Thursday, June 28, 2007

Green Tea for Weight Loss

One former graduate student suspects that a respected biochemistry text might have slowed realization of the connection between green tea and weight loss. Almost thirty years ago, one biochemistry text included detailed information on the energy gradient within a living cell. As explained in that text, the cell's energy gradient uses a chemical called ADP to store potential energy.

When a muscle needs energy, the muscle cells change the ADP into ATP. The ATP supplies the energy needed for muscle movement. The production of ATP requires inhibition of a special biochemical pathway. The functioning of that pathway can come under the influence of certain chemicals, chemicals such as those found in green tea leaves.

That particular pathway can be stimulated by the presence of chemicals called catechinpolyphenols. Such polyphenols can be found in green tea leaves, leaves that are steamed before they are packaged for sale. Because green tea leaves contain those special polyphenols, there is a definite connection between green tea drinking and weight loss.

A person who drinks green tea enhances the ability of his or her cells to carry out thermogenesis. That is the process by which a cell can create heat. It is a process that can be stimulated by the drinking of green tea. The polyphenols in the green tea act on the fatty acids inside of the fat storage cells.

In the presence of polyphenols, such as those in green tea, the fatty acids in the cells prevent inhibition of the biochemical pathway that yields the special protein mentioned above. Cells that had previously failed to produce that special protein start to make that same protein. The presence of that protein in a cell causes movement of hydrogen ions (H+) into the cell's mitochondria.

When a cell permits movement of H+ into the mitochondria, it bypasses the path used to complete ATP synthesis. Instead of using energy for movement, the cell uses energy to make heat. That process is called thermogenesis. Because it is a fat-burning process, it requires the expenditure of calories. That then explains why the drinking of green tea can help a person to loose weight.

The reader might wonder why only green tea has the ability to enhance the calorie-burning ability of a living cell. The answer to that puzzle can be found in the various methods for tea preparation. Most tea is fermented before it is packaged for sale. The fermentation process destroys the polyphenols. Green tea, however, is steamed before packaging. That allows the polyphenols to retain their ability to hasten the use of the thermogenic process.

Green tea leaves can be described as a thermogenic plant food. A dieter who wants to loose weight by drinking green tea should look for leaves from the first harvest. Those are the best leaves.

A dieter who hopes to use green tea for weight loss should know that some teas are difficult to prepare. A dieter who has a busy schedule might want to purchase a box of tea bags, tea bags made from green tea leaves.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Wow! Those Eyes! -- Considering Eyelid Surgery

Eyelid surgery can enhance appearance and boost self-confidence by correcting features that make a person look old and tired (such as drooping upper lids and puffy bags below the eyes) - but one must be realistic about expected results. It won't remove wrinkles or dark circles or lift sagging brows, nor will it erase evidence of ethnic or racial heritage.

Have you ever heard the song lyrics "Jeepers Creepers (where'd a get those peepers)"? Greats like Louis Armstrong and Frank Sinatra imortalized that tune, singing about how eyes can hypnotize and compel. One of the lines asks, "Where'd ya get those eyes?" and as time marches on our and our eyes begin to look tired and wrinkled, most of us wonder where did we get these eyes?!

As we age the eyelid skin stretches, the muscles around the eyes weaken, and fat accumulates, as well. The fatty deposits are commonly known as "bags" - and by the time we're in our thirties or forties we begin to notice the changes time and gracity are making to our faces. By our fifties and sixties we're painfully aware of the toll time has taken on our "peepers".

That's when thoughts of a "face lift" begin to enter our minds - but repairing sagging skin in the face and neck at the same time as the eyes is sometimes out of financial reach or the surgery is too intimidating to consider. If that's the case, you'll be happily surprised at how refreshed your entire face can appear just from doing your eyelids only!

The eyes are an acknowledged focal point on our face and are an indicator to others about how we feel. Looking at our eyes, people might think we're sad or tired when we're actually happy and feeling just fine. It's sagging, excess skin that gives our eyes a sleepy and downcast look - and sometimes the excess skin on our upper eyelids can even affect our vision. Under our eyes, fatty deposits and extra skin create unattractive, puffy bags.

For these and other reasons, many people elect to have eyelid lifts. A highly qualified and well-trained surgeon should perform the procedure, since it involves a very limited and sensitive area and the surgery is extremely delicate. A patient will want to know that someone who's qualified and certified, with a proven record of success, is making sound medical judgments about how much skin and fat to remove.

In the procedure, small incisions are usually placed in the natural creases of your eyelids. For instance, the upper lid incision will be in the crease of your upper lid and might extend into the "crow's feet" area at the outer corner of your eyes, while the lower lid incisions are normally placed just below the lash line. The surgery can be done under local, I.V. sedation or under general anesthesia, and in any case you will need someone to drive you home after this procedure. It is normal to experience some temporary blurring of your vision. Swelling is common and temporary. Swelling can cause difficulty in closing the eyelids all the way but that normally resolves as the swelling subsides.

As with any cosmetic surgical procedure there are risks involved. That's why it's vital that the person you're entrusting to protect your vision while enhancing your appearance be highly qualified and board certified, so that risks are minimized. Once you decide eyelid surgery is right for you, a qualified, reputable surgeon will thoroughly discuss your concerns and talk with you about what is realistically achievable for you. The more you share in a consultation with the surgeon the happier you'll be with your result.

Note: The specific risks and the suitability of eyelid surgery for a given individual can be determined only at the time of consultation with a physician. All procedures have some degree of risk. The information provided here is not a substitute for a consultation.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Arthritis Diet Information

Osteoarthritis or arthritis is the most common type of arthritis in the over 200 types of arthritic conditions. This disease is afflicting over 40 million Americans and 80% of them are over 51 years. Here is some arthritis diet information that can help those that don't have arthritis yet and those that do.

First, arthritis is a condition where the protective layer and lubricant between bones has been decreased, worn down, injured, or destroyed. The result is, in the worst case, bone to bone rubbing cause continual pain and inflammation in the affected joint or joints.

What causes arthritis to appear will depend on your lifestyle and history. Here is a list of some of the causes:

" Injury to the bone or joints at any time in your life
" Allergies to certain foods that lead to joint inflammation
" A diet that is high in acidic foods, such as animal protein, fat, and processed foods
" Overweight, which over works joints, especially in the knees
" Emotional stress, since stress creates acid, which attacks joints oil and cartilage
" Poor digestion, which results in undigested food entering the body causing acid, allergies, and decreased immune system function
" Imbalance in hormones
" A distortion in skeleton structure causing excess pressure in specific joints

Now here are some diet suggestions to help you reduce arthritis pain, rebuild the joint, and reduce your inflammation.

" Eat flaxseeds or use flaxseed oil to reduce inflammation
" Eat fish weekly or take at least 1500 mg to 2000 mg of fish oil to reduce inflammation
" Eat plenty of raw vegetables, which provide phytonutrients that fight free radicals - broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, and dark green lettuce
" Eat whole grains to provide the B vitamins - brown rice, wheat germ, oat bran, oats
" Eat foods high in sulfur to help repair cartilage - asparagus, cauliflower, brussels sprouts, watercress, cranberries, avocados, broccoli, carrots, celery, corn, cucumber peas, potatoes, spinach, tomatoes, kale, cabbage, garlic, or onions
" Drink water every 2 hours to avoid dehydration and reduce arthritis pain
" Eat pineapple to get the enzyme bromelain or chew on bromelain tablets.
" Take MSM supplements, 2000 to 5000 mg or more per day

There is one more list to consider in this arthritis diet - the foods to avoid:

Acid in your body gives you more arthritic pain. You need to move your body to a more alkaline body. This is done by avoiding those foods which create acid in your body and eating those that produce alkaline residues.

Here are the foods to reduce in your diet or to eliminate completely. Red meat, eggs, saturated fats - butter-, oils fried foods, sugar, dairy products, refined carbohydrates - white rice -, breads pasta, and caffeine. And, strictly avoid those foods that you know you have allergies to.

The arthritis diet consist of moving towards more whole grains, vegetables, fruits, legumes, which make your body more alkaline and reducing animal products which create acid and inflammation in your body. If you have allergies to specific foods then avoid them completely. As you improve in your arthritis condition, then later you can eat some of the foods you need to avoid now.

Monday, June 25, 2007

Affordable Extended Wear Lenses: Where To Find The Best Deals

If you are like most people in the world today you likely find yourself living on a tight budget. As a consequence, when you make purchases, it is important for you to find the best buy possible. For example, if you are in the market for a new pair of contact lenses -- or for a set of extended wear contact lenses -- it is natural for you to want to find the most inexpensive contact lens option available in the marketplace today.

Fortunately, if you are in the market for affordable extended wear lenses, there are a number of resources available to you through which you will be able to find affordable, quality products. For example, as with so many products and services in this day and age, the Internet and World Wide Web has become a wonderful resource for people looking for good deals on extended wear contact lenses.

There are a number of different, reputable websites that have been established that deal specifically in the selling of contact lenses. Through these specialized Internet venues, a person can find the exact type of contact lens that best suits his or her needs at a price that will not break the bank,

In addition to buying contact online, you also have some brick and mortar world options available to you through which you can make the purchase of extended wear contact lenses. Over the course of the past two decades, a number of optical store chains have opened for business in different countries around the world. These retail outlets offer a wide variety of glasses and contact lenses at what in many instances are remarkably reasonable prices.

An ever growing number of men and women -- including parents for their children -- have taken to using mail order services for the purchase of contact lenses. These mail order companies over very competitive pricing for a whole host of contact lens products, including extended wear contact lenses. These vendors also offer a wide array of different types of contact lens care products in addition to a solid selection of different types of contact lenses.

It is important to remember that if you elect to make a purchase of extended wear contact lenses through either an online vendor or a mail order merchant you will need to obtain a prescription for those contact lenses in advance. Many of the brick and mortar world glasses and contact lens retail outlets offer onsite eye doctor services for their customers where you can easily and readily obtain the most appropriate prescription for extended wear contact lenses.

Help for Depression

Depression is indicated if a number of symptoms persist for more than a couple of weeks and are severe enough to interfere with the ability to carry out normal routines. Some of the more common symptoms include a lack of pleasure in things you once enjoyed, low moods, sadness, mood swings, feelings of hopelessness and despair, negative thoughts, lethargy, sleep disturbances, anxiety, pessimism, changes in appetite, avoidance of social contact, irritability, and emotional outbursts for no apparent reason.

Without appropriate help, the symptoms of depression can continue indefinitely so it is important to seek advice as early as possible. On the positive side, depression can be treated, but the very nature of depression can make it difficult to admit there is a problem in the first place and to get the right help in order to get well. The following represents some of the more widely available forms of help for depression.


Unless the depression is very mild, it is quite likely that some form of anti-depressant medication will be prescribed for a period of time. There are many different kinds of anti-depressants, no one understands exactly how they work, but it is thought that their beneficial effects are due to their ability to alter the activity of certain chemicals in the brain that help to regulate our mood. For example, Tricyclic antidepressants such as Anafranil and Surmontil appear to balance the natural neurotransmitter chemicals in the brain. Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors work by selectively inhibiting the reuptake of the neurotransmitter serotonin in the brain so that levels of serotonin are increased; probably the most well known form is Prozac. Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors like Nardil inhibit the activity of the enzyme monoamine oxidase, which in turn increases the levels of the neurotransmitters serotonin and norepinephrine.

Antidepressants take some time to work and what may work for one may not work for someone else as the effects can vary from person to person. If there is no improvement after several weeks or there are significant side effects, then another type may be prescribed until one is found that suits the individual.

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy focuses on practical ways of dealing with specific issues. Sometimes negative thoughts, unrealistic expectations or pessimistic ways of looking at the world can contribute to feelings of depression and so by looking at how we view these things in detail and how this affects our behaviour as a result, we can learn to change the way we think and feel about them and consequently, how we react to them. This approach aims to help the individual find new and more realistic ways of coping with everyday problems and challenges.

Alternative and Natural Remedies

It is important to discuss the implications of taking any alternative or natural remedy with your GP first.

SAMe or S-Adenosylmethionine appears to help by increasing the levels of neurotransmitters in the brain, for example, serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine. One advantage of taking SAMe is that if it is going to work, it will show results quite quickly.

St. John's Wort or Hypericum perforatum seems to work in much the same way as Prozac by inhibiting the reuptake of serotonin. One of the main concerns with St. John's Wort is that it does interact with other medicines and drugs so it is vital that you discuss the option of taking St John's Wort with your GP before you take it.

5-HTP or 5-hydroxytyptophan is a type of amino acid that can be converted to serotonin; it is believed to act as a mood elevator by increasing serotonin levels.

Essential Omega 3 fatty acids, in particular Eicosapentaenoic acid, which can be found in oily fish and fish oil supplements, has been found by many research studies to reduce the symptoms of depression and other mood related disorders including bipolar disorder and post natal depression. It appears to increase blood flow to brain, improve cognitive processing and increase serotonin levels.

Electro Convulsive Therapy

This is a controversial treatment involving a series of electric shocks to the brain. It is only used for extreme cases of depression that haven't responded to other forms of treatment. The National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE), recommend that ECT is only used "for the treatment of severe depressive illness, a prolonged or severe episode of mania, or catatonia".


The right approach to alleviating any symptoms of depression is the one that works for the individual concerned and this will be different for each person and will depend very much on the type of depression, the symptoms, and whether the depression is mild or severe. If the depression is mild then it may be possible to get back to your old self without medication and by employing some self help techniques or by therapy and counselling. For any form of depression professional advice and an accurate diagnosis is essential in order to be sure that you get the appropriate help to put you on the right path to mental health and well being.

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Signs & Symptoms of a Urinary Tract Infection

Many people think of urinary tract infections as bladder infections. While this is sometimes the case, the bladder is only one part of the urinary tract. The infection could be located in the bladder, urethra, ureters or kidneys. The general rule of thumb is that the higher up the urinary tract the infection is, the more serious it is. So, a kidney infection is much more serious than a urethral one. But that does not mean infections of the lower urinary tract are any less painful.

Once you have had a bladder infection, it is very likely you will have one again in the future. Around 40% of all women will have a UTI at some point in their lives. Of these, 75% will have one again later down the line. Only 12% of men have urinary tract infections.

No one knows exactly why women are so much more prone to these infections, but one common idea is that the urethra and anus are very close together in women, making it much more likely for bacteria to invade the urinary tract and cause an infection. Another possibility is the fact that the urethra in women is quite short, while in men it is much longer. Bacteria have to travel farther in men to reach the bladder, making the likelihood of a bladder infection or upper urinary tract infection much less likely.

If you have had a urinary tract infection before, you will definitely know when you are getting one again. The symptoms are pretty obvious and uncomfortable. Here are some of the most common signs of a lower urinary tract infection:

- Pain while urinating
- Burning feeling while urinating
- Frequent need to urinate
- Waking up in the middle of the night to urinate
- Urgent need to urinate or it feels as though you cannot hold urine
- Even after you urinate you still feel as though you need to empty your bladder
- Blood in the urine
- Cloudy urine
- Bad smelling urine
- Pain in the abdomen
- A slight fever

Luckily, all it takes is a simple test to determine whether or not you have a urinary tract infection. There are many types available as well. You can urinate in a cup and then use a dipstick in the specimen then read the results. You can urinate directly on the test strip. You will need to head off to the doctor to get antibiotics to treat it, however. A UTI left untreated can travel up the urinary tract into the ureters or kidneys. Symptoms of an upper urinary tract infection include:

- High fever
- Chills
- Nausea
- Pain in your side—usually only on one side—just above your hip.
- Vomiting
- Symptoms of lower urinary tract infection (sometimes)

If you are exhibiting signs of an upper urinary tract infection, see your doctor immediately. You may even need to seek urgent care. This can be very serious so the earlier you obtain treatment, the better off you will be.

If you have symptoms of a lower urinary tract infection, you should see your doctor right away as well. However, if you cannot get an appointment for a day or two, drink plenty of water and cranberry juice and eliminate sugary, acidic, and caffeinated drinks or foods from your diet. You can also use over the counter medications to help ease the symptoms while you wait to be treated.

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Yoga's Bestowal Of Psychic Powers

If, you have read any yoga books, you will know that practicing ‘Vashitva’ gives you the ability to control objects, animate or inanimate. And finally, ‘Ishtatva’, the last power gives one the ability to create and destroy objects at will, a power that almost rivals that of God. The ultimate power, it can be attained with dedicated practice of Yoga techniques.

Undoubtedly, it is very difficult to attain these powers, however, yoga books on meditation and spirituality, including other texts on yoga state, it is not impossible. At the same time, these texts inform that possession of these powers will impose hurdles in the path of self realization or illumination; however, they do mention certain ways to overcome the problems faced after gaining psychic powers.

Therefore, when practicing yoga, one should not aim at attaining psychic powers, but yoga should be practiced for realization of the self or Atma and God. Before, gaining mastery over sensory organs, one must master the mind first.

One can learn more by reading yoga books on mediation and spirituality, including many online yoga books, or else listen to yoga audio-tapes, in case reading is not your cup of tea. Before, practicing yoga, it is also a good idea to acquire some yoga accessories, such as, a yoga mat, yoga strap, and a yoga block. Why not involve a friend in your practice of yoga, buying a double set of yoga accessories to surprise him or her i.e. yoga mats, yoga straps and yoga blocks, not forgetting a gift of yoga books. Go, empower yourself with a Yoga trip!

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Interesting Facts About Perfumes

High living has always been associated with the use of perfumes. In the old days with royalty people espousing the need for fragrances, the bourgeois society soon followed.

Perfumes from natural odorants like sandalwood or musk were preferred. In today`s world due to illegal trafficking and species endangerment, natural odorants are replaced by synthetic aromatics. Both have their advantages and disadvantages. Aromas like musk from natural ingredients are extremely complex and have been impossible to imitate through synthetic aromatics like nitro-musks or macrocyclic musks. On the other hand, synthetic aromas like ozone, marine, metallic, etc., have no parallel olfactory relationship in the natural odorants.

So nowadays with modern technology of perfume manufacturing and synthetic aromas, new categories have been created. Categories that can be best described as: 1 - Bright Floral - very popular and meant for almost everyone and all occasions; 2 - Woody - it evokes the forest refreshing smell; 3 - Green - it has a lighter fragrance and is meant for casual wear; 4 - Oceanic - it is very popular among the younger generation; 5 - Spicy Fruit - a good choice for tropical weather or during summer; 6 - Oriental - it is meant for special occasions. Spicy scents.

It is very important the composition of perfumes, because the right combination of scents (as rose, jasmine, cola), modifiers (esters), blenders (linalool, hydroxycitronellol) and fixatives(like resins, wood scents and amber), can provide the unique smell by which brand name perfumes are so famous and desired for. Some famous brand name perfumes are:

1 - Eau de Cologne (1709)
2 - Chanel No. 5 (1921)
3 - Opium YSL (1977)
4 - Azzaro Pour Homme (1978)
5 - Anais Anais (1979)
6 - Poison Christian Dior (1985)
7 - Eternity Calvin Klein (1988)
8 - Envy Gucci (1997)
9 - Nu YSL (2001)
10 - Rose 31 (2006)

Also, preservation of perfumes is of vital significance as it degrades if kept carelessly. Previously all perfumes used to come in open bottles with caps. These bottles kept the fragrance intact for about a year. As it was used, the level of the perfume went down, and it was exposed to oxygen contained in the empty space of the bottle. This eventually changed the perfume`s fragrance. Heat, light, oxygen, and extraneous organic materials, further distorted the fragrance. Thus glass bottles, though extremely decorative, allowed light, and contributed to the degradation of the scent.

It is now a well known fact that light-tight aluminum bottles are best for the preservation of perfumes, especially when they are refrigerated at low temperatures from 3 to 7 degree Celsius. The oxygen contained inside the bottle cannot be removed completely but it can be minimized by the use of rollers instead of open bottles. Further minimization of oxygen exposure can be attained by the use of sprays.

Thus almost all modern day perfume come in spray bottles, which isolate the perfume from mixing with outside oxygen, skin, detritus, and dust, thereby promoting the longevity of the olfactory quality of the perfume.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

The Medical Spa Era

Welcome to the medical spa era. We now live in an age where the expectations of the consumer that seemed out of reach five years ago are now a reality. This is true in many aspects of our lives, but there are few industries where this has become more evident that in the field of skin care and anti-aging.

According to the 2002 US Census, more than $12 billion is spent each year on cosmetology services. As the baby boomer generation has begun to reach their fifties, the desire to fight the signs of aging has been elevated to an all time high. Consumers are eager for effective solutions to eliminate wrinkles, rejuvenate the skin and to maintain a youthful appearance. For many years the answer to these requests were either topical skin care treatments, such as lotions, potions, and peels, or surgery. Topical remedies typically only provide a minor amount of benefit, and surgical procedures may require anesthesia, extensive recovery time, and discomfort. Thanks to recent advances in technology, we now have a middle ground.

The missing void that we have needed for so very long in the skin care profession has been filled by the advent of medical aesthetic procedures. Medical aesthetics represents the union of medically based procedures to perform non-invasive cosmetic enhancements. What does that mean? It means more significant changes without the draw backs of surgery. It means that many of the skin care ailments that have plagued us for decades can now be resolved with the use of lasers or other energy based devices when placed in the hands of trained and skilled professionals.

Eliminating wrinkles, reducing cellulite, getting rid of unwanted hair forever, or taking off that tattoo with the name of your ex-boyfriend can now be accomplished, and these concepts are no longer science fiction. Where can one find a provider of such services? At your local medical spa. Until the advent of lasers there was really no good way to get rid of a spider vein without puncturing the skin or volunteering for surgery. Before radio frequency devices, the only solution to tightening up lax skin was to have it removed by a surgeon. Now these and the many other wonderful advanced skin care procedures can be performed on your lunch break at a mall or spa location near you.

The miracle that is the internet provides a medspa directory that offers contact information for the more than two thousand medical spas that are located across the country. You can also find reviews from peers who have had experiences with this new breed of cosmetology professional to help you to make an informed decision when selecting a provider.

The future is now, and the more you are able to learn about the solutions provided by medical spas, the more that you will likely find that there are ways to resolve everyday problems that were until recently unheard of. Consult a medspa directory today to start your journey towards the new you.

Monday, June 18, 2007

Harmful Side Effects Of The Atkins Diet

Weight loss is a billion dollar industry that profits off of the desperation of many to be thin in our society that is obsessed with physical appearance. Of the many diet plans to lose weight the Atkins Diet is one of the more popular diets that has been around for quite some time. It certainly has its share of supporters eager to share stories of rapid weight loss and transformed lives.

However, you hear much less about the harmful side effects of the Atkins Diet. Harmful and deadly side effects such as an increased risk of coronary disease due to consuming higher amounts of animal fats found in the meats suggested as sources of proteins. These animal fats are not easily broken down in the body and cause the production of bad cholesterol, which clogs arteries and can cause heart attacks and strokes.

There are other unpleasant and potentially harmful side effects of the Atkins Diet such as muscle weakness or cramping, diarrhea, fatigue, halitosis, and skin rashes. Headaches are also commonly reported, especially when beginning the Atkins Diet as the body adjusts to the restriction of carbohydrates. Continuous diarrhea could result in a dangerous depletion of nutrients the body must have to work properly, leaving a person very sick.

Some harmful side effects of the Atkins Diet happen within the first week of following the diet. It is not uncommon to drop 5 to 10 pounds the first week of the diet and with many other diets for that matter. Dropping that many pounds so fast is certainly exhilarating for someone struggling to lose weight, but lost in the celebration over this dramatic weight loss is the consideration of the very real harm that is being done to the body. This rapid weight loss is actually a result of the body flushing out excess water, along with that water, nutrients and muscle are also flushed from the body. This has the potential of creating a host of health problems for those adhering to the Atkins Diet.

Further harmful side effects of the Atkins Diet happen when a person naturally becomes tired of having certain foods severely restricted from their diet, returns to eating them, and gains the weight back and then some as a result. Many will start the diet over again even though eventually return to the point where they want to eat those restricted foods. This can become an endless and dangerous cycle of weight loss and weight gain, the dreaded yo-yo cycle, which can cause serious damage to your heart.

There are harmful psychological side effects of the Atkins Diet. The restricting of foods containing carbohydrates deprives the body of the nutrients it needs to make the hormones that control our emotions. The lack of the hormones needed to control emotions often leads to irritability, and sadness. The brain needs hormones for such functions as making decisions and powers of recall, both of which are effected when the body has fewer of these hormones than is required. Self-esteem takes quite a beating when the weight lost begins creeping back on. The Atkins Diet and other similarly restrictive diets are hard to follow for long and because such restrictive diets are the least likely to produce real and permanent weight loss, dieters are often left feeling disappointed with themselves and hopeless of ever reaching their weight loss goals.

The dent made to the amount of money that you set aside for the purchasing of food is another harmful side effect of the Atkins Diet. It is an expensive dieting plan and can quickly become too cost inhibitive for many.

Consider all of the harmful effects of the Atkins Diet and the risks to your health before beginning this diet plan.

The Incredible Shrinking Fat Cell - What Really Happens When Body Fat is Burned?

Earlier this week someone in our discussion forum wrote, "I haven't "LOST" any fat... I know EXACTLY where it went! I got a chuckle out of that because I "got" the joke, but truth is, most people really don't know how fat cells work, how the fat burning process takes place or where the fat goes when it's burned . It's actually quite a complex biochemical sequence of events, but I'll explain it as simply as possible, so by the end of this article, you'll be a "fat burning" expert!

When you "lose" body fat, the fat cell (also called an adipocyte) does not go anywhere or move into the muscle cell to be burned. The fat cell itself, (unfortunately) stays right where it was - under the skin in your thighs, stomach, hips, arms, etc., and on top of the muscles - which is why you can't see muscle "definition" when your body fat is high.

Fat is stored inside the fat cell in the form of triaglycerol. The fat is not burned right there in the fat cell, it must be liberated from the fat cell through somewhat complex hormonal/enzymatic pathways. When stimulated to do so, the fat cell simply releases its contents (triaglycerol) into the bloodstream as free fatty acids (FFA's), and they are transported through the blood to the tissues where the energy is needed.

A typical young male adult stores about 60,000 to 100,000 calories of energy in body fat cells. What triggers the release of all these stored fatty acids from the fat cell? Simple: When your body needs energy because you're consuming fewer calories than you are burning (an energy deficit), then your body releases hormones and enzymes that signal your fat cells to release your fat reserves instead of keeping them in storage.

For stored fat to be liberated from the fat cell, hydrolysis (lipolysis or fat breakdown), splits the molecule of triaglycerol into glycerol and three fatty acids. An important enzyme called hormone sensitive lipase (HSL) is the catalyst for this reaction. The stored fat (energy) gets released into the bloodstream as FFA's and they are shuttled off to the muscles where the energy is needed. As blood flow increases to the active muscles, more FFA's are delivered to the muscles that need them.

An important enzyme called lipoprotein lipase (LPL), then helps the FFA's get inside the mitochondria of the muscle cell, where the FFA's can be burned for energy. If you've ever taken a biology class, then you've probably heard of the mitochondria. This is the "cellular powerhouse" where energy production takes place and this is where the FFA's go to be burned for energy.

When the FFA's are released from the fat cell, the fat cell shrinks and that's why you look leaner when you lose body fat - because the fat cell is now smaller. A small or "empty" fat cell is what you're after if you want the lean, defined look.

It was once believed that the number of fat cells could not increase after adulthood, only the size of the fat cells could increase (or decrease). We now know that fat cells can indeed increase both in size (hypertrophy) and in number (hyperplasia) and that they are more likely to increase in number at certain times and under certain circumstances, such as 1) during late childhood and early puberty, 2) During pregnancy, and 3) During adulthood when extreme amounts of weight are gained

Some people are genetically predisposed to have more fat cells than others and women have more fat cells than men. An infant usually has about 5 - 6 billion fat cells. This number increases during early childhood and puberty, and a healthy adult with normal body composition has about 25 to 30 billion fat cells. A typical overweight adult has around 75 billion fat cells. But in the case of severe obesity, this number can be as high as 250 to 300 billion!

The average size (weight) of an adult fat cell is about 0.6 micrograms, but they can vary in size from 0.2 micograms to 0.9 micrograms. An overweight person's fat cells can be up to three times larger than a person with ideal body composition.

Remember, body fat is basically just a reserve source of energy and fat cells are the like the storage tanks. Unlike a gas tank in your car which is fixed in size, however, fat cells can expand or shrink in size depending on how "filled" they are.

Picture a balloon that is not inflated: It's tiny when not filled with air - maybe the size of your thumb. When you blow it up with air, it can expand 10 or 12 times it's normal size, because it simply fills up. That's what happens to fat cells: They start as nearly empty fat storage "tanks" (when you are lean), and when energy intake exceeds your needs, your fat cells "fill up" like balloons (not a pretty picture, is it?)

So you don't actually "lose" fat cells, you "shrink" or "empty out" fat cells. Since fat cells can not only get bigger, but also multiply, you have be diligent and consistent in your fat-burning lifestyle because even after you shrink your fat cells, the cells are still there (in your thighs, lower abs, etc), waiting to be filled up with more fat again, if you're not careful...

So stay active to keep burning fat and avoid consuming more calories than you burn, and your fat cells will get shrunk and stay shrunk!

Improving Your Diabetic Condition With Exercise

The type 2 diabetic condition is brought about by a diet that is too high in carbohydrates and a lack of nutrients, which results in the insulin the body naturally produces becoming less and less effective in keeping blood sugar levels under control and in a normal range.

While change in diet and proper nutritional supplementation have a dramatic effect in controlling blood sugar naturally without the need for drugs or insulin, exercise can greatly contribute to the overall control of the diabetic condition, as can be seen in the following excerpt:

"While many people may begin exercising out of a sense of responsibility - the way children eat vegetables they don't like - the main reason they keep exercising is that it feels good."

"Overall, people who exercise regularly are better equipped to carry on day-to-day activities as they age."

"One of the great benefits is that many people find that when they exercise, they have less desire to overeat."

"Even though your fat won't 'melt away,' exercise, particularly if you're a Type II diabetic, is still of value in a weight-reduction program because muscle building reduces insulin resistance."

"As you increase your muscle mass, your insulin needs will be reduced - and having less insulin present in your bloodstream will reduce the amount of fat you pack away."

"As a result, your own insulin production gradually becomes more effective at lowering blood sugar."

excerpted from Dr. Bernstein's Diabetes Solution
by Dr. Richard K. Bernstein

Higher Morning Sugar Levels?

Blood sugar can be brought down and kept at normal levels throughout the day, yet, many diabetics find that even though they have not eaten before bedtime, when they wake up in the morning their blood sugar levels are elevated. This is caused by something called the "dawn phenomenon":

"Although the mechanics of the dawn phenomenon aren't yet entirely clear, research suggests that the liver deactivates more circulating insulin during the early morning hours." [This results in sugar not being pushed into cells for energy but building up in the blood instead.]

"Investigators have actually measured blood sugar every hour throughout the night under similar circumstances. They find that the entire blood sugar increase occurs about 6-10 hours after bedtime for most people who are so affected."

"Both the time it takes for blood sugar to increase and the amount of the increase vary from one person to another. An increase may be negligible in some and profound in others."

excerpted from Dr. Bernstein's Diabetes Solution
by Dr. Richard K. Bernstein

You can begin maintaining healthy blood sugar levels with regular exercise combined with a low carbohydrate diet and by supplementing with a natural med to lower blood sugar. This can also help reduce the effects of the "dawn phenomenon".

Sunday, June 17, 2007

What you Need to Know about Skin Cancer Prevention

Skin cancer prevention is preached by medical professionals all over the United States. This is no surprise given that the Cancer Research and Prevention Foundation reported more than one million Americans were diagnosed with some form of skin cancer in 2005. Despite the medical evidence available on skin cancer, our society remains focused on tanning beds and sunbathing without using the proper protection.

Skin cancer comes in two forms, melanomas and non-melanomas. Melanomas usually account for only four percent of diagnosed skin cancers, but they are considered to be the most deadly. Melanomas occur in the epidermis, the skin's outer layer, usually appearing as a dark mole with uneven edges.

If detected early through skin cancer prevention, melanomas can be eliminated without causing harm. If ignored, these cancers can break away and spread to other parts of the body. Non-melanomas, on the other hand, are comprised of two different cell types, basal cells and squamous cells. Both of these cells are caused from sun exposure, but basal cells form in the lower epidermis while squamous cells form in the upper epidermis.

Preventing skin cancer is often associated with older generations, but today you see more teenagers and young adults spending excessive amounts of time in the sun. Without the proper protection, our society could see a surge in skin cancer diagnosis. Tanning beds are another cause of skin cancer and are often used throughout the year, not just during the summer months.

Proper prevention begins with knowing what you need to be sun safe any time of the year. If you have light colored hair and fair skin, you should be weary of exposing yourself to over indulge in the sun's rays. You should also be aware if anyone in your family has been diagnosed with skin cancer because this could increase your chances of developing the disease.

Sunscreen is recommended as a form of protection against the sun. The American Cancer Society urges the use of waterproof sunscreen that has an SPF15 or more of both UVA and UVB protection. You should also apply at least an ounce of sunscreen for your body twenty minutes before going out into the sun.

Too often, individuals forget to re-apply their sunscreen after being exposed to harmful UVA and UVB rays. Also be sure to avoid the sun during 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. because this is when the sun's rays are most intense. Staying unprotected in the sun during this time is when you put yourself in the danger zone for damaging healthy skin cells.

Proper skin cancer prevention should be practiced by everyone in your family, even babies. Doctors recommend babies that are six months or younger stay out of the sun. Teaching your children to be sun smart is important for their health too.

Find shady areas when you take them outside to play and be sure they have the proper protection on. Clothing is another way to protect yourself and your family from harmful rays. Wear hats that have wide brims to cover all areas of your neck, ears, eyes and scalp.

Skin cancer prevention does not mean you have to avoid the sun altogether. It just means you should be smart when you do go outside. Remembering to use a protective sunscreen all year is a great way to start your cancer prevention routine.

Know your skin and any marks or freckles so you can recognize abnormalities that may develop. The sooner you start guarding yourself from harmful rays, the better you raise your chance of avoiding skin cancer.

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Pregnancy Issues: Are You Losing Your Hair While Pregnant Or After Delivery?

I will be showing you the major causes of hair loss during and after pregnancy and how you can avoid - or control - these pregnancy issues.

Definition: "The period from conception to birth when a woman carries a developing fetus in her uterus. Human pregnancy refers to the process by which a human female carries a live offspring from conception until childbirth. The medical term for a pregnant woman is "gravida," just as the medical term for the unborn human is embryo and then fetus."

Have you ever wondered why pregnant women lose a lot of hair during and after child bearing? Hmm...? Alright let me help you out. There is a lot of hormonal metamorphoses in the body of pregnant women around the period from conception to delivery - this happens to be the main cause of hair loss!

** Guess what? It has been medically proven that a pregnant woman's body would rather nurture her baby than her hair! Thus, the major cause of this condition is an acute shortage of much-needed minerals and vitamins, her body and her ever-changing hormones.

While pregnant, women take vitamin supplements and minarals. These vitamins and minarals are responsible for their hair loss during pregnancy! Now, while this is unavoidable, it is also controlable. How?

You should consult with your doctor as soon as you notice your hairline begin to receed. He/she would then instruct you about issues pertaining to the amount (dosage) of vitamins supplements and minerals to take, the soaps, hair cream, relaxer and shampoo to make use of, hair combing style etc., etc.

Normally there is no reason to panic yet. If after you've had your baby you still notice areas where your hairline has receeded or spots of baldness or your hair thinned and remains so, you will need to consult with your family doctor to schedule a check up. Because the loss of hair during and after pregnancy can be attributed to a host of conditions, a thorough check up will probably need to be carried out! After this, apropriate prescriptions would be made to arrest this issue.

Worthy of note here is the fact that Women who are mostly prone to the risk of hair loss during and after pregnancy , are those ones who did not place much importance on having healthy diets in the first place! If you must have hair with a healthy sheen, then suitable nutrition is a MUST!

In spite of the fact that some pregnant women lose hair, some others others actually grow plenty of hair on their chin, stomach, chest, legs and cheek. All of this is hormonal.

The tendency of hair loss to escalate after child bearing is high, therefore it is advisable that adequate care and attention be paid to whatever prescription or advice your physician recommends!

** Guess what? Your main focus before, during and after pregnancy should be the maintenance of a weight that is healthy and somwhat constant. In a case where you are or become overweight, get the help of a nutritionist or healthcare consultant - they should aid you with a solid diet plan with a purpose to helping you gain/lose the right amount of weight to ensure a hitch-free pregnancy and child bearing.

Finally, try not to indulge in unnecessary fashion while pregnant! - You have nothing to prove! Wearing of high heeled shoes, tight-fitting clothes etcetera, etcetera will only cause you future (if not present) grief. Why you may ask? Well, because it is a well-known and documented fact that excessive strain is put on your spinal column and the balls of your feet when you walk around on heels. This, in turn, causes you to have cramps on your toes...not to mention the ever-present possibilty of an ankle sprain! You owe yourself a lot more than that.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Skin Care Natural Treatments

It's easy to treat dry skin cheaply, simply, naturally, and effectively at home. The use of natural or synthetic cosmetics to cover the appearance of the face and condition of the skin, like control of pores and covering blackhead, is common among many cultures.

Skin contains hair follicles, sweat glands, sebaceous glands, apocrine glands and blood vessels. Our skin also receives less blood flow and lower gland activity than the other organs in our body. The dermis is tightly connected to the epidermis by a basement membrane.

Dry skin can be caused by a deficiency of vitamin A, systemic illness, overexposure to sunlight or some medications. Skin gets exposed to the elements, especially in winter, causing it to become drier. When the skin loses moisture it may crack and peel, or become irritated and inflamed.

Certain drugs, including diuretics, antispasmodics, and antihistamines, can contribute to dry skin conditions; check with your pharmacist or doctor and read the drug insert - you can get one from your pharmacist. Dry skin can be due to a genetic condition but it's not common. Dry skin can also be a sign of an underactive thyroid.

Eating fruits that are red or orange in color will help improve you skin health and help to prevent acne. I can't stress enough the importance of drinking plenty of pure, filtered water - a minimum of a quart a day. Drink freshly extracted carrot juice, if you can, every day; carrot juice is an excellent cleanser for the liver, great for the skin and contains a great deal of nutrients, all beneficial for dry skin, eczema, acne, zits, pimples, blackheads, whiteheads, and other breakouts.

Try using a humidifier if the air is dry and you have a severe skin condition. Use bath oils and moisturizers, or better yet, coconut oil, daily. Keep baths or showers short using warm, never hot water.

I buy coconut oil by the gallon; it's cheaper for a whole gallon of coconut oil than a small jar of department store, name-brand moisturizer. When you buy coconut oil, make sure you get the kind that hasn't been refined, processed and deodorized. Use a thin layer of coconut oil under your make-up, if you wear it, to moisturize and soften your skin throughout the day.

Coconut oil is very inexpensive - a great, cheap home remedy for all skin conditions. Coconut oil is the best healing, soothing, and moisturizing treatment I've found for dry skin; in fact all types of skin conditions, skin eruptions, pimples, acne, milia, irritations, cuts, burns, fungus, etc.

Many skin conditions can be converted into clear, healthy skin by using natural home remedies. The skin must be regularly cleaned or it'll become cracked or inflamed.

Continue using coconut oil and you'll see the benefits in good, clear skin, free of dryness and other skin conditions. If nothing seems to work it might be more than dry skin, so you should see your doctor. Call your skin doctor if dryness and itching are preventing you from sleeping.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Affordable Extended Wear Lenses: Where To Find The Best Deals

If you are like most people in the world today you likely find yourself living on a tight budget. As a consequence, when you make purchases, it is important for you to find the best buy possible. For example, if you are in the market for a new pair of contact lenses -- or for a set of extended wear contact lenses -- it is natural for you to want to find the most inexpensive contact lens option available in the marketplace today.

Fortunately, if you are in the market for affordable extended wear lenses, there are a number of resources available to you through which you will be able to find affordable, quality products. For example, as with so many products and services in this day and age, the Internet and World Wide Web has become a wonderful resource for people looking for good deals on extended wear contact lenses.

There are a number of different, reputable websites that have been established that deal specifically in the selling of contact lenses. Through these specialized Internet venues, a person can find the exact type of contact lens that best suits his or her needs at a price that will not break the bank,

In addition to buying contact online, you also have some brick and mortar world options available to you through which you can make the purchase of extended wear contact lenses. Over the course of the past two decades, a number of optical store chains have opened for business in different countries around the world. These retail outlets offer a wide variety of glasses and contact lenses at what in many instances are remarkably reasonable prices.

An ever growing number of men and women -- including parents for their children -- have taken to using mail order services for the purchase of contact lenses. These mail order companies over very competitive pricing for a whole host of contact lens products, including extended wear contact lenses. These vendors also offer a wide array of different types of contact lens care products in addition to a solid selection of different types of contact lenses.

It is important to remember that if you elect to make a purchase of extended wear contact lenses through either an online vendor or a mail order merchant you will need to obtain a prescription for those contact lenses in advance. Many of the brick and mortar world glasses and contact lens retail outlets offer onsite eye doctor services for their customers where you can easily and readily obtain the most appropriate prescription for extended wear contact lenses.

Swara Yoga for Health, Wealth and Happiness

Swara Yoga is an ancient science of nasal breathing that correlates the breath with sun, moon and five elements. The practice of Shiva Swarodaya allows us to synchronize our breath with the universal rhythm. This alignment removes undue efforts, stress and strain from our daily activities. Swara Yoga practice helps us to change unwanted physical, mental or emotional states at will, create favourable conditions for one’s life by changing the internal environment thus improving one’s attitude towards life through increased awareness.

Before we get focused on Health, Wealth & Happiness, let us have some basic understanding of three Swaras or Nadies through Swara Yoga.

If you observe your breath, you will notice that at a given time, any one nostril is more dominant and the other one relatively congested. This keeps changing every one to two hours and during the transition period, both nostrils may be equally dominant for few seconds.

The right nostril dominance is associated with pingala nadi or surya nadi. The pingala, which is the masculine or solar principle, is associated with the left hemisphere of the brain that controls the right side of the body. The left nostril dominance is associated with the Ida nadi or chandra nadi, the feminine or lunar principle, associated with the right hemisphere of the brain and controlling the left side of the body. Just by observing the direct effect of solar and lunar currents of breath on human behavior, swara yogis were able to ascertain the activities best suited during the left nostril dominance and activities best suited during the right nostril dominance.

The nose can be seen as the main switch of cerebral hemispheres. It can stimulate electromagnetic activity on one side of the body and it can switch the hemispheric activity on and off at will. The third nadi is “shushumna”, where the left and the right are perfectly balanced. It represents “Shiva” (pure consciousness) in the state of “so-hum”. Whenever the nostrils switch, both are open for seven to eight breaths. That is the time when the shushumna breath flows. No worldly activities are recommended in Shiva swara. One must meditate. Intuitive knowledge is received best during this state.

In the original manuscript of Shiva Swarodaya there are 395 sutras, many of them deal with Health, Wealth & Happiness.

Health: One can easily maintain good health with the knowledge of Swara Yoga. Here are few tips to help you.

If you want to alter an unwanted physical, emotional or mental state, just breathe through the more congested nostril. This prevents worsening of the symptoms and promotes rapid recovery. Swara yoga advises changing of the active nostril at the first sign of any physical, emotional or mental disturbance.
To cure the common cold, breathe through the right nostril 21 times by blocking the left nostril. Also sleeping on the left side gives considerable relief; as it activates the right nostril.
In case of acidity and fever, activating the left nostril helps. You can block the right nostril and breathe through the left nostril 21 times. Also sleeping on the right side helps to reduce fever.
Swara medicines can be prepared with the knowledge of swara yoga. Swara medicines work at the vibrational level and can help the patients without any side effects.

Sutra no. 391 of Shiva Swarodaya says about the health and medicines that, he who has first hand knowledge and awareness of three nadies and five elements, to him even the million times more powerful rasayana itself would not be able to equate.

Wealth: Normally it is understood that one can earn good amount of wealth based on one’s Knowledge, Skills, Attitudes and Strategy. But Swara knowledge goes much deeper than these normal understanding. According to Swara Yoga, to assure success in world, one must enter the cosmic rhythm and stay tuned to it… and you get success with effortless ease!

But how does one align with the cosmic rhythm? Here is the simple way to do it.

Get up each day at least half an hour before the sunrise. Find out the dominating nostril. Kiss the corresponding hand. With the same hand, touch or rub face, neck, chest, thighs and feet. Then while stepping out of the bed, the foot that corresponds to the operating nostril should be placed onto the ground first. Then one can proceed for the morning activities. This simple practice helps you align the subtle flow of energy that ensures success in everything that happens for that day.

Swara yoga also helps to influence people…

Whenever it is desirable to influence the other person, if one’s right nostril is operating, the person to be influenced should be positioned onto the right, below or behind. In case of left operating nostril, onto left, above or in the front.

Sutra no. 214 of Shiva Swarodaya says that the knowledge of swara is a secret wealth. There is no other wealth higher than that as because of the knowledge of swara, one can approach anything and indeed could get the fruit, without an effort!

Sutra no. 53 of Shiva Swarodaya is about giving Dana (Charity). It says, if a wise man performs an act of charity at the time of inhalation through left nostril, it bestows upon him a crore ( ten millions) fold auspicious fruits in this very lifetime!

Sutra no. 389 of Shiva Swarodaya is about health & wealth. It says that the person who is well versed with the knowledge and awareness of Swara Yoga, the Goddess Lakshami is at his feet and to him there would be happiness all over the body!

Happiness: Normally it is understood that happiness is a state of mind… but Swara Yoga delves much deeper. It says… happiness is the natural by product of the enlightened consciousness! In fact, ultimately the very aim of Swara Yoga is to get enlightened.

Sutra no. 27 of Shiva Swarodaya says that the knowledge of Swarodaya is the best among all the things, the best science and is like the flame of lamp, and is ultimately for the enlightenment of the receptacle in the form of the body. The phrase used is Atma-ghata-prakasarthe… indicating self-illumination, self-realization or the knowledge of the self in Indian sense.

Swara yoga is a practical science that can help us to get attuned to cosmic rhythms to get Health, Wealth & Happiness. Make the best use of it!

Monday, June 11, 2007

What is Leukemia?

Today, one of the most dangerous and incurable condition seems to be cancer. It has no actual cure for mostly of the tissues it affects, especially when it reaches vital organs such as heart, lungs or blood. The blood tissue form of cancer is known as Leukemia and it represents a real life threat as it affects the blood circulation meant to supply the whole body with vital nutriments.

Blood is the connection tissue for all of the body’s organs and tissue as it carries oxygen and other important elements for the cell life. This is the reason why leukemia is such dangerous and frightening disease. Blood has access to all vital organs like heart, lungs and brain and when Leukemia occurs, it will rapidly create a dysfunction of all the other organs by supplying them with unhealthy particles. Cancerous cells are quickly carried to all parts of the organism and the dissemination occurs in a very short period of time.

Leukemia is in fact the consequence of an abnormality occurred in the form and number of leukocytes, the blood white cells. Leucocytes are vital for the good functioning of the body as they have the role to fight against all potential aggressions from the outside. They are the key to a good protection against infections and when leukemia appears the cellular immunity decreases drastically leaving the body unable to protect against damaging factors of any nature.

The main pathological way of the disease is an increased production by the marrow of infected and abnormal white blood cells. The new leucocytes anatomically and functionally modified and interfere with all functions of the blood even hindering the normal oxygen transport. Modified white blood cells also damage the normal functioning of the red blood cells and lead to the occurrence of anemia. Cancerous cells impede the tissue supply with hemoglobin and the body cells suffer from the lack of iron.

When the cancerous cells reach the brain, other dangerous modifications appear such as headaches, night sweats and neuropsychical problems. Cancerous Leukemia cells can be easily detected under the microscope and the suspects of the disease are advised to undergo a bone marrow examination. The onset of Leukemia is pointed out by swollen lymph nodes through the whole body, especially around the neck and thigh.

Risk factors for Leukemia are especially radioactive radiations that produce cell mutations and damages to their activity. An overexposure to benzene, an industrial hydrocarbure, also increases the risk of developing Leukemia, as well as the Down syndrome.

The most effective but also painful treatment is chemotherapy when the patients need to swallow many drugs at once. Another possibility of treatment is radiotherapy and patients suffer from losing hair and skin texture.

Leukemia is curable if detected in time and treated right. A bone marrow transplant may be helpful to regain healthy white blood cells. For a good outcome, the patients especially need the support of the family.

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Want To Prevent Diabetes?

This is the technical meaning of “healthy fat.” Your body needs these fats to function properly, yet it doesn't produce it on it's own. Flax Seed Oil is also known as Linseed Oil. FlaxSeed is a blue flowering plant that is grown on the Western Canadian Prairies for its oil rich seeds. FlaxSeed oil is highly recommended for the general well being, whole body nutrition and helps in restoring body's natural balance of good and bad prostaglandins. The first time you see flax seeds you were probably, like “ok, they look like sesame seeds, who are you trying to fool?” They may look like sesame seeds, but boy do they pack in a lot of nutrition.

Another study has found that omega-3 fatty acids, and by extension, flaxseed, can reduce the risk of macular degeneration, which is an eye disease that destroys vision by damaging nerve cells in the eye. Besides lignans, flaxseeds and their oil are also the best food sources of an essential fatty acid, alpha-linolenic acid. "Essential" means we must consume it, because our bodies cannot manufacture it.

Build Health: Want To Prevent Diabetes?

To prevent diabetes you will get a real jolt when you follow the prescription offered up in the “Journal of the American Medical Association.”

This ‘prestigious’ organization reported on separate studies of coffee drinkers in Sweden and Finland.

Whiz-bang medical researchers discovered that women could decrease their risk of diabetes by 29 percent when they followed a regimen of drinking three to four cups of coffee a day.

Does Omega 3 Lowers Cholesterol? Does Flaxseed Oil Prevent Cancer too? The ladies who had the fortitude to drink 10 or more cups of coffee a day fared even better. They reduced their risk of diabetes by 79 percent.

The men participating in the studies also reduced their risk, but not to the extent as did the women.

When men drank three to four cups a day, they reduced their risk of diabetes by 27 percent. The men who drank 10 or more cups of java per day reduced their risk by 55 percent.

These results confirm a January report by the equally ‘prestigious’ Harvard School of Public Health. That report concluded that drinking six 8-ounce cups of coffee a day could reduce diabetes risk in men by about 50 percent and in women by 30 percent. If the numbers have any connection to reality, the more coffee you drink, the better off you are. And that is the rub.

The numbers have nothing to do with reality, nothing to do with the truth.

Here in America the rate of adult-onset diabetes, or Type 2 diabetes, is growing incrementally. Nowadays it typically shows up in middle-age populations, but the disease is on the rise among ever-younger age groups.

Human studies have shown that flaxseed can modestly reduce serum total and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol concentrations, reduce postprandial glucose absorption, decrease some markers of inflammation, and raise serum levels of the omega-3 fatty acids, ALA and eicosapentaenoic acid.

As a source of fiber mucilage, oral flaxseed (not flaxseed oil) may possess laxative properties, although only one human trial has been conducted for this indication. Studies show that Omega-3 fatty acids help lower cholesterol and blood triglycerides, and prevent clots in arteries, which may result in strokes, heart attacks and thromboses.

You might be surprised, but flax seeds can also help with your acne problems. The presence of fatty acids in the seeds helps to control the production of androgens, which causes acne.

Like the omega-3s found in fish, it appears to reduce the risk of heart disease and numerous other ailments.

Do not step up your coffee consumption in the belief it will help you prevent diabetes. This disease has absolutely nothing to do with a lack of coffee drinking. Science and truth are not synonymous. Medical scientists do not deal with truth. The medical scientists who monkey around with coffee drinking merely play with limited and approximate descriptions of reality. In this case, extremely limited and hardly approximate.

If you are serious about preventing diabetes, you have to look at the differences between the people of the past who did not get diabetes, and the people of today who get diabetes. This entails more than merely harping on the fact the younger generation is becoming more overweight and less active.

We have plenty of newly discovered diabetics who are active and on the thin side—and they drink lots of coffee. The primary difference between the people of the past who did not get sick and die like we do, and the present lot who become diabetics, is poor nutritional status.

The diabetic-in-process has an inadequate intake of nutrients and/or excessive intake of nutrient-poor foods. Conversely, his/her healthy ancestors had a nutrient-dense diet.

The nutrient-dense diet of the past contained, minimally, four times the amount of minerals, and ten times the amount of fat-soluble vitamins found in the American diet of the late 1930’s and early 1940’s.

Folks who learn where health comes from and practice prevention won’t become diabetic, and will not need the medical community dosing them with coffee, or any other magic bullet. There is nothing as profitable to a drug company as a patient who is forced to take some drug for the rest of his life - heart medications fit in that category.

Also discussed will be the affects of our western diet on omega-3 levels and the latest research on the cardiovascular, heart, and the other health benefits of omega-3 compounds.

Essential fatty acids are further metabolized into hormone-like substances in the cell known as prostaglandins. Prostaglandins are involved in the regulation of many important physiological functions.

But saturated and trans fatty acids are more responsible to the statement above; while other polyunsaturated fats such as omega 3 fatty acids seem to offer a protective effect.

Why is Flaxseed called the Miracle Food? More at Most of the nutrients are contains in the flax seed. So from a nutritional standpoint, flax seeds are the way to go. BUT, the flax seed oil gives you a concentrated source of the "good" fats we are looking for. Which would give the oil an edge!

What You Must Know About Cosmetic Surgery

This article sets out what you must know about cosmetic surgery before considering undergoing one. Cosmetic plastic surgery is an elective surgical procedure which is performed especially in the more developed countries where people are more affluent and want to look better.

People undergoing cosmetic surgery increased by leaps and bounds in recent years very often encouraged by very extensive medical breakthroughs and less expensive surgical procedures.

Cosmetic surgery is one of the most progressive in the fields of medical research. This is partly due to the widespread acceptance among women and increasingly also men who want to look better than what they are at whatever age they are in. To go under a cosmetic surgeon's knife is no longer a taboo like it used to be in the past.

Today's modern society's pressures to look young, slim and healthy are driving more and more people to opt for cosmetic surgeries to achieve their aesthetic looks.

Although pictures can help when you are discussing your goals and expectations with your cosmetic surgeon, you should be realistic about it. The beautiful models whose faces and bodies you see in magazines and advertisements were usually born with what you see. They were already good looking in the first place and their faces are usually made to look even better with cosmetic touch ups. Their body shapes are naturally acquired because good genes, proper diet and regular exercise. Most of them have never undergone any cosmetic surgeries with only some exceptions. Therefore, you cannot reasonably expect to look very alike the supermodel or the movie star that you fancy.

However, using a picture of your favorite model as a starting point can give your surgeon some idea of the look of which you would like to own. Only after examining you can your cosmetic surgeon determine whether your aspirations are reasonably achievable.

A very important question you should ask yourself when you are thinking of undergoing a cosmetic surgery is, "Am I considering cosmetic surgery for myself or to please someone else?" It is critically important for a potential plastic surgery patient to understand that the decision to opt for the surgery should not be done just to please someone else. Yes, not even to please your husband or wife, boyfriend or girlfriend or anyone else, but the decision is made for yourself.

If your reasons for considering a cosmetic surgery are that "My boyfriend would be more attracted to me if my breasts were bigger," or "I will get better chances of getting dates if my nose is a little higher," then you should not be considering cosmetic plastic surgery because these are the thoughts of a person who is insecure with low self-esteem.

It is certainly erroneous to believe that the world will change after the surgery. What if you do not get that date that you were hoping for? Will your self confidence crash? There are some research findings that indicate many cosmetic surgery patients suffer emotional scars and some are even prone to being suicidal, but that is for another article.

Then again, the personal changes made to your face and body after the surgery can certainly boost your self confidence and self esteem. For example, someone who has completed a successful breast enlargement surgery very often find herself standing up straighter and walking with more confidence in her gait.

Do go for a detailed consultation with your cosmetic surgeon to find out what you must know the surgery you are hoping to do or even consult a psychiatrist if you think that the reason that you want to try cosmetic plastic surgery is because of low self esteem.

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Laughter Yoga in New York

Laughter yoga is a series of yogic exercises undertaken voluntarily, with the express purpose of inducing laughter. To understand the dynamics of such a session, please take the quick tour and have a peek at the photos or the video clippings.

Gently thru' breathing and yogic exercises, we reach your heart with playful laughter exercises and soon reach a crescendo of excited belly laughter. No tricks, no tickling, no alcohol and no jokes. The laughter comes straight from the heart as pure joy. As one leading personality claims "we go to the gym for physical exercise, but a laughteryoga session is a gym of the soul!". Laughteryoga is non-political, non religious, non-racial, non-threatening and non-competitive.

In 1995, the pioneer of the movement Dr. Kataria was impressed by the findings of Norman Cousins, a leading journalist in U.S.A. dying from a degenerative disease, who then thru' the therapeutic use of laughter managed to heal himself completely. Dr. Kataria then tried various methods to arouse laughter within friends & patients and for this initially tried the turn-by-turn telling of jokes. However very soon the stock of good jokes was depleted and rather than abort the experiment, he resorted to certain psycho-social and playful techniques to arouse laughter in a group. Whereas these worked to an extent, it was only when Dr. Kataria stumbled on a branch of yoga called hasya yoga (the Sanskrit original name of laughteryoga) that he was able to obtain deep, lasting belly laughter amongst his participants. He then built upon the yoga connection of laughter and designed the laughter exercises based on existing yoga postures & practices for maximum benefit.

Dr. Kataria discovered that by linking the mind-body-soul together in an integrated manner thru' yogic breathing and other yogic exercises, he could reach the very souls of the people he laughed with. These exercises are playful and value-based, thus inciting the participant to feel more excited and enthusiastic. The end result is that the inner spirit of laughter is realised, leading to hearty, aerobic belly laughter with all the attendant benefits. The full origins of laughteryoga can be studied from the yoga connection.

The brain cannot recognise self-induced laughter from the laughter from external stimuli and what to some may seem like a silly and artificial beginning almost always leads into a natural euphoric state of hearty laughter.

Since its humble beginnings in 1995, the movement has spread in scope and recognition by the media and scientific community alike and is tipped to grow considerably in the coming years.

The positive health benefits of laughter are well known as supported by the scientific research, however due to the aerobic nature of the actual laughter process, it is a good idea to heed the medical precautions to such an activity.

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

What Are The Pros And Cons Of Alli

While there are many different types of treatment for obesity, there are very few which are as effective as Alli (the diluted form of Orlistat). Even though Alli is proving very popular, having been the first obesity drug to be approved the FDA (Food and Drugs Administration) for non-prescription use in the US, the physical process of reducing the bodies fat can cause slight side effects for users. However, the benefits of the treatment far out way any side effects, and will have an immediate impact upon the users body mass.


The original drug upon which Alli is formulated, Orlistat, works by physically reducing the amount of fat which the body retains. In basic terms, when we digest food the body uses an enzyme (pancreatic lipase), which is present in the intestine, to break down the food. When the production of this enzyme is reduced (by Alli), then less of the dietary intake can be converted into fatty acids, thereby instantly reducing the caloric intake.

It is therefore possible to control the amount of fatty acids retained by the body by adjusting the dosage of Alli used by the patient. By controlling the amount of fatty acid absorbed by the body, there is less caloric intake, requiring less exercise to burn of the calories, thereby resulting in a controlled weight loss.

In tests the drug has proved to be both stable and very effective, resulting in a significant reduction in fatty acid absorption and significant weight loss. The clinical trials also highlighted the fact that once patients had stopped using Alli there was a significant weight gain.


While the pros far out way the cons for Alli users, the basic process of reducing the body’s intake of fatty acids means that additional unused fat content from the user’s diet needs to be removed from the body. The fat is therefore excreted from the body which can result in a number of mild side effects including :-

· “loose” or “oily” stools, with a distinctive aroma.

· Increased flatulence, which can obviously cause discomfort.

· Frequent and unpredictable bowels movements, which may sometimes be out of the patient’s control, if they persist with a high fat content diet.

· A reduction in the body’s absorption of fat-soluble vitamins. This slight side effect can be resolved by a regular intake of vitamin tablets to make good any deficiency.

Even though these side effects may be a little uncomfortable in the early stages of using the Alli pills, the effect can be controlled by avoiding too much fat content in the diet. If the body has less fatty content to attempt to absorb, then there will be less left over after the intake has been reduced by the enzyme inhibitor process.

While the effects of Orlistat in the original dosage was found to increase the amount of weight loss, as well as increasing the side effects, the reduced strength of Alli is proving more manageable and safer. This is the main reason why, after extensive trials, the drug has been cleared by the FDA and you can now buy Alli over the counter.

Monday, June 4, 2007

Common Knowledge About Gestational Diabetes

I did not become familiar with gestational diabetes until recently when my sister-in-law and my best friend were both diagnosed with it within a week. Many women I know, myself included, have made it through pregnancies without having any serious problems like gestational diabetes.

Basically, gestational diabetes is a disease that can come on during pregnancy but that usually disappears once the baby has been born. In some women, pregnancy results in their blood sugar levels getting out of balance. A pregnant woman might realize that she is having blood sugar problems on her own or it might take a doctor to determine that her levels are not normal. Regardless of how it is discovered, gestational diabetes is a serious issue that needs to be handled with caution and care throughout a woman's pregnancy and after.

When my sister-in-law and my closest friend were struggling with feeling abnormally up and down during their pregnancies, their doctor took blood tests and determined that their blood sugar levels were being affected by their pregnancies and their food choices. They were both diagnosed simply by having this blood work done. At first they were hesitant and scared because gestational diabetes sounded huge and they didn't know how relatively simple the treatment process could be.

Gestational diabetes, because it is primarily an imbalance of blood sugar, can often be regulated by changes in diet and levels of exercise. The amount of changes that are necessary are dependant upon how poor of habits the women have to begin with. My sister-in-law and my friend had to make different levels of changes to their diets, but neither had to make such significant changes that their lifestyle was radically altered. Mostly their changes consisted of going on a low-sugar and low-carb eating plan. Gestational diabetes brings a risk of the baby getting to large during its gestational period and needing to be delivered early or by c-section. The more the pregnant mother cuts down on sugar intake, the less likely it is that the baby will get too large to be delivered vaginally.

You Thought Thai Massage Originates From Thailand?

Asian massage is very popular as a form of therapy and relaxation. The tradition Asian massage techniques have been developed and refined in India and the Far East over many centuries.

Thai Massage originates in India, Thai massage techniques is a combination of guided stretching and Meridian pressure techniques with Pranayama breathing. This form of massage was brought to Thailand by Dr Shivago K., in Buddah’s time about some 2500 years ago. Pranayama breathing technique is meant for cleansing the body and strengthening ones nervous system. Pranayama breathing is also said to help in boosting the immune system, focusing, concentration, and more efficient oxidation of the blood. Massage is done on a mat or firm mattress on the floor. The recipient is made to practice yoga-like positions during the massage. At the end of the massgae, most recipients find Thai massage very relaxing and refreshing.

Shiatsu Massage hails from the Japanese words - shi, meaning finger, and atsu, implying pressure. It is another form of Asian massage developed in the Far East, known to most as originating in Japan. It uses the pressure of thumb, palms, and fingers, and works along the energy meridians of the body with the same meridians as acupressure. The health benefits of Shiatsu massage include rebalancing of bone system, improvement in our circulatory function, enhanced balance of the nervous system and increase greater flexibility of skin and muscle.

Chinese Tui Na massage is actually a form of Chinese manipulative therapy that was developed more than 5000 years ago. This Asian massage is often used in combination with the acupuncture, Chinese herbalism and other natural health therapies. The essence of this massage lies in applying pressure to the body at certain key points - just like acupressure. It uses a series of pressing, tapping, and kneading with the therapist’s palms, fingertips, knuckles or certain implements that are said to remove minor blockages along the meridians of the body.

The result is the stimulating of qi (natural respiration of the body) and blood to promote natural healing. Tui na massage is used as an alternate treatment for both acute and chronic musculoskeletal conditions, as well as certain non-musculoskeletal conditions. It also has fewer side effects than many modern drug-based and chemical-based treatments since it is totally based on natural therapy.

Javanese Massage of Indonesia is another popular type of Asian massage. It uses all parts of the therapist’s hand, (knuckles, palms and fingers) to knead and massage the body muscles. The whole massage procedure is facilitated by using massage oil. Javanese massage relieves tension, alleviates back pain and helps in the healing of fractures. Though it is the most robust (and sometime even painful) type of Asian massage but very beneficial for your health.

Color--The Pathway To The Soul

You are what you eat, and you are what you think, but do you know that you are also the color that you choose? The fact that colors have psychological significance and that meditating on them can heal old, emotional wounds is the basis of Dr. John Diamond's breakthrough in Meditative therapy--the Diamond Color Meditation. Working with Dr. Max Luscher and the Luscher Color Schematics, Dr. Diamond has produced a meditation that allows us to access the healing energies we need at the unconscious level.

Dr. Diamond is a pioneering figure in alternative and holistic medicine. He began his career in psychiatry, but expanded into holistic medicine. His body of work, which embraces a wide range of disciplines from psychiatry to applied kinesiology to music, is as long as his credentials. He now practices as a Holistic Consultant in New York. Dr. Diamond is also associated with Life Energy Foundation.

According to Dr. Diamond and Dr. Luscher, colors have deep psychological significance that go back to our primitive, unconscious roots. "I love the unconscious and have worked there, lived there for many years and I have not only a great belief in it but a great respect for it," says Dr. Diamond. The color palette presented in the Diamond Color Meditation allows us to access the unconscious energies we need to heal our wounds. These energies are part of the great healing force--The Life Energy--that we can all activate within us.

Most of us evade the pain of our wounds by escaping into unhealthy addictions for work, food, toxic substances, toxic relationships or toxic beliefs. Living on the surface in this manner denies us the power to confront our wounds in a genuine manner and transform them into healing energies. However, meditating on the colors and symbols of the Diamond Color Meditation allows us to shift out of stress and anxiety into a state of being loved or "Belovedness." It is this state of total surrender to a sense of being loved that allows for the power of deep healing. All colors have a spiritual dimension, according to Dr. Diamond, but the color fuschia in particular has this quality that transports us to our mother--the One.

Anguish and pain prevent us from seeing and living in the One. When we are in this state, according to Dr, Diamond, "we are in the dark. No amount of material objects, money or cars will actually fulfill our deepest pain, longing and suffering. Sometimes these roadblocks are conscious, but more often than not they are unconscious."

"I believe that you have to approach [the unconscious] with awe, respect, admiringly, and lovingly because to me, it is the very heart, or essence, of the person. It is not something to be trampled on or approached without deep respect." The Diamond Color Meditation is a perfect way allowing us access to our unconscious in a respectful, loving manner. Re-establishing the state of being "beloved" at an unconscious level means that we are treating our anxieties and pain at their primal source--the site of primal wounding. Engaging the unconscious in this manner releases tremendous healing power.

While drugs can bring about symptomatic relief, true lealing always involves a change in a person's attitude towards himself, his situation and life. color meditation allows us to tap into the great healing force within us--Life Energy.

Sunday, June 3, 2007

7 Tips For Boys On How to Deal With Their Acne

Many people believe that boy's puberty and acne should not be seen as a problem but boys might disagree. Acne can have an affect on the confidence of the young man and makes this transitional time harder to live with.

Boys, puberty and acne can be controlled if you know what to do. When the boy starts showing signs of acne you can try changing his diet. Some folks agree that eating greasy foods or foods that contain chocolate may add to the problem of boys, puberty and acne. Although most experts disagree with this acne myth.

It is important for the boy to keep his face clean. There are many products on the market that can be used for cleansing if acne is a problem. Boys during puberty may find these products to be helpful.

Sometimes puberty and stress can combine to make acne even worse. Find the causes of stress and work on reducing or eliminating it. The acne itself can lead to stress and then you have a vicious cycle. A boy during puberty does not need the added stress of acne.

When you are dealing with boys during puberty it is helpful to know some things about acne. Here are some tips about boys during puberty who are experiencing acne.

Acne tip #1: Take the condition seriously. Acne outbreaks may not seem like a big deal to you but they may be a big deal to a boy during puberty.

Acne tip #2: Suggest a gentle skin cleaning regimen rather than severe scrubbing with harsh cleaners. A mild cleanser that can be used twice a day is all that is needed.

Acne tip #3: Ask a doctor or dermatologist for skin car advice. A health care professional will be able to guide you as far as a good cleaning program.

Acne tip #4: It is not a good idea to squeeze or pick at blemishes. This practice only makes the acne worse, and makes the scars last longer.

Acne tip #5: Try using acne skin care products that do not promote blemishes. There are skin care products that are labeled as non-comedogenic that should not clog pores.

Acne tip #6: If the boy is shaving try using different types of razors. Sometimes an electric razor is the best but for other boys a safety razor will be more comfortable.

Acne tip #7: If the acne is severe you may need a dermatologist to prescribe a medication for the boy during puberty. Sometimes a prescription is necessary to lessen the affects of the acne.

Boys during puberty need a lot of support and understanding. Discovering the best way to combat an acne condition will help a teenager during puberty so that he can deal with all the other changes that he is going through.

7 Tips For Boys On How to Deal With Their Acne

Many people believe that boy's puberty and acne should not be seen as a problem but boys might disagree. Acne can have an affect on the confidence of the young man and makes this transitional time harder to live with.

Boys, puberty and acne can be controlled if you know what to do. When the boy starts showing signs of acne you can try changing his diet. Some folks agree that eating greasy foods or foods that contain chocolate may add to the problem of boys, puberty and acne. Although most experts disagree with this acne myth.

It is important for the boy to keep his face clean. There are many products on the market that can be used for cleansing if acne is a problem. Boys during puberty may find these products to be helpful.

Sometimes puberty and stress can combine to make acne even worse. Find the causes of stress and work on reducing or eliminating it. The acne itself can lead to stress and then you have a vicious cycle. A boy during puberty does not need the added stress of acne.

When you are dealing with boys during puberty it is helpful to know some things about acne. Here are some tips about boys during puberty who are experiencing acne.

Acne tip #1: Take the condition seriously. Acne outbreaks may not seem like a big deal to you but they may be a big deal to a boy during puberty.

Acne tip #2: Suggest a gentle skin cleaning regimen rather than severe scrubbing with harsh cleaners. A mild cleanser that can be used twice a day is all that is needed.

Acne tip #3: Ask a doctor or dermatologist for skin car advice. A health care professional will be able to guide you as far as a good cleaning program.

Acne tip #4: It is not a good idea to squeeze or pick at blemishes. This practice only makes the acne worse, and makes the scars last longer.

Acne tip #5: Try using acne skin care products that do not promote blemishes. There are skin care products that are labeled as non-comedogenic that should not clog pores.

Acne tip #6: If the boy is shaving try using different types of razors. Sometimes an electric razor is the best but for other boys a safety razor will be more comfortable.

Acne tip #7: If the acne is severe you may need a dermatologist to prescribe a medication for the boy during puberty. Sometimes a prescription is necessary to lessen the affects of the acne.

Boys during puberty need a lot of support and understanding. Discovering the best way to combat an acne condition will help a teenager during puberty so that he can deal with all the other changes that he is going through.

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Evangelist N CEO, Green N Brown, leading and fastest growing online store for eco-friendly products. Devoted to help people make greener choices in their everyday lives. Committed to 'Greening the Planet' and driving the Green Revolution 'bottoms up'.