Wednesday, August 29, 2007

3 Affordable Health Insurance Choices

What are your 3 affordable health insurance choices?

There are many different types of affordable health insurance. Each has pros and cons. There is no one "best" plan. The plan that's right for a single person may not be best for a family with small children. And a plan that works for one family may not be right for another. Blended families may have a divorced spouse paying for the children's coverage. Look at all angles upfront.

For example, if your family includes just two adults, it may be less expensive for each of you to have individual coverage than for just one of you to have a family plan. If you have children, or if you might have children soon, you need a family plan. If a child is going off to college, be sure they are covered as most policies allow students continued coverage. Because your situation may change, review your affordable health insurance regularly to make sure you have the protection you need.

Choosing an affordable health insurance plan is like making any other major purchase: you choose the plan that meets both your needs and your budget. For most people, this means deciding which plan is worth the cost. For example, plans that allow you the most choices in doctors and hospitals also tend to cost more than plans that limit choices. Plans that help to manage the care you receive usually cost you less, but you give up some freedom of choice.

Cost isn't the only thing to consider when buying affordable health insurance. You also need to consider what benefits are covered. You need to compare plans carefully for both cost and coverage. Some of the newer plans will offer high deductibles and a health savings account. For healthy families, this is great benefit going forward.

Although there are many names for affordable health insurance plans, the information here groups them as three main types:

* Fee-For-Service (or Traditional Affordable health insurance).

* Health Maintenance Organizations (or HMOs).

* Preferred Provider Organizations (or PPOs).

Which Type Is Right for You?

For each group, simply choose the statement 1 or 2 that best describes how you feel (your spouse needs to be in on this decision also):

1. Having complete freedom to choose doctors and hospitals is the most important thing to me in a health plan, even if it costs more.

2. Holding down my costs is the most important thing to me, even if it means limiting some of my choices.

1. I travel a lot or have children that live away from me and we may need to see doctors in other parts of the country.

2. I do not travel a lot and almost all care for my family will be needed in our local area.

1. I don't mind an affordable health insurance plan that includes filling out forms or keeping receipts and sending them in for payment.

2. I prefer not to fill out forms or keep receipts. I want most of my care covered without a lot of paperwork.

1. In addition to my premiums, I am willing to pay for the cost of routine and preventive care, such as office visits, checkups, and shots. I also like knowing that I can get an appointment for these services when I want one.

2. I want a health plan that includes routine and preventive care. I don't mind if I have to wait for these services to be scheduled for an available appointment with my doctor.

1. If I need to see a specialist, I probably will ask my doctor for a recommendation, but I want to decide whom to go to and when. I don't want to have to see my primary care doctor each time before I can see a specialist.

2. I don't mind if my primary care doctor must refer me to specialists. If my doctor doesn't think I need a special service that is fine with me.

If your answers are mostly 1: You want to make your own health care choices, even if it costs you more and takes more paperwork. Fee-for-service may be the best plan for you.

If your answers are mostly 2: You are willing to give up some choices to hold down your medical costs. You also want help in managing your care. Consider a health maintenance organization.

If your answers are some 1's and some 2's: You might want to look for a plan such as a preferred provider organization that combines some of the features of fee-for-service and a health maintenance organization.

The differences among fee-for-service plans, HMOs, and PPOs are not as clear-cut as they once were. Fee-for-service plans have adopted some activities used by HMOs and PPOs to control the use of medical services. And HMOs and PPOs are offering more freedom to choose doctors, the way fee-for-service plans do. By studying your affordable health insurance options carefully, you will be able to pick the one that provides you with the coverage you need, no matter what it is called.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Food is Not Your Friend

Food is not your friend. Stop saying it is. Stop saying that you eat to be comforted by a dependable friend. Food is not, I repeat, not your friend.

Food is fuel for your physical body. Food can taste delicious. Food can satisfy physical hunger. Food is a reason to get together with friends, but food is not one of the friends.

Here is a definition of friend:

Friendship is a term used to denote co-operative and supportive behavior between two or more humans. In this sense, the term connotes a relationship which involves mutual knowledge, esteem, and affection. Friends will welcome each other's company and exhibit loyalty towards each other, often to the point of altruism. Their tastes will usually be similar and may converge, and they will share enjoyable activities. They will also engage in mutually helping behavior, such as exchange of advice and the sharing of hardship. A friend is someone who may often demonstrate reciprocating and reflective behaviors. Yet for many, friendship is nothing more than the trust that someone or something will not harm them. Value that is found in friendships is often the result of a friend demonstrating on a consistent basis:

the tendency to desire what is best for the other, sympathy and empathy, honesty, perhaps in situations where it may be difficult for others to speak the truth, especially in terms of pointing out the perceived faults of one's counterpart, mutual understanding.

So let's play this out to make the point. How much does food know you? How much affection does it have for you? How much does it welcome your company? Does it have the same tastes as you do? Does food engage in mutually helping behavior? Does it give you advice? Can you trust food not to harm you? Do you have food's best interests at heart? Do you empathize with your food and does it do the same for you? Are you honest with food? Do you tell your food the truth? Does it tell you the truth? Does it understand you?

Oh, and here is my favorite question: Does food really comfort you? Seriously…..

Food just is. It doesn't love you. It doesn't hate you. It doesn't care if you eat it or don't eat it. It doesn't care if you are sad. It doesn't care if you are happy. Food doesn't give one damn about you. Food doesn't taste good on purpose so you will be happy. Food doesn't try to be dependable so you can rely on it. Food doesn't care if you like it and FOOD DOES NOT WANT TO BE YOUR FRIEND.

So some of you might say that you feel better after you eat something that tastes good. But is that really true? Think about it. How do you really feel afterward? Ok, so you might say that you feel better when you are actually eating it. I will give you that even though I am not convinced that it is true either. But while you are eating food, the reason you feel better for a very miniscule amount of time is because you are focused on the food tasting good and not your thoughts. Your negative thoughts are what make you feel negative emotion. And maybe for that one-minute you are eating a cookie, you are distracted from your thinking, and focused on the taste of the food. You just gave yourself a state change by changing your focus. You didn't make a new friend.

If you need a friend, be your own. Read the definition above and see what kind of friend you are being to yourself. See how much you are paying attention to treating yourself well. Maybe you think food is a good friend because you are a terrible friend to yourself. Maybe if you put a little effort into being kind and warm and trusting and understanding and honest to yourself, you could beat out the Doritos and the Weight Watcher crackers in the "good friend" category.

Food is not your friend. You are.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

The Brief History of Hypnosis

The history of hypnosis is as timeworn as the human culture. Even the most unsophisticated tribesmen were aware of this mind-boggling psychological display, and it was utilized in the mystic celebrations of their socerers to produce anxiety and amplify belief in the paranormal and the occult. With this long-lasting record of supernaturalism and mysticism, it is not unpredicted that the general public point of view toward hypnosis has been and still is one of opposition, misapprehension and fear.

The primary scientific beginnings in the study of hypnosis began with Anton Mesmer in 1775, from whose name originates the phrase mesmerism which is even today in extensive usage. Mesmer`s utilization of hypnosis opened with his discovery that certain categories of medical patients were affected by arm stroking and sleep suggestions. Mesmer put down these medicative aftereffects to the `quality` of `animal magnetism`, and he came up with a principle that animal magnetism was some inexplicable and peculiar cosmic fluid with soothing qualities.

Notwithstanding Mesmer`s superb instinctual expertise in clinical psychology, he had no bright apprehension of the psychological nature of his therapy. Even so, he healed many patients successfully on whom old-style medical procedures had failed. However, his excessive character and strange peculiarity of his therapy brought him unfairly to discredit despite the fact that loads of physicians often visited his clinic throughout the peak of his accomplishment to pick up the initial lessons in the strange art of psychotherapy, distinctively, the significance of clinical psychology.

Since Mesmer there has been a succession of marvelous men who got interested in hypnosis and exploited it effectively in medicinal purposes, entrusting it an increasingly more scientific foundation and power. Elliotson, the first man in England to use the stethoscope, became interested in hypnosis about 1817, used it substantially, and left first-rate evidence of its restorative efficiency in concrete cases. Esdaille, moved by Elliotson`s case reports, became an eager advocate of mesmerism, as it was then referred to,
and actually succeeded in interesting the British government in founding a hospital in
India, where he used it extensively on all types of medical patients, leaving various outstanding transcripts of major and minor surgery accomplished under hypnotic anesthesia.

The initiation of a psychological understanding of the phenomenon began in 1841 with James Braid, firstly an opposer and then thereafter a most ardent investigator and supporter. It was he who invented the idiom hypnosis, acknowledged the psychological constitution of hypnotic sleep, and outlined a lot of its manifestations, shaping methods whereby to check their weight.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Back Pain Relief Product

Today when it comes to treating back pain there are a number of different back pain relief products on the market that a person is able to use. There are ones which a person can readily buy over the counter at their local drug store to the ones which can be prescribed by their doctor.

There are even natural back pain relief products people can use if they do not want to suffer from any kind of side effects that are often associated with medications that have been prescribed by their doctor or health care provider.

As well as medications there are natural types of pain relief products that a person will want to consider and below I will be taking a closer look at just what some of these are.

Hot and Cold Therapy

This type of therapy is considered to be a very effective way of treating back pain. No longer does a person need to see their doctor in order to be treated using this method instead they can easily purchase the packs that can either be applied hot or cold to the problem area once they have been removed from their packaging.

Usually, it come either as patches or wraps and some can offer up to 8 hours of treatment and can be worn whilst you are carrying out your normal daily tasks. One such company that produce this kind of back pain relief product is called Thermacare. But not only do they provide hot and cold therapy treatments for your back but also for other areas of the body.

Topical Medications

If you are someone who would prefer not to take medication orally, then topical back pain relief medication may be advisable for you to use instead. This type of product will offer relief to the problem area as it is directly absorbed into the body through your skin.

Not only do some of the back pain relief products help to soothe the pain but they can also help to provide relief from the discomfort that a person often feels when suffering from any kind of back pain. As well as coming in synthesized form there are some topical medications now available which have been produced using only natural ingredients. One such herbal remedy that is considered to be quite beneficial in helping to treat back pain is the bark extract from the Willow Tree. This is because it contains the same properties that Aspirin contains and in fact many of today's modern aspirin medications are in fact modeled on this particular form of treatment.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Depression And The Oriental Health

The Oriental approach to depression is very different from that of Western medicine. The former bases on the physical to the exclusion of the psychological, whereas the latter focuses on both the physical and the psychological aspects of the disease.

The concept of depression in Eastern cultures is not as well received as it is in Western cultures. This is not to say that depression is less common in the Orient. In Eastern cultures, illness is based on the physical rather than psychological aspects. If you do not have physical illness, you are not sick. Culturally, the idea of psychological illness is not well accepted. This leads to the frequent association of depression with somatic complaints, because it is much easier for patients to have a physical complaint than to have a psychological one. In addition, depression is often a stigma in Eastern cultures.

From a Chinese medicine perspective, depression is largely related to the stagnation of liver"qi." ("Qi" is internal life energy coursing through the physical body, nourishing your body cells with life-giving oxygen. When there is blockage, instead of smooth flowing, of "qi", disease and disorder occur.)

Essentially, stagnation of liver "qi" means the "qi" within your body is not flowing smoothly, resulting in symptoms of depression. Some of the common lifestyle habits which may have contributed to the stagnation of "qi" are: lack of exercise; poor dietary habits – especially fried foods and/or alcohol; and repressed or overly expressed emotions - especially anger and/or grief.

Alongside with or as a result of liver "qi" stagnation, your heart, spleen and kidneys may also be affected. In the short term, weakness in your spleen may lead to problems with fatigue and digestion; in the long term, problems related to phlegm not only can distort your thinking but also deteriorate the quality of blood in your body, thereby ultimately affecting your heart with symptoms of insomnia and restlessness. Your kidneys, being strongly related to the foundations of "yin" and "yang" in your body (the Oriental medicine holds that "yin" and "yang" need to balance and complement each other for harmony and wellness), are also likely to play a role in your sluggishness and sleeping problems, which are common symptoms of depression.

Lifestyle factors also play an important role in improving your mental health.

In depression, exercise is particularly important. As depression is often linked to a stagnation of your liver "qi", movement and the circulation of energy within the body may resolve this stagnation problem. With the energy of your body flowing more smoothly, the corresponding symptoms related to "qi" stagnation should improve. Simple exercises such as walking and riding a bicycle are often beneficial, as well as Chinese exercises, such as Tai Chi and QiGong. In depression, diet is also important. You should avoid foods contributing to your liver "qi" stagnation, such as fried foods, excessive meat intake, and alcohol. Your diet should consist of wholesome foods, which are beneficial to your liver, such as apples, cabbage, cucumber and watercress, and which clear your liver qi stagnation, such as ginger and onion.

Your liver is related to the emotions of anger and frustration. It is important you learn how to manage your anger and frustration, including expressing and repressing them. Stress management plays a critical role.

Since "qi" regulates your spiritual, emotional, mental, and physical balance, and "qi" is influenced by the opposing forces of "yin" and "yang," the balance of which is responsible for the natural flow of "qi" in your body, acupuncture is most effective in controlling the symptoms of depression.

In 1998, a study by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) reported that acupuncture resulted in a 43 percent reduction in depression symptoms, and that more than 50 percent of patients no longer met the criteria for clinical depression.

Acupuncture may help your body's immune system function in an optimum way, thereby guiding your body to heal itself. Acupuncture may also help your body recover from years of abuse brought on by medication, excesses in food and drink, poisoning of chemicals. Acupuncture may even enhance the efficacy of Saint John's wort.

Your body has more than 2,000 acupuncture points on your body, connecting with twelve main and eight secondary pathways known as meridians, which conduct your body's qi between your body's surface and internal organs. Acupuncture stimulates these acupuncture points, unblocking the stagnation of "qi", which in turn enable your central nervous system to release chemicals into your muscles, spinal cord, and brain, thereby promoting your body's natural self-healing capabilities. According to the National Institute of Health (NIH), studies have shown that acupuncture may alter your brain chemistry by changing the release of neurotransmitters and neurohormones in a beneficial way, thereby attaining the balance of "yin" and "yang", and the restoration of health and wellness to your body and mind.

Monday, August 20, 2007

Detecting the Warning Signs of Stress Early

Stress is the bodily response to demands made upon it. It must be emphasized that stress is caused by our bodily reaction to the external events or environment, and not the external events or environment themselves. The similar external event, for example when asked to make a speech, can have very different responses from different people. Some people may view that as an opportunity to show off his skills or to express their view or even to improve their public speaking skills. On the other hand, some people may fear their speech will display their ignorance or incapability.

While stress that is short and ends quickly may be good for the body, stress that goes on for a longer time without sufficient relief can cause much damage to not only our bodies but many other aspects of our lives, such as damage to our relationships or personalities.

There is a simple explanation to why prolonged stress is bad for the body. When stressed, the following actions take place in our body:

1. The heart beats faster so that it can supply more oxygen
2. Dilate airway to the lung so that more air can pass through
3. The arteriole (small arteries) diameters widen or narrow in different regions.

These events direct more of the total blood volume to heart and muscle cells that are to increase oxygen flow to cells demanding a lot of energy - these are the features of the fight-flight response. The effects are

1. Heart has to work harder
2. Excessive actions at the heart and muscle cells (more wastes are produced and accumulated there)
3. Less oxygen is supplied to the other parts of the body

To understand why stress is bad for our relationships or personalities, one only needs to see the emotional signs of stress, cognitive and perceptive signs of stress provided in the later part of this article.

It is therefore vital that we are able to detect when that stress period and level exceeds the healthy limit. Fortunately, it is not too difficult to detect the warning signs of stress, although to detect the signs during the early stage of stress is not so straight forward.

We shall discuss the warning signs and symptoms of stress under the following three categories:

1. Physical Signs of Stress

In the presence of a stressor, the body responds by the release of adrenaline to enable it to take explosive actions for survival or high performance. If the stress is relieved, the body goes back to normal conditions. On the other hand, after prolong period of stressful conditions many other physical conditions begin to exhibit themselves. The apparent signs include

- Heart beats faster and stronger
- Perspiration increases resulting in sweaty hands/ palms and even sweats may appear all over the body (even during sleep)
- Headaches and chronic pains in various parts of the body
- Pain or tightness of the chest, neck, jaw and back muscles. The jaw may clench, the teeth may grit resulting in stuttering and other speech difficulties, and the muscles may tremble and twitch
- Restlessness and nervous ticks
- Skin crawls and pales.
- Nausea and vomiting because the body tries to repulse foreign particles in the stomach. May also experience 'Butterflies in stomach'
- Diarrhea because the colon work faster and repel the waste before it has absorbed the water (and other materials).

The not so apparent physical signs of stress include

- Blood pressure may rise significantly which is bad for the arteries and heart in the long run and in the short term the pressure may rise above what the body can cope for one who already has high blood pressure
- Increased sugar and insulin levels in the bloodstream
- Increased cholesterol in the bloodstream
- Addition of coagulates to blood
- Indigestion and constipation
- Urinary hesitancy or increase frequency
- Increased cortisone from adrenal glands
- Increased thyroid hormone in bloodstream
- Increased endorphins from hypothalamus
- Decrease in sex hormones in the bloodstream
- Premenstrual tension.
- Fall sick more easily because of weaken immune system
- Excessive fatigue

2. Emotional Signs of Stress

Stress affects the emotional life too. It often causes emotional upsets in people such as

- Aggression, hostility and jealousy.
- Impatience, anger and anxiety.
- Stammering and other speech difficulties
- Loss of sexual desire and even infertility
- Withdrawal from social life because of difficulty in coping with group situations.
- Loss of peace of mind and become restless, anxious and feeling of insecurity
- Nightmares as a natural attempt to solve problem during dreams
- Emotional upsets
- Loss of positive spirit and become critical
- Impulsive behavior, irritable and moody
- Irregular, over or under eating
- Crying for no apparent reasons

3. Cognitive and Perceptive Signs of Stress

Stress often leads to a significant decline in the cognitive faculties in human beings. People lose the capacity to think rationally such as

- Forgetfulness and memory loss and people fail to remember even small things.
- Carelessness and irresponsible acts
- Lack of attention to detail and fail to think from a broader perspective
- Compulsive behavior and loss of clear thinking ability
- Reduced capacity to think creatively
- Disorganization of thought and productivity falls.
- Use of intoxicating substances such as cigarette, alcohol or drugs

Some of these signs and symptoms, such as heart beat rate, blood pressure and blood sugar, can be measured objectively. For the rest, we have to rely on our own awareness and the alertness of other people around us to the signs and symptoms that we may exhibit. It is therefore vital that we observe and notice our own as well as others' signs and symptoms of excessive stress so that corrective actions can be taken before stress take a better hold on us.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Secrets of Aromatherapy

Aromatherapy is a form of alternative medicine that uses volatile liquid plant materials. It is a also called is essential oils. The use of aromatherapy can benefit you in many ways. Aromatherapy is a generic term that refers to any of the various traditions that make use of essential oils sometimes in combination with other alternative medical practices and spiritual beliefs. There are about 150 essential oils. Most of these oils have antiseptic properties; some are antiviral, anti-inflammatory, pain-relieving, antidepressant and expectorant. Two basic mechanisms are offered to explain the purported effects. One is the influence of aroma on the brain, especially the limbic system through the olfactory system. It has a particularly Western currency and persuasion. Bathing in essential oils is an all-natural way to unblock congested pores and ease the symptoms of fatigue and muscle tension.

Aromatherapy can also be used to ease the discomfort of suffering from colds and flus. Oils such as peppermint, eucalyptus, ginger, clove, juniper and rosemary can help relieve congestion. Aromatic herbal baths have been referred to as "body and soul therapy" since they positively affects one's mood and general well-being. Nurses, doctors, massage therapists, osteopaths and trained aromatherapists are some of the people who practise aromatherapy. Essential oils, phytoncides and other natural VOCs work in different ways. Aromatherapy has proved to be so effective at relieving headaches that there are now many commercial aromatherapy preparations on the market concocted especially for this purpose. Aromatherapy comprises essential and scented oils. These oils are intended to reinstate or preserve overall health and are designed to help relieve stress. As well, the oils are used to heal the body and mind of ailments.

Aromatherapy oils come from natural sources, such as plants, bark, trees, flowers, herbs, etc. Aromatherapy bath happens to be a very effective method for relaxing tired, stressed bodies. Aromatherapy oil is the essential oil that comes from the distillation or any extraction product of other aromatherapy products. Aromatherapy uses this principle to provide a soothing and beneficial escape from our everyday cares, worries or responsibilities. People with high blood pressure should avoid hyssop, rosemary, sage and thyme, while diabetics should avoid angelica oil. Women who are pregnant or nursing should avoid a number of oils. he essential oils come in a variety of fragrances. These oils work to offer serenity to the body, while pampering the soul. Benifits of aromatherpy can be sought through massaging and inhalation combined. And as mentioned above, you can use aromatherapy oils as décors, fresheners, etc.

Secrets of Aromatherapy Tips

1. Lavender - First used as perfume by ancient Egyptians 2,500 years ago, lavender is now used to treat insomnia, migraines and provide stress relief.

2. Rosemary - This fragrant plant relieves muscle pain, low blood pressure and cold feet and hands.

3. Spearmint - The oil from spearmint aids digestion and eases nausea and vomiting

4. Certain oils can also stimulate lymphatic drainage or have antibacterial properties.

5. Aromatherapy can help to strengthen the immune system and has been shown to be useful for easing muscular pains and rheumatism.

Monday, August 13, 2007

Daily Routine for Asthma Patients

Face the challenge

-Today, asthma is not at all a barrier to physical activity. In fact, keep your asthma under control, and you can do everything.

One of the most important factors for keeping the body’s natural cleansing process strong is to maintain a lifestyle that does not disturb the natural bodily tempo. When we eat, sleep and exercise in constantly disturbing patterns, the body loses its natural balancing cycles and cannot heal itself effectively. Therefore, regularity in our daily routine is the first step in reducing body imbalances and controlling asthma.

Start your day with the cleaning process of the entire system. As soon as you get up, drink one or two cups of hot water for loosening the secretions of the throat. Think positively about something good, which will help pacify the mind as well as instill optimism in the mind so that the person is prepared for the day.

Go for a walk, or undertake some outdoor activity in the open, so that your lungs get plenty of fresh air. Breathe deeply, and exhale completely, but gently. You will gradually feel the difference.

The need for maintaining hygiene and strengthening the body is significant, so as to have better resistance to different infections. Cleaning may include, sun bathing, fresh air and bathing. Sunbathing kills germs. Care should be taken to clean all the body parts which are exposed thoroughly, with water.

Daily self massage with oil, before bathing for 5-10 minutes provides a deep soothing and balancing effect to the entire nervous system. The motion of massage creates heat and friction which enhance circulation and help cleanse chemical impurities that could be causing symptoms of asthma.

Pay special care to the timing as well as the quality of food being consumed. Avoid any spicy, cold, sweet or irritating foods. Have food that is easily digestible, do not stuff your stomach because it could cause indigestion or gas formation. Have food early as well as at regular intervals. Heavy food leads to sudden distension of the abdomen by pushing up the diaphragm, and thereby reducing the volume of lungs available for ventilation.

Take the prescribed medications, as suggested by your doctor regularly. Accept the fact that you have asthma, and be pro-active in treating it. A passive approach will only worsen the situation. Be in touch with your doctor to take care of emergencies and sudden flare-ups. Asthma is not a disease, it is a condition that has to be controlled and it is very much within the patient’s reach as to how he wants to do it.

Carry on with your daily chores as before. If you are an office goer, or going to school, a housewife or whatever. Day to day work should not stop, unless the situation demands. Asthma, with a slight maintenance of a regular routine, will not hinder your other work. But yes, you need to take certain precautions to help avoid sudden triggers. Always carry your emergency medicines with you such as inhalers or pills, whatever you are using.

Try out some stress management techniques like meditation or yoga. Asthma is often worsened by heightened stress, anxiety and mental fatigue. This is due to hormonal changes that aggravate the nervous system and depress the immune response.

The sleep disturbance that is created by symptoms of asthma increase fatigue, which increases one's susceptibility to stress, which in turn aggravates the asthma condition – a vicious circle. Go in for stretching and flexibility exercises to get a positive effect on the body's healing response.

Pranayama is an effective way to breathe equally and rhythmically. This helps an asthmatic patient to have more control over breathing pattern. Be aware that correct breathing in other situations, such as rest, work etc. should be practised.

Cut down on unhealthy habits such as cigarette smoking, drinking or any other type of addiction. Healthy mind, diet and exercise will gradually make a asthmatic patient less dependent on cigarettes and other addictions.

Do not unnecessarily waste positive energy by talking unnecessarily or viewing things not worthy etc. In order to preserve the energy, it is essential not to indulge in negative thinking as well as in bad habits since emotional stimulation take up a lot of energy which otherwise can be spent for constructive purposes.

Small changes in the daily routine of a patient’s life can influence tremendously. Give importance to small but healthy routine which can be easily followed, and will be of great benefit also. The daily schedule can include hot water drinking, application of hot water bags, steam inhalation, sun bathing, candle blowing and certain exercises to stimulate the mind.

Thursday, August 9, 2007

Best online pharmacy

The internet has opened up new venues for all businesses, every business imaginable from selling cars to pharmacies is now online, and are offering goods online. Pharmacies have often been criticized for misusing the way the internet functions, however this is unjust criticism. Firstly Pharmacies do not sell restricted drugs, or drugs that specifically require a doctor's prescription or require physical examination of the patient. Online pharmacies offer drugs that can be obtained over the counter, or drugs that do not require physical examination by a doctor. Agreed there are some online pharmacies that are transgressing the rules by actually ignoring the ethical ways of conducting business online, but there is no reason why genuine pharmacies should suffer for the behaviour of some irresponsible pharmacies.

Today online pharmacies are a great way for people to receive medicines, without ever having to leave the comfort of their homes. In addition online pharmacies are able to provide customers a very competitive quote on all their requirements, thereby helping consumers to be rid of the monopoly that some local pharmacists might have. The most popular drugs that are ordered over the internet are drugs like Viagra, Cialis and Levitra, even to obtain these drugs a customer has to fill out an online check-list, if the customer is found to be failing on any of the criteria mentioned on the check-list then the customer is clearly told to consult a physician or is simply refused the drugs. The same case applies for any drug that might warrant any kind of regulatory check.

Before you order anything from an online pharmacy there are a few things to remember, the first is that you should order drugs from an online pharmacy that has established a name for itself. This ensures that there is very little chance of expired or spurious drugs reaching your doorstep. Unfortunately there is no official regulatory body for online pharmacies like there is for regular pharmacies, therefore it is a good idea to buy your drugs from an established online pharmacy. Make it a point to deal with an online pharmacy that offers customer support, preferably by phone, this way you can call up the pharmacy to discuss confidential details, or if you want to further discuss any prescription that you might have.

As is the case with most deals, you must make sure that you are getting the best deal online, you should carefully look through a couple of online pharmacies, and then choose which pharmacy you want to choose, more often than not you will find a particular pharmacy is selling antibiotics cheaper while the other is selling analgesics cheaper; so make sure you research every drug you plan to buy. Also avoid dealing with overseas sellers, sometimes there are certain customs issues that might cause the drugs not reaching your doorstep, so if you are an American citizen, you are better off dealing with an online pharmacy that is physically located in the United States, this will ensure that the shipping charges are much lower

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Acne Treatment Options Exposed

When sebums are produced in large quantities, it will be the direct cause of your acne condition.The location of the sebaceous gland is in the hair follicle. In the event of the overproduction of the top layer of skin, the pores leading to the sebaceous glands may become blocked with plugs of keratin. Blackhead can be developed and as a result of these bacteria will thrives. When an area under your skin is infected by bacteria, this will cause inflammation as blood vessels are expanded to allow more blood flow to the area.You'll notice that pus will start to be visible.

The sunlight has no properties whatsoever capable of removing acne problems as most folks seems to believe. When you exposed your skin to the sun, it causes skin to tanned and reddened. As a result the acne spot becomes less apparent. Never give into temptation to go and have yourself a suntan during acne episodes as this can only cause your acne to aggravate. Sure you can have a suntan and may even look better for a few days, but beware that your acne will come back with a vengeance.

Different people will react differently with the formation of acne causing various type of acne due to the way that their physiology are made up of. The hair follicle is most often traced to be the causes of acne break out as it is often clogged and resulted in a dense substance called comedo. The comedo will effectively increase its size when more oil build up occurs which as a result causing the skin in the surrounding area to inflame and irritate. There are several types of acne, each requiring different way of treating the acnes. This main purpose of this article is shed some light some of the issues pertaining to acne and many topics will be touched upon.

If you are suffering from acne, than you are not alone as there are countless number of people are suffering from the same affliction. An acne treatment can take many forms and there are never a holistic approach to acne treatment for any type of acne. Wrong selection of treatment can be disastrous.

Acne treatment can sometime turns into a sort of routine maintenance, as new spots will continue to appear, leaving the teenager without a clear complexion.The initial step to follow is to try over-the-counter medications. These contain substances to dry the skin antibacterial properties to promote healing. Acne treatments are designed for different stages and types of acne. You must ensure that the product you choose suit your condition or you risk making it go worse. When you using these product ensure that you cover the surrounding seemingly clear surface too.

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Different Types Of Natural Cure For Hair Loss

There are different types of remedies for hair loss, ranging from natural, to synthetic, and to the more complex methods. While the last two are effective for many people, going for the natural cure for hair loss is always the best way. With natural hair loss treatments, you don’t have to worry about the various effects that synthetic and complicated treatments may impose on your body. Here are some of the natural remedies for hair loss.

Remedies from Natural Sources

A natural cure for hair loss includes medicines and treatment products manufactured from natural resources, not those goods that are clinically manufactured or formulated. These natural cures are typically made from seeds, flowers, plants and roots, among others. These products cleanse and massage the scalp to provide complete protection and nourishment for your hair. They assist in providing healthy hair, detoxifying and giving protection from further hair loss.

Aromatherapy as a Natural Hair Loss Treatment

Aromatherapy is one of the most popular natural cure for hair loss. Studies indicate that it does not only provide beneficial and relaxing effects to the body, it also aids in the growth of hair. Application of essential oils of rosemary, thyme, lavender, cedar wood mixed with certain oils are regarded as effective means of stimulating hair growth.


Massage is another natural cure for hair loss. It is usually complemented with aromatherapy oils to allow for more effective results. Massage as a natural cure for hair loss is essential in hair growth since it stimulates the flow of blood to the hair follicles and provides nutrients needed by the hair to allow it a healthy growth and avoid falling out. It is considered that your very own natural cure for hair loss can be the one of the most excellent remedies. Your homemade potion may include, herbs, aloe vera, and your very own conditioners, aside from the essential oils.

Proper Diet as a Natural Cure for Hair Loss

Hair loss has been associated with poor or inadequate intake of food. Several studies have indicated that when there is insufficient intake of food containing copper and zinc, loss of hair may occur. It has been shown that the hair is usually one of the first parts of the body that is directly affected when the body is not getting enough nourishment. As a matter of fact, there have been reports that people who have extremely poor diet start to lose their hair at a much younger age compared to people who have proper diet. The most natural cure for hair loss brought about by poor diet is to eat a healthy, well-balanced diet. It is also recommended that you take copper and zinc to provide the necessary nutrients, although consultation with a doctor is needed. At the most basic level, better nutrition slows down shedding and complements other treatments that promote growth of hair. Proper diet is achieved by eating adequate amounts of protein, appropriate levels of helpful carbohydrates, and taking in a healthy portion of dietary fats.

The use of natural cure for hair loss is a longstanding tradition. However, not all people may benefit from this type of remedy and may need more sophisticated types of treatments. But for some people, making use of natural cure for hair loss has proven effective for them, thus preventing the need for synthetic and invasive treatments.

Monday, August 6, 2007

Life In Acne Treatment Options

A small form of acne is know as a papule. It is an acne nonetheless and you can recognize it with it pink and smallish bump on your face. The acne papules cannot be either categorized as inflammatory or non-inflammatory class of acne. Rather it is somewhere in between.

Getting to know what cause your acne is the crucial part that you must ascertain in order for your to better fight acne. These so called misinformation and myths simply born out of ignorance and never through tried and tested method, will resulted in a lot of red herring on your part in finding the true cause of your acne problems.

Maintaining your face from the presence of acne can be done by simply using cleanser which functions mainly in removing oil and dirt.When using topical acne treatment, cleanser allows the skin to be more readily absorb the treatment and making it more effective. Topical acne treatment refers to the treatment that is applied onto the acne itself and it usually comes in the form of cream. Overusing the cleanser can cause a detrimental effect on your acne condition as cleanser induce dryness in skin and can cause skin irritation when used in excess. Limit the use of cleanser to just two times a day and never go overboard .

Teenagers are the most prone to suffering acne problems due to the fact that their hormones level somehow cause the glands to produce more oil.Primary oil producer in the skin is located near the hair pores also known as follicles. When the top layer of the skin are somehow over produced, the likelihood of the pores being blocked are increased. Bacteria breeding ground is mostly located at these plugged area and overtime it can cause infections. This will resulted in the surrounding area to start inflaming and your body will react to fight these bacteria.Pus is the by product of the event that has occurred.

They are many variants of pimple and the severity of acnes problems varies with each person. However the basic formation of acne remains the same. The hair follicle is largely responsible for the formation of acne. It happens when it is somehow blocked causing build up of waste material. The skin around the comedo will start to inflame as the comedo slowly build up in size. Those with typically oily skin will experience faster acne formation. Acne of many type can be formed from this and the approach to eliminating these acne will be unique to each type of acne. The article is aimed at giving general information as regard to acne treatments and the way acne formation came about.

Sunday, August 5, 2007

What Is The Glyconutrient N-acetyl Neurominic Acid And How Does It Benefit The Body

The glyconutrient n-acetyl neurominic acid is a monosaccharide compound that is one of what is known as the eight essential sugars. Each of these sugars, that also include saccharides such as glucose, mannose and galactose, is essential for the proper operation of the mammalian immune system.

They react in the body with fats and proteins to form glycolipids and glycoproteins that are collectively known as glycoforms. These sit on the surface of the cell membranes, and form the messages that cells pass between each other. They are the basis of the communication between cells, and all eight glyconutrients are essential for it to work properly. If all eight are not present, then the cells mis-communicate. That means that they cannot kill diseases in the forms of viruses or bacteria, and will sometimes even kill each other. Chaos reigns.

The immune system breaks down because the white blood cells and antibodies cannot tell the good cells from the interlopers, and so will either take no action or will kill everything. This can lead to certain types of cancers or can allow the body to be overrun with disease. The type of problem caused, or form that the disease takes, will be determined by the monosaccharide that is missing.

It is only relatively recently that it was discovered that certain sugars are more than just energy providers and fat promoters. They are, in fact, essential to the processes of life and our biochemistry cannot function without them. N-acetyl neurominic acid is one of these essential sugars that play such a vital role in cell communication and the functioning of the immune system, without which the body would be open to the ravages of any disease around, though it is particularly the respiratory diseases that most victims finally succumb to.

This acid is also known as sialic acid, and that is the name that shall be used here due to it being smaller and easier to write! Like the other essential monosaccharides, sialic acid is responsible for more than just the immune system. There is other biochemistry that it is necessary for, and other conditions that it can control. It is important to understand that this sugar is not a medicine. It cannot be taken to cure an illness. It does not work that way. Its presence can control a condition, or prevent it from occurring, but taking it will not cure an existing condition.

N-acetyl neurominic acid is one of the five or six essential sugars that are not available in the normal human diet, and are synthesized by the body itself. Apart from its function with respect to the immune system and cell communication, it is known to be associated with the development of the brain. It is considered to be an important factor in children who fail to grow properly, who lack pigmentation in the hair and skin and who develop coarsening of the features, among other conditions.

It is known that an abundance of this glyconutrient can lessen the chances of kidney stones in those susceptible to them, and that it is likely to be able to be used to control allergies through its properties as a histamine blocker. What is true is that the body loses it as it grows older, and lower concentrations are found not only in the elderly but in alcoholics and those suffering from respiratory diseases. Supplements of sialic acid are indicated in these cases, especially in the elderly.

As with some of the other glyconutrients, n-acetyl neurominic acid has been demonstrated to affect the long-term memory. This could be associated with its effect on brain development and the boosting of the learning process. In fact abnormalities in sialic acid concentration frequently give rise to mental problems and deterioration.

It also possesses anti-inflammatory properties in common with others of the essential sugars. In fact, studies have shown that if the sugar is present in antibodies contained in intravenous immunoglobulin, a general immunizing vaccine of pooled antibodies, then anti-inflammatory properties appear to be conferred upon the antibodies. The more these glyconutrients are studied, the more favorable medical, properties they are found to possess. This is a far cry from the negative health effects they were originally believed to posses.

Another beneficial property possessed by sialic acid sugar is its effect on mucus. It appears to regulate the consistency of the mucus, and hence its flow rate, thus maximizing its properties in physically removing harmful microbes from the body. Viscosity of mucus is important, and it should be neither too thin, and hence fail to collect the maximum amount of bacteria, nor too thick when the flow rate will be too low and allow too high a build up of mucus in the body.

Our natural intake of such glyconutrients is too low due to intensive farming methods and our essentially green diet. Sugars are to be found more in canes, corn husks, barks, roots and the brown parts of cereal crops and seeds. The refining of sugar, flour and rice to make them as white as possible has removed the most common sources of glyconutrients. Our ancestors had a far healthier diet, but the introduction of the agricultural revolution was the beginning of the end of our natural source of these valuable raw materials. The best source of n-acetyl neurominic acid is eggs and whey protein isolate, both readily available at your local grocery or health food store.

It was not recognized of course, since it is only over the past ten years or so that their importance in the biochemistry of our body has been discovered. Now, supplements are probably essential to ensure that we take in sufficient of them on a regular basis to meet our needs.

Problems with the human immune system have been increasing as have been allergy problems. The other conditions now known to be controlled by the eight essential sugars have also been on the increase, conditions such as learning problems, problems with the joints and connective tissues and certain cancers. The human immune system is our only line of defense against disease. The immune system, with proper communication, can protect the body from all sorts of disease, but if the immune system breaks down it can be the cause of disease or ignore disease all together allowing it to progress till it ends a person’s life.

Although n-acetylneurominic acid is found in breast milk, it is available in only a very few natural foods and supplements appear to be the most obvious answer. Their importance is now in no doubt, and while the investigation continues into these Cinderella nutrients, there is no doubt that they are an essential part of our diet, whether naturally or by means of supplements. Glyconutrient complex formulas are available at your local health food store.

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Interesting Developments In The Sphere Of Cosmetic Surgery

Men have an eternal craving for staying young and looking ravishing even if they grow old. As we grow older, we start losing the smoothness and elasticity of the skin and the body starts losing its natural toned look. Then there are people who are born with certain cosmetic defects that prevent them from living their life in full vigor. The plight of these people whose appearance become the cause of agony have always made the medical scientists think and that led to the emergence of cosmetic surgery as the most innovative branch of medical science. It is often said, that no branch of medical science has made such a remarkable advancement over such a short period of time.

The recent trends in plastic surgery however involve the shift of emphasis from complex surgical procedures to minimal invasive techniques and prospects in the coming decades seem only endless. The procedures are increasingly becoming quicker requiring lesser downtime for recovery, the scarring are going to be less and expenses are also coming down significantly attracting a larger segment of the society.

The researches are moving toward the most advanced kind of cosmetic engineering. As for example, the scientists have achieved major breakthroughs in the area of tissue engineering that will make generation of live tissues possible in the laboratory set up to be used to replace the damaged skin or body parts. The researches are also being carried on to explore the possibilities in reproducing skin grafts, breast tissue, muscles, or nerves. Thus the future of cosmetic surgery seems to mostly depend on the advancements made in the areas of tissue engineering.

However, as said earlier, in the new millennium, the cosmetic surgery is leaning more towards less invasive procedures and a new generation of products and techniques have been introduced to deal with a number of cosmetic imperfections. We all know about Botox and its recent popularity, but there are many more products with the same or even more potentials.

Botulinum toxins.
Some people simply need a stronger version of Botox for longer duration and stronger wrinkle reducing abilities. Their demand can be met in a product called Myobloc or Dysport which is a type B botulinum toxin while Botox is type A. Its advantage lies in the fact that Dysport treatments requires two application a year as opposed to the four application a year usually needed by Botox patients.

Hyaluronic acid
This is another product that is fast gaining hold. As a component of skin tissue, this product is meant to provide cushioning and lubrication to the skin. Their effects can last up to one year.

If you want that perfect strawberry mouth like Angelina Jolie, you will no longer need to go under the surgical scalpels. For creating spouty lips, cosmetic surgeons may inject in your lips Radiance that is derived from calcium hydroxylapatite, a substance found in human bones and teeth. The product is however awaiting FDA approval for use in cosmetic treatment.

This is being viewed as the first permanent injection to treat wrinkles. How does it work? The process involves the injection of microscopic plastic beads suspended in collagen into the targeted area. The body absorbs the injected collagen, and the beads make the body to produce its own collagen. Thus it triggers off a collagen production cycle. As the body experiences a drop in the collagen production, the beads instruct the body to produce more.

In the years to come, cosmetic surgery techniques are predicted to develop at even a faster rate. More advanced approaches are expected to replace the present techniques as demand for procedures with immediate effects and quicker healing time grow.

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Evangelist N CEO, Green N Brown, leading and fastest growing online store for eco-friendly products. Devoted to help people make greener choices in their everyday lives. Committed to 'Greening the Planet' and driving the Green Revolution 'bottoms up'.