and most meditators testify to feeling less tired during the day, needing less sleep at night and waking up feeling more refreshed.

When starting to meditate it is important to find a quiet, peaceful place and to use this place regularly. Soft background music, incense or low lights are helpful in creating a conducive atmosphere. There are two stages involved in the process of meditation. Firstly comes physical relaxation, where the focus of attention is on the body and tension build up is tackled and when the body is relaxed the clarifying and emptying of the mind can begin.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Basic Elements of Ayurveda

Ayurveda is the most ancient and traditional science. The basic principles of Ayurveda deal with the natural way of living a healthy life. People are understanding how difficult is to survive in today's world without any disease. In that case Ayurveda teaches the perfect way of leading a healthy life. The knowledge of ayurveda is divided into eight parts. Hence it is also known as Ashtanga Ayurveda. These are as follows: Kaya, Bal, Graha, Urdhwa, Shalya, Dhanstra, Jara, Vrishan. According to Ayurveda's basic concept of human body there are seven body types. They are as follows:
Mono-types (vata, pitta or kapha predominant),
Dual types (vata-pitta, pitta-kapha or, kapha-vata), and
Equal types, (vata, pitta and kapha in equal proportions).
Every individual has a unique combination of these three Doshas. To understand the uniqueness of every individual is the very basis of Ayurveda. According to Ayurveda all humans are governed by three vital principles, which regulate and control the biological functions. They are Vata, Pitta and Kapha. According to Ayurveda, doshas are of vital importance because they are responsible for coordinating, guiding and directing all the structures and substances of the body. Proper understanding and knowledge of the doshas give us the understanding of the functioning of the intelligence that commands the dhatus (body tissues) and malas (waste products) and gives the body its vast functional capability. The theory of three doshas is the basic foundation of Ayurvedic science and its diagnosis and treatment modalities. The main functions of the following three doshas are as follows:

All motions, transportation and electromagnetic activities are controlled by vata. Whereas Pitta represents fire principle and is concerned with process of conversion, consumption and other chemical changes taking place in the living body. Kapha is the principle of water and as such every living cell is pervaded by it in order to perform their functions. Each of the three doshas has its own unique characters, which are contrary to each other so as to maintain the equilibrium.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Discover What Fitness Is Really About

Would you like to really know what it really means to be Fit ? Well, I will go straight to the point, and I am sure you will be surprised.

Fitness is a lifestyle. It's about having a certain mindset, a certain attitude towards yourself.
Yes, it's about having the body and health you want, but it's first and foremost loving yourself
deeply from the inside. It's about knowing who you are really. True fitness is about growing mentally, physically and spiritually. So, Fitness is not something that comes quickly. It's the result of a complete transformation of your inner being and the sum of daily positive and healthy habits.

The 3 main components of fitness are healthy eating, adapted exercise and fine tuned supplementation : Eating several times a day (5 to 6 times idealy), the right portions (use the size of your fist) and the right nutriments are prerequisites(i.e non-processed food,fresh fruits and vegetables, lean proteins, not cutting out carbs, drink enough water, add lots of whole cereals,having proteins and complex carbs at each meal, etc). Always eat high quality and fresh food (forget about prepared or packed meals). Remember that nutrition is 50% of your physical shape.

Another thing you might not know, is that your glycemic level has a direct effect on how your body stores fat : the higher the glycemic level, the more fat you will store and the more you will weaken your metabolism. So keep eating low glycemic foods and lean proteins (egg whites, poultry breast, fish). Try to eat 15% essentials faty acids, 35% proteins and 50% carbs. All this will help train your body to use food and not store fat.

Another thing to know, and this is very important, is to know that we are all unique individuals; what this means, is that not all people have to train the same way. You must train according to your body type. And then combine three different types of trainings according to your body type.

Fitness equals working on the internal aspects and external aspects of yourself. Usually, you only think about the external aspects. But you have first to become the person inside that you desire to reflect on the outside. That's why the work on the "inside" part is the key to success, and why usually diet plans fail.

Personal growth and attitude are essential to succeed in fitness. The "spiritual" part refers a lot to true happiness,I mean the real feeling of peace and love from the inside out.

To help you on your way, I will give you some tips to start from: first, let's talk about habits : you will not reach fitness in one day and the new lifestyle it requires will not come in one minute either. You have to install new positive habits each day.You have to be mentally prepared and this takes some time and work!Once you are truly committed to fitness, you will experience three phases you must master :

one is the motivation phase, where you will be super charged with energy and happy to undertake what you decided to. This phase is usually the easiest one;

the second phase is the discipline phase, where your motivation starts to fade away. This is the most critical part. Your body hasn't yet accepted the new habits, so it tries to keep you away from going forward. In this phase, you must be disciplined and not listen to your negative or restraining feelings. You must hold onto your vision, as you not yet see the results you are waiting for. Just control your mind and keep going, whatever your thoughts are;

the third phase, is the rewarding phase : here you start seeing your first results...and your motivation comes back! It's a sign your body has accepted your new programming. Your feelings are now positive and you enjoy your new state of being.

It's all about patience and having strong faith in what and why you undertake what you envision. New habits don't come quickly, but think about the rewards they bring! One key factor to stay motivated and to manifest what you truly desire is to strongly believe in yourself and your potential. You can make it! Practice daily positive affirmations, imagining yourself in the new situation and enjoying this future state (i.e feeling healthy, full of energy, having a beautiful body, etc.). Put all your energy and intention into your fitness and it will come you back!

I hope you enjoyed to learn a little bit more about real fitness, and hope this will serve you to
become really fit, full of energy, vitality and happiness. Now you should have the clues to
live a balanced life grow physically, mentally and spiritually!

Monday, August 18, 2008

Effective Herbal Treatments for Menopause

People today are becoming increasingly aware of how effective herbal remedies can be for various medical conditions from migraines to skin conditions. Many women have found that using an herbal remedy to deal with their menopause symptoms are a better choice than the prescription drugs a physician might offer. Women have many different choices when it comes to herbal remedies. The key is learning which ones work best and which ones provide the best relief for your personal set of symptoms.

Menopause symptoms are caused when the ovaries slow their production of various hormones including estrogen. These hormone fluctuations can wreak havoc with a woman's body. Women may experience hot flashes, insomnia, night sweats, unexplained weight gain, and mood swings. Women may even experience exhaustion. It can be so difficult to contain these symptoms without allowing them to cause stress in the life.

Prescription drugs can provide some relief from these symptoms; however, there are some drawbacks to using prescriptions. Some have serious side effects that can be worse than the symptoms themselves. For example, some of the prescriptions available for hot flashes cause itchy rashes all over the body. Other prescriptions have long term health effects including devastating diseases like cancer. Treating your symptoms with a safe, natural herbal remedy is often the best way to handle menopause.

As you begin the search for the right remedy, you might be a bit surprised and overwhelmed at the number of products on the market. Choosing the right product for you can be a difficult task. There are several people you might want to talk to as you start your search.

First, consult your gynecologist. They will be able to tell you which herbal remedies are safe for you and which are not. Moreover, they can let you know which methods are working for their other patients and which have proven to be completely ineffective.

In addition to your doctor, you might talk to an herbal store consultant. They talk to a number of women who are dealing with the same symptoms that you are. As a result, they can guide you in the right direction.

One of the most popular herbs to deal with menopause symptoms is Black Cohos. This herb helps with a number of different menopause symptoms including night sweats, hot flashes, and anxiety. This herb has been extensively studied, and the studies have all pointed to its effectiveness.

Pasque Flower has also proven to be a great herbal remedy to deal with menopause symptoms by offering the same effect a mild sedative might have.

An herb combination called MellowPause might also help your symptoms. It has a soy base, and it combines the power of Black Cohosh and Pasque flower to help you fight insomnia, night sweats, hot flashes, and mood swings.

Menocore is another herbal combination that will help with the same symptoms. It contains a number of different natural herbal products.

One final product that might relieve your symptoms is Triatone. The ingredients list on this includes Black Cohos, Chasleberry, Dong Quai, Isoflavones, and Licorice Root. This product not only relieves many of your symptoms, but it also helps to give you a good sense of well being.

Monday, August 4, 2008

Back Pain At The Office

It's getting to be so bad that by Monday afternoon, you're already tired of being at the office. You're not even thinking as far ahead as Friday. Just getting to hump day is going to be challenge enough.

In reality, it's not the folks you work with who are getting you down—they're tolerable, mostly, although there is that one guy in accounting. Where do they find these people?

It's not even your boss, who, if he knew even half as much as you do, WOULD be a shoo-in for Executive of the Year.

No, the biggest pain in your neck is actually located a bit lower. And it's really what's making working where you do seem a lot worse than it actually is.

Face it. It's your aching back that's sucking the joy out of your nine-to-five existence and making you feel 10 years older to boot.

Sure, you've learned to tolerate the bad coffee, pointless meetings, and lame jokes in the course of your day. But you just can't tough it out when it comes to back pain, which can range from dull, nagging aches to those unexpected twinges that feel like you've been hit with a taser gun.

If it's any consolation, you're not alone. More than 31 million Americans have low back pain at any given time. The bad news about back pain is that it not only lives with you all day at the office but it also comes home with you at night. It may even dog your weekends.

How do you develop pain?

If you are experiencing back pain at the office, you may think that it is coming from all the sitting, standing, and lifting that you have to do. And, indirectly, it does. But it is actually more about how the body has to adapt to all the sitting, standing, and lifting than the activity itself. Let's take sitting as an example.

Because of the amount of time you spend sitting, your body must gradually adapt itself to that position. This happens in a number of ways. The first thing it must adapt to is how the weight goes through your hips and pelvis. Then, there is the way you sit—upright, slouching, or something in between. Most importantly, it's what happens to the muscles while you're sitting. For example, your hip flexors will get tight from being in a shortened position and your butt will get weak and flabby from being in a relaxed state.

That simple combination of tight hip flexors and weak glutes is called a "muscle imbalance." The result of these muscle imbalances will be postural dysfunctions of your pelvis and spine. These imbalances send both your spine and pelvis into abnormal positions, the combination of which can be devastating to a person with a healthy back and catastrophic for a person suffering from any form of back pain.

What can you do about it?

What you must also understand is that your imbalances are the result of what you do in your everyday life—your workouts, sitting, the activities of your job, and your own personal habits. I'm not going to tell you to stop going to work. But what if you changed the way you present yourself at your desk?

• Instead of sitting at your desk, try kneeling. I kneel at least 30 percent of the time I spend at my desk. I have a small foam pad that puts me just high enough to type and see the monitor.
• I sit on a therapy ball—and guess what? I don't sit still like my momma told me to. I move my hips in every direction, which means I'm working on my core balance all day long.

Action steps to take

Because you have to work and because the quality of your life depends on your career, you need to be able to make the most of your situation. Let me give you just a few tips to help you through the day:

When I sit, I sit with my legs in all different positions—sometimes bent, sometimes behind me, other times stretched out in front or even to the side of me, keep the legs moving.

Every 10 minutes or so, I will work my body in some way—and, yes, that includes walking away from my desk. But more than that, I make it a habit to stand up when the phone rings. I also stand when I have to read something or when I'm rearranging the stack of stuff on my desk for greater productivity.

If your job requires you to stand all day long, be sure you have quality footwear and a neutral shoe insert. Our body mechanics start when our feet hit the ground. It is best if your feet are in the most neutral position possible.

One negative body pattern that many people fall into is to continually shift their weight from one foot to the other. The problem with this is that most people find eventually decide that one leg will be more comfortable than the other, and then that leg will get most of the weight most of the time. This will wreak havoc on the pelvis and spine. Better to put equal on each foot as much as you can, and learn to correct when you catch yourself shifting your weight or leaning on one leg too much.

A third obstacle on the job can be situations where you have to lift anything over 10 pounds repeatedly. Again, it's not the activity itself that puts you in jeopardy; it's your body's inability to tolerate the stress of the weight. In other words, you should be able to lift anything you want to and not have any difficulty doing it. The problem occurs when your body is suffering from the muscle imbalances and postural dysfunctions that we talked about earlier—and you don't even know it.

So, when you lift that object and you get injured, think of it as the straw that broke the camels' back. Your body was already in a compromised state, and it just needed that last bit of stress to send you in to a painful condition.

It's an unavoidable fact of life at the office, and it can also play a role by causing your muscles to tense up, which makes you more prone to injury. Stress also lowers your tolerance for pain. In some cases, minimizing stress on the job can be a daunting task, but deep-breathing exercises, walking around the block, or even talking about your frustrations with a trusted friend can help.

In closing, I want to leave you with this message: Even though the workplace can be a hazard to your health, if you do find yourself having back pain, remember that your thoughts and your beliefs about your situation will have a direct impact on your ability to recover and how fast you recover. That's why it's critical to learn all you can about your condition and take action as soon as you can…

Monday, April 28, 2008

Do You Do Too Many Things At Once?

Does this ever happen to you? Do you feel overworked? Overwhelmed? Overtired? Most of us are busier than ever: We're doing our jobs plus sometimes the jobs of one or two gone-but-not-replaced colleagues and doing it all with less support.

'Do more with less'is the unforgiving mantra of business in industry today. Make more decisions, launch more innovations, get more stuff done, with fewer people and less resources. Cell phones, laptops, PDAs, pagers all beeping, ringing, flashing making demands on our time and our attention. It is reported by a study by the Families and Work Institute in New York of 1,003 employees that 45 percent of U.S. workers feel they are asked or expected to work on too many tasks at once. Is this true for you?

How do we do it? We become very good at multitasking. We do it everywhere largely because of technology. We can check pagers and even answer cell phones on the golf course (or in my case, the tennis court!)

Does this mean you have less time to do real work as more time is spent on task work, answering messages, shuffling papers? Do you manage to stay sane in the face of these crazy demands?

A growing body of scientific research shows that multitasking can actually make you less efficient. Trying to do two or three things at once or in quick succession can take longer overall than doing them one at a time, and may leave you with reduced brainpower to perform each task.

Research shows that multitasking increases stress, diminishes perceived control, and may cause physical discomfort such as stomach aches or headaches not to mention shoddy work, mismanaged time, rote solutions, and forgetfulness. Have you ever noticed that as you are working on one task, thoughts about another creep into your consciousness? Taken further, car crashes, kitchen fires, forgotten children, near misses in the skies, and other dangers of inattention.

The Institute for the Future finds that employees of Fortune 1,000 companies send and receive 178 messages a day and are interrupted an average of at least three times an hour. Is your head shaking in agreement?

It doesn't mean we can't do several things at the same time, but we're kidding ourselves if we think we can do so without a cost. Our brains allow us to appear as though we can comfortably multitask. We do have an excellent filtering mechanism to switch our attention rapidly from one thought to the next. At the same time, rather than lose unattended thoughts, this mechanism keeps them active in the recesses of the brain.

However, the more we juggle, the less efficient we become at performing any one task. And the longer we go before returning to an interrupted task, the harder it is to remember just where we left off. Multitasking diminishes our productivity and makes us work harder just to feel like we are barely keeping up.

Recently, the public debate over multi-tasking focused largely on cell phones and driving. On July 1, 2004, New Jersey became the second state behind New York to ban drivers from using a cell phone without a headset. Washington, D.C., has adopted a similar ban.

No one solution works for everyone. Try them all, and then choose those that work best for you:

* Better estimate the time it takes to complete a task. For instance, list the tasks you plan to complete during a four-hour period and write down how long you think each task will take. Then, time yourself. Find the percentage by which you underestimate, and adjust your expectations accordingly.
* Write things down. Offload what's on your mind onto paper. Keep a pad of paper and pen by your bedside and write those thoughts that either keep you up, or wake you up, in the middle of the night. I get my best ideas in the middle of the night and write them down so I can get back to sleep peacefully. The only caveat here is have big paper. I tend to write my thoughts one atop the other in the dark!
* Allow yourself to complete a task which is the most productive way to work.
* Remove distractions: close your door (if you have one), do not check your e-mail, and turn off the ringer on your phone, cell phone, pager, and fax.
* Schedule down time for yourself. Do something different by refreshing your system so you return to work with a clean perspective, and the ability to work more effectively.
*Remember to breathe deeply. We tend to breathe shallowly and by deep breathing we relax in spite of ourselves.

Do these sound familiar? Many are techniques for de-stressing and rightly so. Multitasking is stressful. Technology can multitask forever. Humans cannot.

I find the following fascinating since at this moment while I'm creating this article I'm interrupted by phone calls, e-mails, staff, and my mind reminding me what is left in my Daytimer to be done today!

How do we do it? Research shows that the ability to multi-task stems from a spot right behind the forehead. That's the anterior part of the region neuroscientists call the 'executive' part of the brain called the prefrontal cortex. When we assess tasks, prioritize them, and assign mental resources, these frontal lobes are doing most of the work.

This same region of the brain is where we pull off another uniquely human trick that is key to multi-tasking 'marking' the spot at which a task has been interrupted, so we can return to it later. It reminds me of the Bookmark function in Word, bringing you back to where you left off in a document.

However, the prefrontal cortex is the most damaged as a result of prolonged stress, particularly the kind of stress that makes a person feel out-of-control and helpless. The kind of stress, for example, that you might feel when overwhelmed by the demands of multi-tasking.

Such stress also will cause the death of brain cells in another region:the hippocampus, which is critical to the formation of new memories. Damage there can hobble a person's ability to learn and retain new facts and skills.

When a person multi-tasks well, without errors or disastrous results, it is usually because one or more of the tasks engaged in has become automatic.
For example, I can eat lunch and read the newspaper at the same time, because eating really involves no conscious thought. I'm sure you can think of instances where you've had similar experiences. I hope you are not multitasking as you read this!

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

How to Make the Most of Your Long-Term Dieting Plans

After choosing a dieting plan and doing a detailed reading of the book that appeals to you the most, you will need to make the necessary intellectual and emotional commitments needed for success. Don't look at your diet plan as a temporary thing, something to discard or ignore once you've achieved your weight loss goal. There are several things you can do to help make the intellectual and emotional commitments to make your diet last a lifetime!

First, define your goals. Don't just think, "I've got to lose some weight." Pick a target, even if it's a moving target. Some dieters like to think in increments, for instance, losing 20 poinds, then then reestablishing a new goal until they arrive at a weight level they feel most comfortable with. Other dieters-to-be are more daring. Choosing a weight loss goal of 100 pounds might seem impossible for some, but for other dieters, it's their best and most direct strategy. Set a goal that you feel most comfortable with and stick with it.

Second, try to choose a realistic timeline for losing weight. It took years to put on those excess poinds. Don't expect to lose them all in a month! Get a good idea of how much weight you should reasonably expect to lose each week or month by reading your diet book thoroughly and following its guidelines.

Third, try to avoid as much stress as possible - especially during the earliest stages of a diet. Eating binges are often the result of high stress levels.

Fourth, buy yourself a good scale, preferably an accurate digital one. Be prepared to pay at least $40 to $80 for a quality scale. Be aware that some digital scales stop at 300 pounds. Some of the most sophisticated scales can also measure the ratio of body fat to lean muscle mass, referred to as the Body Mass Index (BMI). A Body Mass Index of over 25 usually indicates obesity, although variables such as height can influence your number. The Department of Health and Human Services' Center for Disease Control and Prevention (often called the CDC) offers a detailed explanation of the BMI and Java-scripted calculator to determine your own BMI.

Five. Weigh and measure yourself and write down the information for future reference. During the first week or so of your diet, try to avoid getting on the scale every day. While your body readjusts itself to this new way of eating, you might find your weight loss fluctuating or even stalling. This can be discouraging. If you absolutely must jump on the scale daily, do so at the same time each day, for instance, immediately after waking up. Your weight can fluctuate, up or down, by a pound or two durng the course of the day.

Number six. For an added visual reference and to really solidify the intellectual and emotional commitments required for your long-term dieting success, get a friend or companion to take a photograph of you each week. Do a front, back, and side shot. A digital camera works exceptionally well here since you can quickly compare photos of yourself from day one of your diet through your entire regimen. This visual enforcement of your efforts can be a great encouragement.

Seven. Let friends and family members know that you are on a diet. Support, understanding, and encouragement can be great things when you are embarking on creating a new you!

Finally, recognize 'toxic' friends. No matter how much weight you're losing, no matter how much your cholesterol has fallen, no matter how many pants or dress sizes you've lost, expect a friend (or relative) to continue to tell you how bad your diet is for you. There are enough studies available in medical journals and respected websites that prove the validity of making LIFESTYLE diet changes. These same studies encourage a balanced diet and many now encourage some level of supplementation. Nutritional supplementation makes sure your body has all the tools and raw materials it needs to keep you in top shape during your body's transformation.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Women Menopausal Changes

When women go through the change of life, it could bring on heart disease as well. The clotting agent fibrinogen (a soluble protein in the blood made by the liver and made insoluble because of damage tissue), increases when a woman is post-menopause; the body experiences less estrogen production and the cholesterol levels changes, thus the change of life. Estrogen is a protective factor against heart disease for women, until menopause, at which time it declines, thereby removing the protection. The Cleveland Clinic Heart Center explains the connection between women and heart disease and menopausal changes.

The amount of risk caused by each change is unknown, but in most cases there is a greater risk with each change. Heart disease is two to three times greater after menopause than before. These same risks are in women who have had a hysterectomy as well. More women over the age of sixty die of heart attacks than men; women's symptoms are different than men and are often mistaken for something less serious.

Wake Forest University-Baptist Medical Center suggests reduced levels of estrogen caused by stress increase risk of heart attacks and strokes. Stress can cause damage to arteries, thus creating problems. Heart disease includes the narrowing of the arteries that bring oxygen to the heart, inborn defects, diseases of the heart muscles and heart failure. Two hundred and fifty thousand American women die each year from this disease and, as women age the risk increases. It is the leading killer in America.

Doctors in the past, treated women with hormone replacement therapy to prevent heart disease during menopause and post-menopausal. After a study of women and heart disease it was confirmed that this therapy was not the right treatment for heart disease prevention.

A new study revealed that women taking hormone replacement therapy medication containing female hormones, commonly estrogen plus progestin (synthetic progesterone), health risks exceeded the health benefits and the study was stopped early. There were 161,809 women, ages ranging from 50-79. Breast cancer increased 26%, heart attacks increased 29%, strokes increased 41%, and blood clots increased more than 50%.

However, the study did show 34% fewer hip fractures and there were other benefits. The risk factor s outweigh the benefits. For a short-term treatment, some women may consider HRT, but it should be based on individual health history. To read the full report: Medline Plus-Encyclopedia

There are other things that will help women to adjust to menopause and have a healthy heart. They are to stop smoking, maintain the proper weight, exercise regularly, cut down on the fatty foods, keep an eye on your cholesterol, and blood pressure levels. According to The Nurses Health Study, folic acid, B-6 and B-12 played a role in reducing the risk of heart attack or death among women of heart disease when one group consumed more food and supplements than the other group.

If hormone replacement therapy is chosen, remember to eat healthy and exercise which will maintain healthy heart muscles. Be sure to have regular check-ups and call your health care provider if anything unusual occurs.

Friday, April 11, 2008

Parent of A Teen? Help Is Available

Was it just a few years ago that your child was a lovable, huggable and kissable angel? After the thrill of having a new born in the family, having the biggest life altering experience you can ever expect, and thinking that it's the best thing that ever happened to you and your husband.

Suddenly your child is in his or her teens, and while you may think that nothing quite prepared you for your first new born, living with your teenage child is a whole new experience.

Are you new to the game of teenage parenting?

Parenting can be the most rewarding aspect of our lives.

There's truly nothing like hearing your child laugh, or witnessing their first soccer goal, watching them going off on their first date... You'll be amazed at how proud you are. It truly is an incomparable experience.

However, not every aspect of teenage parenting is simple and fun. In fact, some experiences can be rather difficult to say the least. Sometimes it feels that you are knocking yourself against a wall. The child that you cradled in your arms, the child that snuggled up to you during bedtime, now has become a 'mute', answering in grunts and no longer wishes to be around you.

Regardless, it's important to remember that you're not alone. After all, this is the information age. An abundance of solutions are right at your very fingertips. I'm talking about the world-Wide-Web.

While the Internet is of great help to globalization and businesses, they are great for the individuals as well, parents included.

Have you checked out any good parenting message boards lately? This could be a good source of help.

Who came up with parenting message boards? I do not know and am certainly not complaining. This is a very cool nuance to the teenage parenting game.

We could all use a helping hand now and then, or possibly some knowledgeable advice for a fellow parent.

As a parent, we often encounter inevitable disagreements with our teenagers. Don't worry; this is all part of the growing-up process. Children have been rebelling since the beginning of time and it is not going to change any time soon. Once they hit that know-it-all stage, you're really in for it. The teenage years are the toughest years. But like what they say, like gold refined through fire, if we get through the teenage years of our children positively, the impact on our relationships will be a lasting one.

Help is just around the corner. In fact, it's at the click of a mouse. That's the up-side of the help we can receive now days. With your home computer close at hand, you can always refer to parenting message boards for advice. These are handy websites where parents can chat and offer each other a helping hand.

Are you in some serious need of advice regarding your teen? You're certainly not the only one. When my children were in their teenage years, they always gave me a hard time on a regular basis. I've found that it's inescapable, but manageable if you learn how to react, or not react at all.

There are many ways to get started searching for parenting message boards to lend you some advice. Or perhaps, because of your experiences, you may have loads of useful information to offer. Regardless, you can jump online today and search for parenting message boards under or any of the other search engines.

Get those priceless answers on parenting now. With parenting message boards you can do more than just get good, solid and valid advice. You can also make new friends. Friends that can share, laugh, cry and encourage you together as you bring up your teen.

Monday, February 25, 2008

The Purpose of Yoga - Solutions for Releasing Anxiety

Yoga is a 5,000 year catalog of health solutions and an evolving science of life. Therefore, here are some "age old" Yogic solutions for releasing anxiety. To make them work, you must realize that you have to make a habit of releasing a little anxiety, within acceptable limits, all day long.

Physical practice of Yoga postures (Asanas) will release muscular tension. Make a habit of physically practicing as you sit, stand, or lie down. You do not have to put on a "Yoga show" to sit straight, stand straight, tilt, twist, or bend.

As humans, we are in motion most of the time, but you can move or stand still with purpose and mindfulness. Once you establish Yoga into your life "off the Yoga mat," you will be surprised how often you and people around you are regularly sitting, or standing, in poor posture, during the course of an average day.

Observation is very important. As you wake up, observe the muscle groups and joints, which have contracted, as you slept. These contractions can cause daily muscle tension, spasms, pains, and aches. Is the tension in your face, back, neck, shoulders, legs, arms, or hips?

Get to know how your body responds to mild warm-ups and develop routines to compensate for physical tension. The connection between mental and physical tension is symbiotic. If you resolve a physical form of tension, you will resolve mental tension, as well.

In Hatha Yoga, there are more than 1500 postures to choose from. Many of us have seen charts, or books, with 500 to 600 Asanas to choose from. If you become creative, you will soon discover many more while sitting in a chair.

You can practice Yoga while you are at your desk, in your bed, on your couch, on a bus, or when you walk. When you add the breathing component, (Pranayama), to your daily life, you have many more combinations of techniques.

Here's another approach to dealing with anxiety. However, you must use it in the right time and place. Do not be silent! Let it out vocally. Some people laugh, pray, sing, cry, or shout, but each method works at the right time. So, be tactful, if you decide to make noise.

If you hold it all in, you will burst - in the figurative and literal sense. Therefore, you have to release it in some way. Some people roll up the windows in their cars and scream at the top of their lungs. In truth, whatever works is a good thing.

We will not have the same reactions to anxiety. Some people will laugh, while others cry during identical circumstances. Look at how some people react to losing a job. Some people have a party, while another person may contemplate suicide.

In a typical Yoga class, you may learn Mantra and Japa. These are powerful methods and are very beneficial in combination with Pranayama.

Lastly, anxiety is energy, which is not always negative, but can be deflected or circulated, throughout your being. Yogic solutions work, but they must be practiced daily. You do not want to collect and store negative feelings, so carefully release them back into the universe.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Kids Yoga: A Solution to Global Obesity in Children

Two topics that most people are tired of hearing about are obesity and childhood obesity. The problem is we will not find solutions for these problems if we "bury our heads in the sand." Kids Yoga is a viable solution to obesity in children, but this requires schools and parents to take action now.

Obesity has crept up on all age groups quickly; children in some countries need to change their lifestyles immediately. If not, there will be serious health repercussions that will shake our health systems and fragile economies.

How did massive numbers of obesity get here? How can less physical activity in children be acceptable? How could Kids Yoga be a solution?

Parents today have less buying power than our parents had. Many children are shifted from school to day care, while both parents are working extra hours to support the family. Many of today's meals are composed of processed foods -whether they are store-bought, or bought for takeout, from a restaurant.

Physical education has suffered serious cutbacks since the "Cold War" ended. Back in the 1970's, and before, children ran and played outside more often.

The Yoga lifestyle helps parents and children manage diet in a very busy and stressful world. If you are conscious of it, there are wiser food choices, even from restaurants. When children practice Yoga, they become much more aware of their diet, posture, activities, and daily exercise routine.

Educators, doctors, Yoga teachers, and parents cannot afford to wait until the next study on childhood obesity is completed to take action. Children are bigger than ever, due to inactivity and a high fat / carbohydrate diet. Large numbers of big children will become even bigger adults, who are at risk of heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, various forms of cancer, and much more.

Therefore, educators, doctors, Yoga teachers, and parents must be proactive. Do not expect grant money, government assistance, or any help from "big brother." Look at the reaction to global warming by the world's governments and you see how long it takes to get a reaction.

For parents with school-aged children, there has never been a better time for them to attend Yoga classes. Children consider Yoga an extension of other games and exercises they would normally do. Children will naturally jump, roll on the ground, run, and spin around, in the course of playing with their friends.

With proper supervision from a certified Yoga teacher, children learn what they can and cannot do. Kids Yoga classes teach safe Hatha Yoga techniques for flexibility, strength and muscle tone.

If a child is obese, parents should not expect instant miracles with weight loss, and parents would do well to learn the practice of Hatha Yoga. In this way, parents and children will both be aware of proper dieting and a much healthier lifestyle.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Yoga Health News

Yoga Health Foundation announces Yoga Month 092008, a global awareness campaign to inspire a healthy lifestyle.

Los Angeles, November 05, 2007 – The Yoga Health Foundation, a non-profit organization registered in California, has announced “Yoga Month 092008”, a grassroots, community-based global campaign to educate people about the health benefits of yoga and to inspire a healthy lifestyle.

Yoga Month is a year-round campaign and will peak September 2008 with millions of health & socially conscious individuals practicing yoga at thousands of yoga studios, parks and homes around the globe.

The 10 City Yoga Month Tour featuring lectures and concerts will visit yoga-passionate cities like Los Angeles, San Francisco, Vancouver, Chicago, New York City, Philadelphia, Miami, Austin, Denver and San Diego.

“Yoga has been practiced for the last 5,000 years and transformed into one of the most popular and effective methods to balance body mind, stay flexible, fit and healthy and prevent disease - mainly because it works.”, says Johannes R. Fisslinger, president of the Yoga Health Foundation and initiator of the Yoga Month campaign.

Yoga is attracting North American participants in numbers as high as 20 million. A recent Harris poll revealed that more than 100 million North Americans would like to practice Yoga for its health benefits.

With many Hollywood celebrities like Gwenyth Paltrow, Madonna, Russell Simmons, Courtney Cox and Nicholas Cage, Meg Ryan, Ricky Martin practicing yoga and 27 billion spent in yoga-related products even traditional advertisers are paying attention.

The extensive list of current Yoga Month partners include magazines like Fit Yoga, Yoga+ Joyful Living, LA Yoga, Yogi Times, Yoga Journal,, Whole Life Times, studios like Yogaworks, Exhale, Jiva Mukti, Power Yoga, Dahn Yoga and Bikram Yoga and teachers like Seane Corn, Hala Khouri, Bryan Kest, Nike’s Margo Kellison, Larry Payne, Shiva Rea.

Yoga Month will benefit local community leaders and inspire sustainable healthy lifestyle projects like Yoga for Kids, at-risk-youth, breast health or AIDS prevention.

Find out about the Cost of Poor Health and why Yoga Month 092008 will make a difference in the future of health care.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

How To Step Up Your Aerobics

Aerobics exercise is the optimum way to raise your heart rate, burn fat, and tone your muscles. You can choose from a variety of options, from running and walking to aerobic machines and classes. You can dance, run, walk or hop your way to a fitter body. As your body becomes accustomed to the routine, you'll want to find ways to add more intensity to the program. A good way to step up your routine is to add step aerobics moves. The great thing about step aerobics is you can find ways to intensify your workout with limited cost and space involved.

Step aerobics routines follow the same principle as other aerobic activities using continuous activity through a series of steps and arm movements that are set to music. A step aerobic routine is different because the workout goes vertically, by situating the entire routine around a small platform that you continuously step onto and off of. Not only does step aerobics increase the number of calories burned, you will also intensify the effects in your leg and buttock muscles.

Using a step or platform provides a little more boost to your cardio workout with a more intensive form of workout. Another great advantage of step aerobics is it's a low impact activity and does not result in the joints stressing as do other activities, such as running or jogging. In fact, when it comes to stress on the joints of the leg, step aerobics are similar to walking.

The step platform comes in a variety of heights, starting with four inches. If you are a beginner, this is probably the height to start with. The size goes up from there in two-inch increments, and will be determined by your comfort level and experience. If you decide to try step aerobics in the privacy of your living room, you can buy the platforms for around fifty dollars. There is also a huge variety of video and DVDs to choose from. This type of workout is actually well suited to a home routine, since it does not take much space and it is easy to do in front of the television.

The workout moves aren't hard to master, and can be easily accomplished by the newest newcomer to aerobic exercise. A beginner can start by stepping up and down from the four-inch platform. You can add variety with different steps, music and the addition of arm movements. The level of intensity of the workout is completely variable, and can be set to the skill of the participant. For example, you can adjust the step platform in two-inch increments to be higher than the beginning four-inch mark. A higher step will mean a higher level of difficulty. You can adjust the music tempo to include more beats per minute which will result in an increase of aerobic moves in a session. You can also incorporate arm movements and even add free weights to give your upper body a more intense workout as well.

One important rule of thumb however, is to never increase the intensity of your workout until your current level becomes easy to complete. Trying to accomplish too much too soon will only result in sore muscles, and possibly the need to take some time off from to heal.

When performing your step moves be watchful of your posture. Keep your head up, shoulders back, and your back straight while stepping up and down from the platform. Place your entire foot solidly on the platform when stepping up. Place your foot directly behind the platform when stepping down. Always begin your routine with a warm-up and finish off with a cool down. These steps are extremely important in protecting your body from injury.


The benefits received from step aerobic routine is an excellent cardiovascular workout and the strengthening of the lower body muscles. This raising and lowering of the body utilizes the large muscles of the lower legs.

A step aerobic exercise routine can be compared to jogging or running in cardio benefits, but without the associated stress placed upon the joints of the knees and ankles. In addition, step aerobics are often choreographed with upbeat music and can the accomplished either in the company of other enthusiasts, or in the privacy of your home.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Overcoming The Video Gaming Syndrome (VGS)

One of things I like to do is go to FreeCell when I open my computer for the day. It relaxes me. It is fun to play. It does not cost me anything since it comes free with Windows 98. However, it is a time grabber. I spend about 20 minutes each morning trying to get all the cards out of the deck. 68 percent of the time I win. 32 percent of the time I either bomb out or else I see where I have to give up the game.

I make it my rule to play only one game. If I win, that is great. If I lose, I do not come back at least until the next day. Does this make me a habitual video gaming addict? I think not, since I am in control over how much I play and under what terms I wish to play the game.

When I see the workload I have in front of me, I now have revised my computer routine. I do not play FreeCell any longer. If I am on the computer each day, that means I spend two hours each week trying to figure out how to master the cards in front of me. This means my writing must suffer. My marketing also must give up some precious time. So, the little time I spend playing FreeCell on my computer has gone to zero.

I would not have given this a second thought if it were not for two isolated events. One event just happened along by accident. The other event sprang from my recollection of my prior projects. I blundered quite by accident into a FreeCell website while searching for another topic. I found out FreeCell could be played all over the Web. I also discovered that some of the FreeCell player scores reached into astronomical levels. If I had a win percentage like some of the players I saw on one or more of the FreeCell websites, I would have been given a ticker tape parade on Main Street. If I had opted to play FreeCell as frequently as some of the players there, I would have found myself doing nothing else in my whole life except playing FreeCell. I would not have any more time to eat. I could not devote a minute's worth of time to write or to take care of my frail and ailing wife.

Not only did I see an impressive volume of games played. The high scores achieved were equally impressive. Because FreeCell has now become interactive over the Web, I would be in competition with these other players. If there were any wagering or prizes associated with winning, I would be stripped clean of money. I would not be playing FreeCell any more for the fun of it. I would be in deadly competition with people I did not know except by names such as CardWiz, Zingo, BingBang, The Vamp, and others with similar "handles".

VGS starts early. It appears never to leave. On the contrary, it only gets worse. Here is a posted article from a parent that is distraught over what has been happening to her son.

"My son is a sophomore at Albany High, and he appears to be addicted to video games. I think his ideal life would be sitting in front of a computer monitor with an IV in his arm to deliver enough nutrients and caffeine that he wouldn't have to eat or sleep. He also has started to lie to his mother and me -- and to his teachers -- about his schoolwork to maximize his access to the video games, particularly those on the web. He has some friends, but they tend to be limited to other "gamers."

"Does anyone have any advice and/or good resources for dealing with this problem? In one sense, I'm glad he isn't out on the streets getting into drugs or other forms of trouble. But I fear his life has become so one-dimensional that he will be damaged as a result of this obsession."


Many parents have found similar problems with their children and video game addictions. They don't know what to do. Many people only relate addiction to drugs or alcohol or smoking but addictions can come in many forms.

So what is an addiction?

Addition is a state of being where the person needs more and more of a substance or behavior to keep him going.

If the person does not get more of the substance or behavior, he becomes irritable and miserable.
Addictions can vary in intensity. One can really like playing video games and will miss it if he or she does not play one or two days. This person will be unlikely to go into withdrawal. On the other hand, there are others who cannot live without playing at least several hours a day. Addiction to this extent is not in epidemic proportions, but small addictions are seen everyday in different people's lives.

Video games have been known to cause people to have violent behavior because of the guns and other weapons involved in video games. Video gamers are usually pre-teens from ages 10-13 but there can be other age groups that are addicted.

Here are some of the symptoms and observations about VGS in the pre-teen and teen groups:
1. Does your child or adolescent play almost every day?
2. Does he or she often play for long periods of time, often 3 to 4 hours or longer?
3. Does he or she play for excitement?
4. Is there an outbreak of hostility if he or she can't play?

If the answer is yes to any of these or other questions, you have a problem. Moreover, you have a responsibility to your child or adolescent to nip this problem in the bud before it gets worse.

VGS can be uncontrollably addictive as adolescents become adults. If you as parents do not step in and take control at this early stage in life, the lives of your kids can be permanently ruined. Parents need to be aware of this and protect their children from getting to the VGS stage.

You must also be prepared to teach your child the worthlessness and pitfalls of VGS. Approach it from a perspective of how much time gets wasted, or what got accomplished. Did your son win a letter for quarterbacking the high school football team? Did your son win a 70 rating for War On Worlds (WOW). A football letter will always remain, but an electronic screen entry can always get erased.

Here are some other solutions you as parents can employ:

Give children educational rather than violent games.

Encourage video game playing in groups rather than as a solitary activity.

Set time limits on children's playing time. Tell them they can play for a couple of hours after they have done their homework - not before.

Ensure children follow the video game manufacturer's recommendations. For example, they should sit at least two feet from the screen, play in a well-lit room, never have the screen at maximum brightness, and never play when feeling tired.

Finally, if all else fails, take away the game's console and give it back on a part-time basis when appropriate.

The ultimate solution is for you to maintain control of the high speed internet connection in your home and never allow this to pass into the hands of your children. You must be prepared for some strenuous backlash to this or else a lot of whining about why you or your spouse do not trust the kids.

My answer to this one "Would you trust a fox to watch the hen house?" We all know this much: a house without a high speed internet connection is completely disabled from VGS. The speeds are much too slow. The game action will crawl. The chat lines moan and groan. With several good ideas how to manage your computers and your telephone connections, you have put VGS out of business and are well on your way to taking back your lives.

As long as the family unit stays together, there is hope in combating VGS. The hope here is that both parents follow these simple rules almost religiously.

Rule Number 1: As soon as you or your spouse suspect VGS, get help! As easy as you might think you can eradicate the problem, think again. VGS is like a snake with multiple heads.

Rule Number Two: Stay together. Your offspring will look for every which way to get you and your spouse to take sides against each other. Once they have succeeded in getting you into opposing camps, they will mop up at your expense.

Rule Number Three: Apply tough love. While you must stay on top of what your offspring may be doing, do not assume the role of being a dictator. Your greatest chances for success will be in how effectively you can disarm the evil Captain Zappo from being their new hero. We wish you luck!

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

How To Encourage Self Confidence In Girls

Start with limiting your young girl’s television watching. Of course, this is easier said than done. Studies show television programs and advertising can have a negative effect on viewers. Television shows targeted toward children are mixed with many advertising messages. Some of these messages are very subtle, while other messages are quite clear.

Of course we cannot blame the media for everything. We can, however, realize that too much television may negatively affect our children’s self esteem and confidence. For example, children who learn at a young age that food equals happiness, may have problems with body image later in life. Television advertising and programs present ongoing messages to young children that “things” are the solutions to problems and the route to happiness. These messages only exaggerate feelings of low self worth if a child does not possess all these “things,” or the “right things.”

As children age, the "things" can change into a perfect body. Not have the right things can translate into body image problems and other self-destructive behaviors.

Another method of encourage self confidence in young girls is providing positive role models. As girls become more aware of how women around them act and respond to various situations it becomes more important for those women to present positive impressions. If the women in a young girl’s immediate environment hide their anger or express their anger inappropriately the young girl may think it is not okay to be angry, open and honest about angry feelings. The young girl may feel as though she cannot stand up for herself as this is just not an appropriate expression of feeling angry about something. Internal anger can express itself in feelings of low self-esteem and low confidence. Depression may become a problem as the result of repressed anger. Unexpressed anger can surface in very self-destructive ways which may include eating disorders and substance abuse. It is unfortunate that so many women never learn how to express their feelings in an appropriate manner. They did not have positive role models. This cycle needs to be broken if you are going to encourage self confidence in the young girls of your immediate environment. For major issues consider seeking professional help for yourself and for the sake of the young girls in your immediate environment.

It is important to encourage learning and education. There are studies that show girls with a strong educational background are less likely to run into trouble as teenagers. The more your young girls know, the better able they are to make decisions. Encourage learning in math and science. These seem to be two areas where “girls” have been pushed aside in the past. Girls are just as capable in math and science as is boys. This attitude is improving; however, girls are still viewed as less likely to succeed in these areas. Encouragement in math and science can promote increased self confidence and prepare girls for the changing work environment that relies more and more on technology. This is not to say other areas of learning are less important. Encouragement in these areas can help provide balance to an education that is still not quite equal between girls and boys.

Encourage young girls to try new things and discover their talents. Learning what we are good at, and being encouraged to follow these directions, can greatly improve self-esteem and self confidence. When talents or dreams are dismissed, this can easily be perceived as a personal rejection. When girls are encouraged to pursue their interests and develop their talents, they hear the message that they are important. Girls who feel valued by their parents and other important figures in their life are less likely to seek validation from other sources, many of which are not the positive influences desired.

Helping young girls develop a healthy self-esteem and self confidence is an ongoing process. As you work on solutions together, you can help young girls develop independence and the self confidence they need to transition into adulthood.

Monday, January 21, 2008

Natural Pain Relief Safety and Benefits

Pain can be experienced as a result of old age, physical illness, extensive exercise, overwork, heavy lifting, strained muscles or broken bones. Pain triggers a region of the brain known as the lateral occipital complex, reducing a person's ability to concentrate and accurately recognize images, i.e. our ability to think and perceive properly. Pain also interferes with our ability to cope with life emotionally, e.g. sadness, irritation and perhaps depression and hopelessness. Supermarkets and pharmacies have aisles and aisles of pills, powders and bandages to help with pain relief. Some common pain relief medication can cause mild side effects like drowsiness or nausea. Other pain relief medications are prescribed and can have even more serious side effects. Drugs like vicodin and percocet are prescription, heavy duty narcotic pain relief pills that are addictive and dangerous if not taken carefully. New studies suggest those drugs that block pain could also be stimulating receptors that cause pain as well.

A safer option for society's pain relief is the variety of all natural products. These all natural products aid in pain relief for muscle and joint pain, as well as relax the body for a general improvement of the body and soul. Some examples of natural pain relief products are vitamins, supplements, herbs, ointments, creams and even bath formulas to reduce inflammation

Both glucosamine and chondroiton are a nutritional approach to maintaining the fluids needed to lubricate joints and cartilage. . Glucosamine is an amino found in the body that stimulates growth of new cartilage and can also help to reduce joint pain. People using glucosamine experienced as much pain relief as those taking over-the-counter medications. Antioxidants such as glutathione can help tissue recover from inflammation. The antioxidant acetyl-cystine, a precursor to glutathione, can reduce pain from nerve damage. There are widely known natural and herbal remedies for pain relief. These include varying amounts and combinations of "Devil's Claw", Willow Bark, Boswellia, Camomile, Bromelain, Oil of Oregano, Cayenne Pepper, Nettle leaf, St. John's Wort, arnica gel, celadrin, hyaluronic acid, collagen, msm and natural pain relief formulas to reduce neuropathic pain.

Bromelain is particularly useful for reducing muscle and tissue inflammation and as a digestive aid. Supplements are made from enzymes found in the pineapple stem. Bromelain is believed to be an effective blood thinner and anti-inflammatory that works by breaking down fibrin, a blood-clotting protein that can interfere with good circulation and stop tissues from releasing used material and toxins properly. Bromelain also blocks the production of compounds that can cause swelling and pain. When inflammation is reduced, blood can move more easily to a traumatized area, Bomelain can help reduce muscle and joint pain, reduce swelling, bruising, redness and drain excess fluid from the injured area.

Sleep disturbance is one of the most common experiences for people with chronic pain. It may not always be that the pain itself prevents a good night's sleep. Some studies suggest that poor sleep makes the pain worse. In fact, one study in healthy men found they grew more sensitive to painful stimuli when deprived of sleep. There are many natural sleep aids available to facilitate a good night's sleep that do not carry the risk of morning after drowsiness, dependence, or impaired thinking or physical ability.

As mentioned earlier, pain can also interfere with one's ability to cope emotionally, concentrate, and perceive properly. Pain may arouse fear, sadness, irritation, moderate depression and decrease one's ability to give and hold attention. There are a wide variety of natural supplements and formulas to help increase oxygen and serotonin to our brain to help us remain calm and alert. These natural supplements include may also be pain relieving as well as mood enhancing at the same time e.g. St. John's Wort, acytl-cystine, and other antioxidants and amino acids that improve general circulation and promote healing as well as enhancing brain function.

Hydrotherapy, i.e. the use of water for relieving stress, tension, and muscle aches, is an ancient and widely used form of natural pain relief. There are natural elements that can be added to our warm, soaking baths to increase water's natural ability to relieve pain. There are also many aromatherapy bath products, e.g. sea salts, minerals, and oils, that not only help with pain relief but also provide therapeutic aromas that help soothe our emotional well being and emotional ability to cope with pain.

There are many topical and ingestion natural supplements and formulas available to help us relieve and cope with pain. These natural substances do not present a risk of harmful or unwanted side effects e.g. dependence, drowsiness, pain increase, etc., as do some prescription synthetic drugs. Natural pain relief supplements can actually help eliminate the source and cause of pain, i.e. aid healing, as well as reducing the feeling and experience of pain. Often natural pain relief supplements provide additional benefits, beyond pain relief, for improving our overall health in general.

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Evangelist N CEO, Green N Brown, leading and fastest growing online store for eco-friendly products. Devoted to help people make greener choices in their everyday lives. Committed to 'Greening the Planet' and driving the Green Revolution 'bottoms up'.